Thursday, August 24, 2006

Succeed on Extraordinary Terms

by Dale Shumaker

Lessons from top achievers are compiled by authors' Herb Greenberg and Patrick in Succeed on Your Own Terms. They traveled world wide to interview many people in many diverse fields to find out what success is to them. They found many differing views... thus the tag-line that success is really “on your own terms.”

One ingredient is knowing where you are going and defining success from that. "What becomes immediately recognizable was the undeniable sense that these individuals are all doing exactly what they should be doing. They are in tune with themselves." They said that "individual potential is far more important than his or her experience." Don't look to a person's past but look what is inside them.

(They use the Caliper profile for the best reading of individual motivation, strengths and potential, )

So the purpose of the book is about gaining a deeper understanding of playing to your own strengths. They generally saw success as more of knowing yourself and not so much what you have. The real winners in this world are those who truly know their own strengths and create situations that play to their strengths.

What is success?

"I can feel successful from just moving my agenda forward," says Senator Barbara Boxer. "I have an inner strength that helps me see the right thing to do... for me succeeding is being true to myself. I don't always win, but I'm still succeeding on my own terms. All I can do is be true to myself."

Money alone is not the true measure of success, says Rebecca Stephens, 1st woman to climb Mt. Everest. "Unexpected obstacles can come your way." If you put everything you have in it, you can consider yourself successful. So there is more than one way to succeed.
It is "knowing your defining qualities,
calling it your own,
and breathing life into it can go a long way.”

The definitions of success have these defining qualities.
"Perseverance, goal oriented, self awareness, resilience, willingness to take risks, thriving on pressure, optimism, empathy, competitiveness, patience, persuasiveness, confidence, passion, integrity, trust, having fun, being open, creativity and courage."

The book has extensive personal profiles on each of these defining qualities featuring an outstanding person around each of the specific qualities.

In life there is no way to avoid risks, so you might as well take your risks on purpose. Find a niche that plays to your own strengths, distinct from anyone else, then own it. Play with passion.... that this is your last performance. Those that keep growing "are open to new experiences; they are also open to learn more about themselves." Creativity is birthed from those with a sense of humor, keeping a sense of youthfulness throughout your entire life.

People who succeed seemed to fall into two categories... "knowing themselves" and "knowing the world around them," i.e., focusing on inner strength and having a natural ability to see opportunities as they came along. The authors came up with 29 ways this is done... from lifestyles of introspection to defying the odds of what existed around them.

A theme that continued to surface was being true to yourself. To honestly see yourself for who you truly are and living life consistently with that. Our talents and abilities naturally lead us to truth, inner truth of who we are and when that can be applied to the greatest contribution, to the world's benefit and to our own sense of self-worth or value.

Seeing ourselves and seeing others with a framework of integrity (to our true self and respect to others) are pinnacle virtues.

Great people live in the Power of Faith.
The Bible says the righteous live by faith. (Hebrews 10:38)

What we believe we bring into being.
"Fear is dangerous. It turns into fact the things we fear. It creates evil just as faith creates good." (John G. Lake)

What God promises we can hold on to as fact. The power of Spirit has become a privilege for us to live in all of God's power. We are made right with God through faith. We are made right with Him with Jesus' one act.... He was resurrected. The only person ever to do this. And Now He gives us the same privilege... to be resurrected from all the deaths we face in our lives.

As we align ourselves in alignment with Spirit that works Greatly in us we live in the Character of God. The Scriptures say we are not under the Laws of Old but we live by Spirit.
"But now we have been released from the law, for we died with Christ, and we are no longer captive to its power. Now we can really serve God, not in the old way by obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way, by the Spirit." (Romans 7:6)

We excel with this new power that works in us, and we heed the inner voice of the Spirit. We can listen to this Supernatural voice of God's very own intelligence directing our paths…God's very own Spirit of creative Power working for us.

This is all possible...for those who have faith and believe.

In Ever Increasing Faith by Smith Wigglesworth, he inspirationally defines faith and its character. Note:

"God wants us to be free in every part of life. Men and women are tired of imitations, they want reality; they want to see people who have the Living Christ within, filled with Spirit Power."

"Spirit has a realm of divine life opening up to us where there are boundless possibilities, where there is limitless power, where there are untold resources, where we have victory over every conceivable force that could face us."

"There is only darkness in the natural. Darkness only exists when the natural is put in place of the divine."

"He keeps us so that no evil can touch us. I see a place in God where evil forces dare not come...Hidden in God. And He invites us all to come into this Secret Place of the Most High God." God has this place for us in Spirit.

"The impartation of this power produces everything you need; but it comes only as our faith moves out for its impartation. Faith gives us victory. If you believe... It Is Yours!"

"You can never be ordinary from the day you receive this life from above. You become extraordinary, filled with extraordinary power from the extraordinary Spirit of God that lives in you."

"There is no stopping the current of life,
of love, of inspiration, and of Power.
God has brought unlimited resources for everyone."

In faith accept Spirit in you,
align to this flow of Spirit through you,
and live courageously with integrity and empathy.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Best Biz Book Ever

by Dale Shumaker

The greatest book every written is the Bible.
It has been reported that it is the most quoted book by CEO's when giving speeches.

In a survey, managers were asked which current business book was one they most often gave to their staff. The survey had the Bible as #4 on the list... especially the New Living Translation.

Think of it... You have predictive intelligence, insight on what will happen and what will happen under varied circumstances by Prophets of old.

Power principles that get incredible results as explained by Jesus.

Great relationship principles in creating super teams and power groups in action as expressed by Jesus' Apostles.

And how it all will end in the Revelation of the Apostle John.

To consider these as God's Very Precepts shared through the ages at different times, in different events, gives us a invaluable resource for Greatness in life, business and relationships.

Isaiah, a prophet from the Old Testament in the Bible, said...
"Search the book of the LORD, and see what he will do. He will not miss a single detail... His Spirit will make it all come true." (Isaiah 34:16)

The Old Testament was written to show this to be true. Everything it forecast about Jesus coming to earth as God Himself came true. It's information has proven to be the most reliable in holding up throughout history. I see it as the manufacturing guide book on how to run this human life more effectively, how to run a business venture... to code as prescribed by our Maker.

The Spirit (that Isaiah mentioned) that makes it all come true is the same Spirit we have access to... when we get an impression from reading, pondering a Scripture in the Bible, that has specific premonition for us.

These impressions we get many times come true, when inspired to us while reflecting on the Bible.

Here are the Bible translations I like the best.

The New Living Translation (NLT) is my favorite translation. It has inspiration with a nice flow in the words and phrases.
The New American Standard is another one I use a lot along side the NLT. It is not as easy to follow its reading style but has excellent literal accuracy.
The New International Version is very popular too. It has a good reading flow with accuracy in translations.
The Message is an excellent paraphrase with an emphasis on getting the intended message using analogies related to today. It is not considered to be a translation.

Of course there are many others. But these are my favorites. I like when they have cross reference scriptures on the column which shows where a theme is repeated else where.

Free Bible translations on the Internet.

The following are websites which have the Bible, and many translations, on the internet. Several have dictionaries and commentaries available too, with full Bible search for key words, Scriptures and subjects.
Great for doing keyword searches.
E-word has a nice feature of emailing daily readings of your choosing to you. You can also set yourself up on a reading-the-Bible-in-a-year plan. They have many translations and languages to choose from.
It has several selections of leading commentaries, dictionaries, concordances and lexicons.
Some of the best daily devotionals are included on this site.
A business person's daily devotional is also featured with several Spirituality in the marketplace books to browse.

For me, when I reflect while reading a section of the Bible I get some creative, inspired insight almost every time and I am always encouraged to handle something I am facing with more courage, boldness and with Spiritual Intelligence.

"If you turn away from any part of God's Truth, the enemy will surely get an adavantage over you." (Smith Wigglesworth) In God's Truth is power that protects you and the power that empowers you. The Scriptures speak invincible truths into your heart.

Learning and experiencing True Spirit is each person's responsibility. No one can teach you. You must learn it on your own.

"I will personally teach you through my Spirit,"
Jesus said.(John 14:26)

The Bible on the internet can help you. I especially like E-Word's daily reading selections, and Gospelcom's devotionals.

Spirituality is a very personal thing, very intimate, very revealing, and very Powerful. It gives you True Supernatural Personal Power.

Seek it, it will not disappoint you. You'll never be alone.

Spirit, interactively walks with you.... Always!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

New Rules: things are a changin'

by Dale Shumaker

New Rules in business.
Fortune magazine recently published an article saying Jack Welch’s Winning rules are becoming old rules. They are being challenged by Fortune (July 24, 2006 issue). Although Welch continues to hold his ground and claims that if applied correctly his rules will work forever.

Fortune says... "we don't buy that."
(You may recall Fortune was the first major magazine that questioned Enron in how they were doing things.) These rules don't work and we need to get away from them.

The rules that made business big in the 90’s are being replaced by new ones as we enter the 2010 era… it appears are we in a major business shift that will stick it heads in line of the radar as we enter the second decade of 2000.

"We must begin by tearing down the old so the we can really open ourselves to something different." Here’s the difference (according to Fortune) :

Old Rules: Big Dogs Own the Street
New Rules: Agile Is Best; Being Big Can Bite You
Until the end of the century Big meant “good” in business. Today is it more important to be flexible and have variability in costs. With the new technologies, changing business models, outsourcing, partnering, alliance opportunities we can convert fixed costs to variable costs.

Old Rules: Be #1 or #2 in Your Market
New Rule: Find a Niche, Create Something New
Coke was big, but people started liking the new energy drinks coming out. "Never mind that energy-drink market was tiny then. We look for niches and see how they grow," says Rodney Sacks, CEO of Hansen Natural Corp. In just 4 years sales quadrupled to $348 million.

Starbucks CEO, Jim Donald, says instead of focusing on being #1 “the company has kept moving, evolving, trying new things."

Old Rule: Shareholders Rule
New Rule: The Customer is King
Every 4 years the average business loses half of its customers and the market is seeing more "stock flipping" attention then the old buy-and-hold ways… especially sticking with a Big Boy Corp.

Companies like Apple and Genentech host dreaming sessions with their customers and heed them more than the Wall Street ideology that plays to hit the numbers. "When everyone is focused on delivering for customers, that makes employees proud. They become a powerful engine," Bain's Co.’s Fred Reichheld.

Old Rule: Be Lean and Mean
New Rule: Look Out, Not In
Six Sigma internal improvement system was a Welch favorite. He touted it almost religiously. But too much focus inside can cause you to lose sight of what is going on outside. Companies tend to get more “inside-ish” the bigger and older they get. The ability to get information on new markets is exploding. "Getting outside is everything... if you're not externally focused in this world, you can really lose your edge." GE's new CEO Jeff Immelt.

Old Rule: Rank Your Players
New Rule: Hire Passionate People
The best are not always the best if they are not committed to the cause. Steve Jobs of Apple looks for people passionate about what they do. Genentech screens out those who seem too preoccupied with titles and options.

Old Rule: Hire Charismatic CEO
New Rule: Hire Courageous CEO
The celebrity CEO needs a spotlight; today's CEO leaders need internal fortitude. Playing for the market is not always the best play. Spending money for long term gain takes more guts today. It won't help you hit the numbers tomorrow but later it will be better. It now is more about taking more courage to do what is right regardless of the dance on the street

Old Rule: Admire My Might
New rule: Admire My Soul
Isdell of Coke says, "I do not agree that the role of the corporation is solely to make money. Our legitimacy in society is a very important part of what we do."

Vision and mission are about soul and they many times have a long term view. People are now buying more and more into soul and it is not as much solely about the dollar. The complete article at:

Megatrends 2010 says to watch for a major business shift. Expect to see the dawning of Spirituality in business.

“I am doing a new thing” exclaims Isaiah, the Prophet. (Isaiah 43:19)

The old temple is being torn down and being replaced. Barna in Revolution says there is an under-the-radar movement of individual earnest in seeking a true personal, real world application spirituality. This group does not see the answer in current institutions. They are looking for realness, relevance. They are internally driven, internally motivated. These "Revolutionaries," as Barna calls them, want the true grit… prophet-level relationships with God and blood-level relationships with each other. It’s a level of personal commitment not seen so intensely before.

There’s a return to finding our own soul, getting in line to be in God’s Soul, and living out His Power, love and kindness in our “everyday” lives.

How do we personally find Spiritual relevancy in our lives?

Andrew Murray outlines this method for Spiritual Power from his classic book Prayer Power. Murray said we are the Temple (our bodies) of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor.6:19). Our make up is a parallel to the Temple described in the Old Testament of the Bible... with the outer court, the inner court and the Most Holy Place or as Murray calls it "The Secret Place of the Most High." The Place where the actual Spirit of God, the creator of the universe, the whole universal presence, exists!

...We are now this temple...!

"The Secret Place of the Most High" is in us! Our bodies are the place where all of God's... beyond-definition, unmatchable... Spirit exists. It is up to us to tap it. Murray had a method for tapping into this in....Hints for the Inner Chamber.

1. As you enter the Inner Chamber, focus first on what the Power of Spirit is really about. Take time to think on all the creative, unique, spectacular things the very Spirit of Jesus has done and can do. Think of all the good things which have happened to you that you feel Jesus Spirit was directly involved in making it happen. Look to all the wonderful things that have come into your life. Have a thankful heart of Jesus Spirit who has provided all these for you.

2. Prepare for prayer by contemplating on the Scriptures from the Bible. Prayer... Murray defines as a dialogue....time listening, responding, interacting, asking, listening, reviewing, asking, writing, pondering,etc.... it's interactive.

Start meditation times with The Inspired Scriptures, times going into the very Inner Chamber of where all the power that created the universe made you and will continue bringing miracles into your life. Think on the verses, ideas you get from the Bible about all these areas. Don't take too much time on difficult Bible passages that you don't understand. (Be concerned about them later.)

For this time, read until you find the verse that totally captures your imagination, gives you a spark of faith, makes you want to grab it and run with it.

3. When you feel you have put this faith word in your heart, then turn to praying. Praying again is conversation, knowing the Inner Chamber of God's very own Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, is taking it all in, and all the thoughts and impressions you get then, are Jesus literally talking to you. Use a note book and begin writing down what you ask Him for... be specific and "definite" as Murray says. Carry this with you, make notes in it daily, date it and note when you see the answer materializing. Some call these prayer journals.

Seeing it before it happens as if it is, has already happened is very powerful. Thanking and being grateful before it happens is also very powerful. It adds an additional dynamic in spirit transaction, transporting thought into reality. This makes prayer, as so many call it, a very exciting time as you read thoughts (from the Bible and inspired literature) and discover relevant applications to life... seeing it happening in your mind's eyes... birthed from the Secret Place of the Most High within your own body... working with you... as part of you... making this happen.

4. As we pray for ourselves, include what others want also. Begin seeing what friends, spouse, others are asking for, to happen for them too. See them as God sees them and pray for the Greatness in their lives as theSpirit of Jesus would want to see in them.

5. Then seal it... know the Inner Chamber controls the world around it and what you have meditated on, see happening through your eyes of faith and vision, see all this as in motion and now happening. Remind yourself through the day, this has been sealed in the Inner Chamber. The very Most High presence of God Himself, outstanding presence of Jesus in you, has taken in this matter. It is sealed, done, on its way. When you leave your quiet meditative times with this fixed in your thoughts the Spirit comes dramatically alive in you. He walks along side us in our lives with an extra set of confidence, boldness accompanying all we do. (Prayer Power by Andrew Murray, Whitaker, 1998, pp. 95-102.)

Murray concluded this thought by reminding us that there is an investment return factor too. Time you spend in quiet confidence, living in God's Inner Chamber, the Spirit of Jesus in you, is directly related to God's working power through you. The more time spent there, the greater the Power of Spirit you will see being enacted in your life. Jesus often spent the whole night in this state, in the very Presence of Spirit of the Universe. These events were always followed by the most astounding happenings the next day.

If you are willing to invest the time,
more of what you Will to be...
will be part of your life.

The life created in the Most Secret Place
will become your life in the world around you.