by Dale Shumaker
Put more Cash in Your Pocket by Loral Langemeier was published in paperback right out the shoot. It is her response to help those who have seen incomes diminish to get back to where they want. Loral's theme is that you don't need to scrimp, but find ways to make money to cover the difference. Everyone can make an extra $500 to $1000 a month by putting Loral's business process in motion. People don't want to start businesses but make extra money. She shows how to create a small business(income venture) to make that extra money with what you have now. Here are the ingredients she identifies that will get you there, and get you there in 30 days.
When most people see their money getting tight, they usually find ways to cut back. Loral says this is the wrong way of thinking. The best thing you can do when finances get tight is to focus on making more money. In this quickly released book, she said you start by uncovering the skills you have, come up with money making ideas around your skills, test if the idea can make money fast, execute the idea immediately, perfect the idea later. She shares this process with worksheets in the book...on making more money ($500 to $1000 every month) to pay off debt or get the things you want. Along the way, Loral has several stories of how other regular folks have done it.
For now, follow her worksheet suggestions and this will get you on the way.
You can make new money and not squirrel away what you have.Written so the average person can follow, she likens her process to setting up your own lemonade stand. You draw on skills and abilities you already possess. Do what you know that the customer already understands, what you already do at work or have done. Do a work/task list of everything you do every day to find niches. Make a hobby list. What chores do you do and how do you do them? What services have you volunteered for? Now make a list of all you can do, that you know people want or need.
Discover the idea. From the lists above craft your skills and abilities. List the resources you have and will need to do what you want to do. Describe the type of personality you have. Get a handle on this. Do what is consistent with who you are.
Test the idea. Figure out how many hours a week it will take to make what you want. How many piano lessons, clients for your dog-sitting service a month at what rate will it take to make $1000 a month. Do the math. See if people will pay that. The idea is making money fast. What money path will it follow? How long will it take to get paid for what you do? Try making a simple flow chart how the money will flow. Find names, addresses, phone numbers in the phone book, do an internet search. If others are doing what you are doing it means a market exists.
Replicate and Duplicate. Follow the leaders and do as others have done in what you want to do. Model your business after an existing business. It's about making money fast, so copy what you see working by others. Talk to other businesses and talk to them as a potential customer to see how they do it. What do you see as the best elements of their business operation you can duplicate? After checking out a few businesses come up with the best plan for you.
The right price. Compare what others charge and charge a little more. It is better to go after customers willing to pay more for something extra than to target customers who are looking for the least expensive option. Loral gives examples of how to price certain products or services.
Be similar but different. It is easier to sell something people are already buying, but create your distinction. Your distinct advantage considers better service, extra value, higher quality, convenience. List five distinctions for what you do. In two sentences, write a track talk on what you do. In these sentences cover your business offer, service/product you provide, distinct advantage, to whom you provide your services.
Ask for cash. Write down your direct positive pitch to your customer. Have your paperwork ready which includes your order form, a one-page contract, a flier, your price list. Describe your customer and write down names and addresses of them. Write down your message and the tools you will use to communicate your message. Consider websites (some have ready to use online tools), online social networking. Seek rejections. Get ten people to turn you down and find out the reason they did. Change your message each time to improve on what each didn't like. After ten rejections you will have found a much stronger message.
Take a moment to reflect on what you got so far. Create a list of the steps to take to get your business up and running. Develop a procedure to follow from getting an order through fulfilling that order.Track every dollar coming and going. Create a countdown checklist and write down everything you need to do to get things up and running. Create a list of expenses that are tax deductible and be sure to keep records of all these areas.
Doing your business is your learning experience. From every action you will learn something. Bad days will teach a lot, so learn from them and keep going. Loral says that you will learn in this sequence...Action... Experience... Evidence... Confidence... Action.
From every action you will start to grow. You may want to formalize the business. Check on business license in your area, consult with an accountant and attorney, computerize, community-ize (get around, get involved), expand operations, widen market, added additional products/services.
Learn how to earn. Read books, websites of those who know. Teach your children how money works by your example. They may want to build a lemonade stand someday.The back of the book has IRS forms to show you some records you will want to keep.
Loral invites you to join Live Out Loud at
You are beautifully and wonderfully made.
There is no one like you. Many see it and marvel at who you are. Consider this and let your bright side show.
You are beautifully and wonderfully made... as David the psalmist wrote in Psalm 139:
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.
17 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!
18 I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up, you are still with me!
The Great hymn, Count your Blessings, is so practical. Take your pen and paper and write down all the things you did in life and and all the skills and abilities they show you have. These are God's Blessings. Keep your eyes on this and remember there are even more. The Lyrics to the song go somethings like this.
Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Count your blessings and note all that God has done.
Count your blessings, and see what God has built in you.
Count your blessings and see the gifts he still has for you to use.
Ponder in your heart the original lyrics of this hymn written in 1897. Read them thoughtfully and see all God has done and will still do through you.
When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing as the days go by.
When you look at others with their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings.
Wealth can never buy Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be disheartened, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.
All the Gifts of God are in you. All the gifts you need to get through... God's Spirit has provided for you.
(Contact me directly at 417-224-3517, , I also do free on-site presentations.)
The Art of Spirituality in Life and our Work... Advancing Spirit-Powered Missionaries in the Marketplace
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Recession Buster Series breaks through the Recession
by Dale Shumaker
What can we apply today from the Great Biz Book Classics which got us out of the Great Depression? The biz classics... Think and Grow Rich, Success through a Positive Mental Attitude, The Greatest Miracle in the World, How to Win Friends and Influence People, and the Secret of the Ages.
The principles from these books, if applied today, will absolutely jettison us out of the Great Recession of 2009, like they did in the Great Depression which began 1929.The Recession Buster series is the Best of the Biz Book Classics which initiated the boom decades the rest of the 1900's... when the computer, internet, wireless technologies were founded.Their impact on business today will surpass what happened about a century ago.The industrial and technological worlds emerged then, now we will see a new technology... human relationship and a Spiritual expansion.
I saw a formula emerging that will advance us to the next phase, that supersedes the past, and empower us to a new greatness today. How can we learn from these Business Classics. Here's a few overriding themes. (Note the November 21, 2009 Recession Buster blog.)
1. Faith: Seeing new potential in problems.
All potential is based on God's Power. They all had unwavering faith in God.They all believed in God's Divine participation with us. So we share in a Supernatural partnership that can do all things. What God conceived He made and His Spirit continues to make. Believing that God conceives through His Creation, Mankind, as we live in His will and methods, He creates through us.
The result is we have earth creating Power available in our lives within this partnership. W. Clement Stone felt we should follow the will of God and all things are possible with this Faith, or what he called a positive mental attitude.
Faith is our creative vision of new potential.
2. Transform your mind.
A new mind is needed consistent with transformational ability. Our minds are naturally cynical, whereas this needs to be reversed to work in line with God's Mind (Faith, Hope, Love) that accomplishes all He sets to do, the Spirit of God is unlimited in what it can do. We must live like this too. So positive mental renewal programming is required. This has to be done daily to counteract what we get from the world around us daily.
It takes deliberate mental rehearsal to accomplish this.
Move the mind from negative to Positive,
from critical to the Possible,
from what's wrong to "How I can fix it!" way of thinking.
We do this by inundating our mind with Spiritual Thought, continually; by listening, thinking, speaking, reading, interacting... thinking in a positive, solution potential frame of mind. To do this the mind must be transformed, so it is natural in how it functions. And it requires a disciplined, constant renewal program.
Walk in the Image of Life God has for you, as Og Mandino expressed in the God Memorandum.
Transform your Mind.
3. Form Dreaming Teams.
A Dreaming Team is those who dream with you for positive solutions. Those who collaborate to find ways to carry them out to create new results. Napoleon Hill called them mastermind groups, Jesus said where two or three agree it will be done.
These Action, Dreaming Teams, formed among people we click with, requires a Spirit of Harmony. The Spirit of Love is the overriding quality that is continually expressed. This includes respect for each other, love and care for those on our team, practical help and constant encouragement, cheer leading and consoling, belief and proactive help, with a high level of cooperation and synergy among members of the team. Carnegie's relationship dynamics figured in heavily to instigate the power that surfaced.
The Dreaming Team is a creative opportunity group, who dissects problems and finds potential and opportunity in problems. They are problem solvers whose solutions become the new opportunity. They are opportunity inventors and creators.
It's a talent flow which creates economic flow.
Dreaming Teaming, or teaming to dream, is the new Power Cell that will Create Miracles.
4. Strategic Action
Hill, Stone, Collier all had Strategic Action in their plans. Although the strategic action included Divine Guidance as part of it. In other words, they relied on God-Inspired ideas and sought God orchestrated direction. They believed you could hear from God and have His High level of intelligence at work with you.
They combined knowledge with Divine Strategy and added cooperative action. The Other People factor played into all they did... other people's ideas, skills, resources and resourcefulness. Talent combined with an ability to get things done-well gets superior results.
It's important to improve personal skills and especially Spiritual skills; and where skills are lacking to solicit skills of others who do excel where you don't.
Today we see a move toward appreciating the value of Intellectual Capital.
A new move, or the new wave is toward Spiritual Capital... this will transform everything.
Spirit Creates Matter!
The lineage of faith, reprogramming, master dream teaming with Divinely Inspired strategies (which they produce) is the facilitating factor for recovery from anything. It's well executed, strategic, cooperative systems that matter.
5. Making Noble contributions to a society is what motivated them.
They become cause based and labored in a strong sense of purpose. All problems that they solved had a Higher purpose. The Opportunities which become evident were an important contribution to society and the needs people were struggling with. Living a life of contribution has the character of unselfish ambition, with a noble desire to make the world a much better place. Find that magnificent obsession, the cause you can live and breath that you would want to create millions of dollars to solve and activate.
Miracle Faith evolves. Take your problem... and make a cause out of it.
Jesus outlined, in Matthew 25, the Spiritual process.
Keep your lamp full... stay Filled with the Spirit, and let that rule you.
Use your talents to their highest level and make the most of your gifts... don't accept mediocrity, develop your talents to be exceptional in using them.
Help those who need help in ways that bring transformation into people's lives, especially those less fortunate than you.
Study the Power Principles of the Scriptures...
Learn from the Classic Christian writers...
Our commission then is not to build business but use business to build the Kingdom of God... this creates commerce.
Make the Kingdom of God be your Primary aim.
Rebuild a new society that is run by a Spiritual Drive Train.
In Summary, these Classic Authors recognized God as part of their lives and active in fulfilling their heart's desires.
--They believed the very Power of God was at work through them.
--To be highly effective we must transform and discipline our thinking. This requires transformation to Spiritual Thought.
--What's crucial is to unite in forming dreaming teams with others. This creates an Infinite Power, or as Jesus said, what you agree on will be done.
--All effort takes Divinely Guided Action. it requires following the principles of the Body of Christ or the joint venture of Believers in Jesus, to morph to being One and be united in love and purpose.
--This includes exercises of Faith for the impossible and diligence in the practical, things we know to do.
--The major difference is being involved in Noble causes and seeking wealth for Great Causes. Motivation is centered around Contribution, not personal gain or recognition, reflected in the teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul in the Bible.
A Transformed Business is about establishing a Spiritual economy.
When this is done, all other things are accomplished around the Spiritual economy. So the core of any highly effective business is a Spiritually-Driven, and Empowered Business or Economic stimulating system.
This brings us to a new awakening of the importance of investment in Relationship Power.
Relationship Power will convert the intangible, ideas, into tangible results.
Spiritual Power creates intelligently and Supernaturally. What Spirit creates works in extraordinary precision.
The bottom line is being a living sacrifice, transforming our minds to Spirit thought, exploiting our gifts to fulfill noble purposes, working in harmony and cooperative effort, establishing disciples of other businesses to the same method.
Become a Spiritual dynamic force in the community in which you serve, and re-create the Kingdom of God in the marketplace.
This is a Recession Buster!
What can we apply today from the Great Biz Book Classics which got us out of the Great Depression? The biz classics... Think and Grow Rich, Success through a Positive Mental Attitude, The Greatest Miracle in the World, How to Win Friends and Influence People, and the Secret of the Ages.
The principles from these books, if applied today, will absolutely jettison us out of the Great Recession of 2009, like they did in the Great Depression which began 1929.The Recession Buster series is the Best of the Biz Book Classics which initiated the boom decades the rest of the 1900's... when the computer, internet, wireless technologies were founded.Their impact on business today will surpass what happened about a century ago.The industrial and technological worlds emerged then, now we will see a new technology... human relationship and a Spiritual expansion.
I saw a formula emerging that will advance us to the next phase, that supersedes the past, and empower us to a new greatness today. How can we learn from these Business Classics. Here's a few overriding themes. (Note the November 21, 2009 Recession Buster blog.)
1. Faith: Seeing new potential in problems.
All potential is based on God's Power. They all had unwavering faith in God.They all believed in God's Divine participation with us. So we share in a Supernatural partnership that can do all things. What God conceived He made and His Spirit continues to make. Believing that God conceives through His Creation, Mankind, as we live in His will and methods, He creates through us.
The result is we have earth creating Power available in our lives within this partnership. W. Clement Stone felt we should follow the will of God and all things are possible with this Faith, or what he called a positive mental attitude.
Faith is our creative vision of new potential.
2. Transform your mind.
A new mind is needed consistent with transformational ability. Our minds are naturally cynical, whereas this needs to be reversed to work in line with God's Mind (Faith, Hope, Love) that accomplishes all He sets to do, the Spirit of God is unlimited in what it can do. We must live like this too. So positive mental renewal programming is required. This has to be done daily to counteract what we get from the world around us daily.
It takes deliberate mental rehearsal to accomplish this.
Move the mind from negative to Positive,
from critical to the Possible,
from what's wrong to "How I can fix it!" way of thinking.
We do this by inundating our mind with Spiritual Thought, continually; by listening, thinking, speaking, reading, interacting... thinking in a positive, solution potential frame of mind. To do this the mind must be transformed, so it is natural in how it functions. And it requires a disciplined, constant renewal program.
Walk in the Image of Life God has for you, as Og Mandino expressed in the God Memorandum.
Transform your Mind.
3. Form Dreaming Teams.
A Dreaming Team is those who dream with you for positive solutions. Those who collaborate to find ways to carry them out to create new results. Napoleon Hill called them mastermind groups, Jesus said where two or three agree it will be done.
These Action, Dreaming Teams, formed among people we click with, requires a Spirit of Harmony. The Spirit of Love is the overriding quality that is continually expressed. This includes respect for each other, love and care for those on our team, practical help and constant encouragement, cheer leading and consoling, belief and proactive help, with a high level of cooperation and synergy among members of the team. Carnegie's relationship dynamics figured in heavily to instigate the power that surfaced.
The Dreaming Team is a creative opportunity group, who dissects problems and finds potential and opportunity in problems. They are problem solvers whose solutions become the new opportunity. They are opportunity inventors and creators.
It's a talent flow which creates economic flow.
Dreaming Teaming, or teaming to dream, is the new Power Cell that will Create Miracles.
4. Strategic Action
Hill, Stone, Collier all had Strategic Action in their plans. Although the strategic action included Divine Guidance as part of it. In other words, they relied on God-Inspired ideas and sought God orchestrated direction. They believed you could hear from God and have His High level of intelligence at work with you.
They combined knowledge with Divine Strategy and added cooperative action. The Other People factor played into all they did... other people's ideas, skills, resources and resourcefulness. Talent combined with an ability to get things done-well gets superior results.
It's important to improve personal skills and especially Spiritual skills; and where skills are lacking to solicit skills of others who do excel where you don't.
Today we see a move toward appreciating the value of Intellectual Capital.
A new move, or the new wave is toward Spiritual Capital... this will transform everything.
Spirit Creates Matter!
The lineage of faith, reprogramming, master dream teaming with Divinely Inspired strategies (which they produce) is the facilitating factor for recovery from anything. It's well executed, strategic, cooperative systems that matter.
5. Making Noble contributions to a society is what motivated them.
They become cause based and labored in a strong sense of purpose. All problems that they solved had a Higher purpose. The Opportunities which become evident were an important contribution to society and the needs people were struggling with. Living a life of contribution has the character of unselfish ambition, with a noble desire to make the world a much better place. Find that magnificent obsession, the cause you can live and breath that you would want to create millions of dollars to solve and activate.
Miracle Faith evolves. Take your problem... and make a cause out of it.
Jesus outlined, in Matthew 25, the Spiritual process.
Keep your lamp full... stay Filled with the Spirit, and let that rule you.
Use your talents to their highest level and make the most of your gifts... don't accept mediocrity, develop your talents to be exceptional in using them.
Help those who need help in ways that bring transformation into people's lives, especially those less fortunate than you.
Study the Power Principles of the Scriptures...
Learn from the Classic Christian writers...
Our commission then is not to build business but use business to build the Kingdom of God... this creates commerce.
Make the Kingdom of God be your Primary aim.
Rebuild a new society that is run by a Spiritual Drive Train.
In Summary, these Classic Authors recognized God as part of their lives and active in fulfilling their heart's desires.
--They believed the very Power of God was at work through them.
--To be highly effective we must transform and discipline our thinking. This requires transformation to Spiritual Thought.
--What's crucial is to unite in forming dreaming teams with others. This creates an Infinite Power, or as Jesus said, what you agree on will be done.
--All effort takes Divinely Guided Action. it requires following the principles of the Body of Christ or the joint venture of Believers in Jesus, to morph to being One and be united in love and purpose.
--This includes exercises of Faith for the impossible and diligence in the practical, things we know to do.
--The major difference is being involved in Noble causes and seeking wealth for Great Causes. Motivation is centered around Contribution, not personal gain or recognition, reflected in the teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul in the Bible.
A Transformed Business is about establishing a Spiritual economy.
When this is done, all other things are accomplished around the Spiritual economy. So the core of any highly effective business is a Spiritually-Driven, and Empowered Business or Economic stimulating system.
This brings us to a new awakening of the importance of investment in Relationship Power.
Relationship Power will convert the intangible, ideas, into tangible results.
Spiritual Power creates intelligently and Supernaturally. What Spirit creates works in extraordinary precision.
The bottom line is being a living sacrifice, transforming our minds to Spirit thought, exploiting our gifts to fulfill noble purposes, working in harmony and cooperative effort, establishing disciples of other businesses to the same method.
Become a Spiritual dynamic force in the community in which you serve, and re-create the Kingdom of God in the marketplace.
This is a Recession Buster!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Recession Buster series... Greatest Biz Classics of all time
by Dale Shumaker
What did we learn from the Great Depression that we can apply to recovering from the Great Recession as the first decade of 2000 comes to an end. Five great business book classics of that recovery era have relevant principles for us today. By applying these principles, we can learn more and move America to an even higher plateau as a civilization.
As the USA was pulling out of the Great Depression, Think and Grow Rich was published by Napoleon Hill in 1935. His first work, the Laws of Success, first released in the mid1920's, was republished as Think and Grow Rich. It became a bestseller and still is today. Following that, W.Clement Stone had great success with Hill's works. Stone and Hill collaborated to write Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Og Mandino kept the ball rolling. He was highly influenced by their works and added The Greatest Miracle in the World. Then going back to the post Depression time, Dale Carnegie released How to Win Friends and Influence People still highly read today. The Secret of the Ages ran ahead of all of them. Author, Robert Collier, released his works in the mid 1920's.
Here's the high points and power principles of their works that we can use even more influentially today. The complete summaries of these great business classics are archived on this blog from September-November, 2008.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is probably the achievement classic of all time. His interviews with the wealthiest men of the early 1900's, commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, resulted in this comprehensive, most thoroughly researched success manual ever written. Hill, before writing Think and Grow Rich, interviewed over 500 multimillionaires of his day introduced to him by Andrew Carnegie.
Thoughts are things. What we think about frequently and with emotion, good or bad, eventually materialize in our lives. When thoughts are mixed with purpose, persistence, and a burning desire, they are translated into riches.
Desire has no retreat... the first step to riches. The way your desire is transmuted into its financial equivalent consists of six definite and practical steps.
1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire.
2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire.
3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money.
4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
5. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
6. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night and once after arising in the morning. You must believe that you are already in possession of that money. And read the statement with emotion.
"With the power of desire backed by faith, I have seen this power lift people from lowly beginnings to places of power and wealth. Nature wraps up in the impulse of strong desire 'that something' which recognizes no word as impossible."
Faith...visualization of, and belief in, attainment of desire is the next step. When faith is blended with thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibrations.
Autosuggestion, the third step, is the method for influencing the subconscious mind. Autosuggestion is the term that applies to all suggestions and all self-administrated stimuli that reach your mind through your five senses. By allowing certain thoughts in the conscious part of the brain, it programs the subconscious to do what it suggests.
The fourth step to riches is specialized knowledge. Specialized knowledge is from personal experiences or observations. Knowledge alone will attract little money. Knowledge alone is not power, but a potential to power. It becomes powerful when organized into definite plans of action and directed to a definite end. Acquire specialized knowledge related to your idea... through study, other people who know, other resources you can tap.
Imagination then is the fifth step to riches. This is the workshop where all plans are created. The impulse and desire is given shape. What we can imagine, we can create. Two forms of imagination prevail... synthesized imagination, and creative imagination. Synthesized imagination recreates and re-arranges old ideas, concepts or plans into new combinations. When this doesn't solve a problem, then creative imagination steps in. Creative imagination creates a connection to Infinite Intelligence which produces new, creative ideas.
Organized planning is the sixth step to riches. Those who can assist you with organized knowledge, through the coordinated effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite end in a spirit of harmony.
Decision, not procrastinating, is the seventh step to riches. Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every person must conquer. Most people who have made millions have a habit of reaching decisions promptly.
Persistence, sustained effort necessary to produce faith, is the eighth step to riches. It's a power of will to keep moving with your desire. Lack of persistence is one of the greatest causes of failure and one of the greatest weaknesses among a majority of people. To accept defeat as only temporary, we must have persistence. Then through persistence defeat is finally turned into victory.
The ninth step to riches is the driving force behind the master mind principle.To make practical plans that work, align yourself with people for the creation and carrying out of the plan. Form, what Hill calls, a mastermind group. The key ingredient is that each person has a benefit or advantage for being part of the group. And, maintain a spirit of harmony in the group. If this part is not carried out, the group will meet with failure.
Sexuality, charisma and creativity, is the tenth step toward riches. The influence of a mate or lover affects sexual energy which can then be transmuted to acquiring great fortunes. Genius and creative imagination also are induced by sexual energy. Love and marriage are powerful forces in achieving wealth.
The Subconscious mind is the connecting link and the eleventh step toward riches.When you plant desires in the subconscious mind mixed with faith and emotional feeling, it goes to work night and day to fulfill your desire.
The brain, the twelfth step toward riches, is your broadcasting and receiving station for thought. Your brain both receives and broadcasts information. It picks up vibrations from other brains across the world. The brain with emotion and at a rapid rate picks up thoughts and it transmits thoughts to others.The subconscious is the sending station of the brain. Autosuggestion stirs the sending part and imagination activates the receiving part.
The thirteenth step to riches, the door to the temple of wisdom, is the Sixth Sense. The sixth sense is somewhat of a mystery too. It is based on mastering the other 12 steps and is tied to the creative imagination. It's an innate quality of knowing without knowing, much like a guardian angel is with you.
Hill concludes from his research that this is the defining link between the finite mind of man and Infinite Intelligence. It is the source that prayer can be transmitted into tangible answers to prayer. As we do and master these things we are connected to Infinite Intelligence or the Spirit of God, the creator of all things.
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone is the civilization rebuilding sequel to Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. In 1951, Stone met Hill and they collaborated on Success through a Positive Mental Attitude. A life and business revitalizing work unprecedented in its long term contribution to the growth of wealth in America.
S. B. Fuller was one greatly influenced by Think and Grow Rich. Believing that poverty was only a mind set.
He said three books highly influenced his life as he established the Fuller Brush company.The three books were the 1) Bible, 2) Think and Grow Rich, 3) and The Secret of the Ages. Fuller said, "you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying. Success is achieved and maintained by those with a Positive Mental Attitude."
With a positive mental attitude, you live life believing that every adversity has a seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. Greatness comes to those who have a burning desire to achieve high goals. Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep on trying with PMA.
Man's greatest power lies in the power of prayer.
Create a positive picture of your future along with a definite purpose. What is your goal? What do you really want? When you fix this in your mind, it pushes into your subconscious mind. Then Universal Law goes to work for you. So with PMA all along your way, you begin attracting wealth.
When faced with a problem that involves another person, "I must first clear that up. This then opens the way for other benefits to make their way to me." Honesty is inherent in PMA. It takes positive, conscious autosuggestion to train your subconscious to be ready to receive the wealth that will come its way. You can then do anything, if you believe you can.
So what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve through PMA.
With a Positive Mental Attitude we move from complaining or blaming to problem solving and idea innovation.
When faced with a problem use PMA...
1. Ask for Divine guidance. Ask for help in finding the right solution.
2. Engage in thinking time for the purpose of solving the problem. Remember that every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater opportunity, when you maintain a positive mental attitude.
3. State the problem, analyze and define it.
4. State to yourself enthusiastically... "that's good!"
5. Ask yourself some specific questions: What's good about it? How can I turn this adversity into a seed of equivalent or greater benefit; or how can I turn this liability into a greater asset?
6. Keep searching for answers until you find at least one answer that can work.
The key to motivating yourself is hope.
You attract wealth by giving of what you have. The more you give, the more it reciprocates in a greater number back to you.
Riches beyond your wildest dreams will come when you have a Magnificent Obsession. Your magnificent obsession is developing an obsession to serve others. Share yourself without expecting a reward, payment, or commendation. Keep your good turn a secret. Be part of a great cause.
With a positive mental attitude you awaken the giant within you. The highest ideal of man is the will of God. Hill and Stone conclude Success through a Positive Mental Attitude with a biography of must-read books to stay in the positive frame of mind. The first recommendation is the Bible followed by 64 other titles.
Og Mandino was then extremely inspired by Hill and Stone.
The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino is one of several of Mandino's inspirational business achievement books written a decade later. We are all miracles and Mandino shares insight from the conversation he had ongoing with a "ragpicker.".... an unusual person we would not quickly recognize as a mentor.
The hand of God is on you and He can bring you out of living death.The ragpicker, Simon, found in stacks of old books the works of the "hand of God" that can help immensely to bring great miracles to your life. Control what you allow to enter your mind. What we put in our minds will then bear fruit. By hearing and reading a thought or an affirmation over and over again will eventually imprint our thoughts and they will become a permanent part of our personality, and we will act on it in the future.
Our lack of self esteem has produced failure and is a universal sickness which always originates from anxiety, guilt or inferiority. Then people thrown themselves on the junk piles of life thinking no one cares about them. Although there are still two who care: "God and me; one in Heaven and one on earth," said Simon. Be the one on earth who cares with God in Heaven.
Simon created a "memorandum from God." This is a condensation of all the books he had stacked along the walls of his small apartment. He said to take 20 minutes every night and read it right before you go to sleep. Each day when you wake up these will be more and more the imprint of your mind. Each day you will change more and more and get more and more ideas, taking actions that will transform your life. Your miracle will show up. Read the God Memorandum, what God thinks of you. And you will be a miracle.
Gradually over days, then weeks you will see changes emerge in your life.
The God Memorandum has four laws that will, over time, influence these changes:
Count your blessings.
Proclaim your rarity.
Go another mile.
Use wisely your power of choice.
This version of the God Memorandum includes the Biblical Scriptures each thought is based on:
Dale Carnegie found the biggest issue people were concerned about was how to get along with each other. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie was first published in 1937. Carnegie conducted years of research in fine tuning the principles in how to deal with people. Of all the books on effective business skills this one is being read even today as the best... tested, tried and proven. Here are the fundamentals to winning loyal friendships and influence with people in work and life.
Principle #1: Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
Principle #2: Give honest and sincere appreciation.
Principle #3: Arouse in the other person an eager want.
Six ways to make people like you.
Principle #1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
Principle #2: Smile.
Principle #3: Remember names.
Principle #4: Be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves.
Principle #5: Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
Principle #6: Make the other person feel important... and do it sincerely.
How to win people to your way of thinking.
Principle #1: The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
Principle #2: Show respect for the other person's opinion.
Principle #3: If you are wrong admit it quickly and emphatically.
Principle #4: Begin in a friendly way.
Principle #5: Get the other person saying "Yes, Yes" immediately.
Principle #6: Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
Principle #7: Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
Principle #8: Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
Principle #9: Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
Principle #10: Appeal to nobler motives.
Principle #11: Dramatize your ideas.
Principle #12: Throw down a challenge.
Part four and final section of the book deals with how to be a leader and change people without giving offense and arousing resentment. The leader's job includes changing your people's attitude and behavior.The nine principles in a nutshell are:
1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
2. Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly.
3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
4. Ask questions before giving direct orders.
5. Let the other person save face.
6. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be "heartfelt in stating approval and lavish in praise."
7. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
8. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
9. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest. To change attitudes or behavior. Be sincere. Know exactly what you want the other person to do. Be empathetic. Match the benefits to the other person's wants and that he understands how he benefits.
The little known Secret of the Ages was written before all the above, but with a strong influence on each of the above business classics. The Secret of the Ages by Robert Collier is a book that those who were reading Think and Grow Rich, had right along side it. It was somewhat lost in the shuffle since first published in 1925, but has been re-published. As you look at the success series of Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, and Robert Collier they all make frequent mention of Spiritual and Biblical principles. They saw Spiritual power as the deciding edge to exceptional accomplishments.
Life Principle is Collier's theme throughout. We are dynamic beings who create and can do it at much higher levels than we realize.
Our minds are made in three functions...
the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the superconscious mind. The most powerful are the subconscious mind and superconscious mind. They work effortlessly, but we need to know how they work to reap the benefits of their power. Referring to the superconscious mind as the Universal mind, Collier points out the Universal mind is omnipotent. In the beginning was the "Word." God with the word, an invisible image of the God mind, created everything in the universe.
Today this is prayer.
An image implanted of a desire, with faith that you ARE RECEIVING it, the thing you asked for, is fulfilled by Vital Force (or what the Bible calls Spirit) and brings it into being.
To create anything of good requires four things:
1. The mental image of what you want.
2. Knowledge of the power you can consciously draw and pour that power into your mental mold.
3. Faith in your creative power, the ability to create, until what you see in your mental mold, the invisible, becomes reality.
4. Do something to make the subconscious believe that you have received what you believed. Taking a step, in this faith, about what you prayed for as if it already exists.
Successful prayer has within its formula.
1. Center your thoughts on the thing you want. Warm it with faith and nurture it with belief.
2. Read Psalm 91 and the 23rd Psalm that remind you of God's power and create a readiness in you to receive your answer.
3. Be grateful for God granting the favor you are asking for.
4. Believe and see it accomplished as fact. Remind yourself that "God is attending to that" and know that He is.
During the day see things as you desire them, not as they are. Daydream through out the day of what you want them to be. Practice daydreaming with a purpose. Get the picture fixed in your mind, see it. There is no limitation, only supply. But constantly throughout the day see it being carried out as you wish.
We are Temples for the living God. Ask and receive and your joy will be complete, believe it.
Keep yourself in a state of receptivity and constantly be expecting good. Know that you can do it, and you will. You must see yourself doing it. Understand and believe. The chances of success are always measured by your belief in yourself.
As you go to sleep, concentrate on your thought of the thing as you desire it. Believe that you have it, see yourself possessing it, feel yourself using it. Do this every night until you actually believe that you have the thing you want. When you reach this point, you have it.
There are three requisites in business.
1. The confidence in yourself and the knowledge of your power.
2. Initiative or courage to start the thing.
3. The faith to go ahead and do the thing in face of obstacles.
We have the right of dominion over everything. Whatever you work for wholeheartedly, confidently, with singleness of purpose... you can get it.
Say aloud,
"the Holy Spirit within me goes before me and opens the way. Infinite wisdom tells me just what to do." Say it and believe it. Keep your tracks clear in your thinking. A River of Life wants to flow continuously and abundantly through you... supplying fresh water constantly.
The greatest book ever written is the Bible.
In everyone of these great business classics, The Bible stood out as their #1 reference book.
Our greatest leaders leaned on the Bible for guidance and wisdom. It is an unmatched book of power as these renowned authors have cited.
It has been reported that the Bible is the most quoted book by CEO's when giving speeches.
In a survey, managers were asked which current business book was one they most often gave to their staff. The survey had the Bible as #4 on the list... especially the New Living Translation.
The Bible is full of Spiritual and predictive intelligence, wisdom, human relationship principles, faith to overcome challenges and encouragement for all people in every situation. It is one of the Best resources to go to when needing encouragement to over come insurmountable challenges in life.
Needless to say, to be able to live with God's Supernatural Creative power with you is an awesome way to live.The Bible has God's Very Precepts shared through the ages at different times, in different events. It gives us invaluable resources for Greatness in life, business and relationships.
Isaiah, a prophet from the Old Testament in the Bible, said..."Search the book of the LORD, and see what he will do. He will not miss a single detail... His Spirit will make it all come true." (Isaiah 34:16)
The Spirit (that Isaiah mentioned) that makes forecasts come true is the same Spirit we have access to... we get Divine impressions from reading, pondering a Scripture in the Bible, giving us supernatural abilities and intelligence. They are custom designed, specific premonitions just for us.
These impressions we get many times come about, when inspired to us while reflecting as we read the Bible. Spirit creating matter becomes our reality.
What did we learn from the Great Depression that we can apply to recovering from the Great Recession as the first decade of 2000 comes to an end. Five great business book classics of that recovery era have relevant principles for us today. By applying these principles, we can learn more and move America to an even higher plateau as a civilization.
As the USA was pulling out of the Great Depression, Think and Grow Rich was published by Napoleon Hill in 1935. His first work, the Laws of Success, first released in the mid1920's, was republished as Think and Grow Rich. It became a bestseller and still is today. Following that, W.Clement Stone had great success with Hill's works. Stone and Hill collaborated to write Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Og Mandino kept the ball rolling. He was highly influenced by their works and added The Greatest Miracle in the World. Then going back to the post Depression time, Dale Carnegie released How to Win Friends and Influence People still highly read today. The Secret of the Ages ran ahead of all of them. Author, Robert Collier, released his works in the mid 1920's.
Here's the high points and power principles of their works that we can use even more influentially today. The complete summaries of these great business classics are archived on this blog from September-November, 2008.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is probably the achievement classic of all time. His interviews with the wealthiest men of the early 1900's, commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, resulted in this comprehensive, most thoroughly researched success manual ever written. Hill, before writing Think and Grow Rich, interviewed over 500 multimillionaires of his day introduced to him by Andrew Carnegie.
Thoughts are things. What we think about frequently and with emotion, good or bad, eventually materialize in our lives. When thoughts are mixed with purpose, persistence, and a burning desire, they are translated into riches.
Desire has no retreat... the first step to riches. The way your desire is transmuted into its financial equivalent consists of six definite and practical steps.
1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire.
2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire.
3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money.
4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
5. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
6. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night and once after arising in the morning. You must believe that you are already in possession of that money. And read the statement with emotion.
"With the power of desire backed by faith, I have seen this power lift people from lowly beginnings to places of power and wealth. Nature wraps up in the impulse of strong desire 'that something' which recognizes no word as impossible."
Faith...visualization of, and belief in, attainment of desire is the next step. When faith is blended with thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibrations.
Autosuggestion, the third step, is the method for influencing the subconscious mind. Autosuggestion is the term that applies to all suggestions and all self-administrated stimuli that reach your mind through your five senses. By allowing certain thoughts in the conscious part of the brain, it programs the subconscious to do what it suggests.
The fourth step to riches is specialized knowledge. Specialized knowledge is from personal experiences or observations. Knowledge alone will attract little money. Knowledge alone is not power, but a potential to power. It becomes powerful when organized into definite plans of action and directed to a definite end. Acquire specialized knowledge related to your idea... through study, other people who know, other resources you can tap.
Imagination then is the fifth step to riches. This is the workshop where all plans are created. The impulse and desire is given shape. What we can imagine, we can create. Two forms of imagination prevail... synthesized imagination, and creative imagination. Synthesized imagination recreates and re-arranges old ideas, concepts or plans into new combinations. When this doesn't solve a problem, then creative imagination steps in. Creative imagination creates a connection to Infinite Intelligence which produces new, creative ideas.
Organized planning is the sixth step to riches. Those who can assist you with organized knowledge, through the coordinated effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite end in a spirit of harmony.
Decision, not procrastinating, is the seventh step to riches. Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every person must conquer. Most people who have made millions have a habit of reaching decisions promptly.
Persistence, sustained effort necessary to produce faith, is the eighth step to riches. It's a power of will to keep moving with your desire. Lack of persistence is one of the greatest causes of failure and one of the greatest weaknesses among a majority of people. To accept defeat as only temporary, we must have persistence. Then through persistence defeat is finally turned into victory.
The ninth step to riches is the driving force behind the master mind principle.To make practical plans that work, align yourself with people for the creation and carrying out of the plan. Form, what Hill calls, a mastermind group. The key ingredient is that each person has a benefit or advantage for being part of the group. And, maintain a spirit of harmony in the group. If this part is not carried out, the group will meet with failure.
Sexuality, charisma and creativity, is the tenth step toward riches. The influence of a mate or lover affects sexual energy which can then be transmuted to acquiring great fortunes. Genius and creative imagination also are induced by sexual energy. Love and marriage are powerful forces in achieving wealth.
The Subconscious mind is the connecting link and the eleventh step toward riches.When you plant desires in the subconscious mind mixed with faith and emotional feeling, it goes to work night and day to fulfill your desire.
The brain, the twelfth step toward riches, is your broadcasting and receiving station for thought. Your brain both receives and broadcasts information. It picks up vibrations from other brains across the world. The brain with emotion and at a rapid rate picks up thoughts and it transmits thoughts to others.The subconscious is the sending station of the brain. Autosuggestion stirs the sending part and imagination activates the receiving part.
The thirteenth step to riches, the door to the temple of wisdom, is the Sixth Sense. The sixth sense is somewhat of a mystery too. It is based on mastering the other 12 steps and is tied to the creative imagination. It's an innate quality of knowing without knowing, much like a guardian angel is with you.
Hill concludes from his research that this is the defining link between the finite mind of man and Infinite Intelligence. It is the source that prayer can be transmitted into tangible answers to prayer. As we do and master these things we are connected to Infinite Intelligence or the Spirit of God, the creator of all things.
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone is the civilization rebuilding sequel to Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. In 1951, Stone met Hill and they collaborated on Success through a Positive Mental Attitude. A life and business revitalizing work unprecedented in its long term contribution to the growth of wealth in America.
S. B. Fuller was one greatly influenced by Think and Grow Rich. Believing that poverty was only a mind set.
He said three books highly influenced his life as he established the Fuller Brush company.The three books were the 1) Bible, 2) Think and Grow Rich, 3) and The Secret of the Ages. Fuller said, "you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying. Success is achieved and maintained by those with a Positive Mental Attitude."
With a positive mental attitude, you live life believing that every adversity has a seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. Greatness comes to those who have a burning desire to achieve high goals. Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep on trying with PMA.
Man's greatest power lies in the power of prayer.
Create a positive picture of your future along with a definite purpose. What is your goal? What do you really want? When you fix this in your mind, it pushes into your subconscious mind. Then Universal Law goes to work for you. So with PMA all along your way, you begin attracting wealth.
When faced with a problem that involves another person, "I must first clear that up. This then opens the way for other benefits to make their way to me." Honesty is inherent in PMA. It takes positive, conscious autosuggestion to train your subconscious to be ready to receive the wealth that will come its way. You can then do anything, if you believe you can.
So what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve through PMA.
With a Positive Mental Attitude we move from complaining or blaming to problem solving and idea innovation.
When faced with a problem use PMA...
1. Ask for Divine guidance. Ask for help in finding the right solution.
2. Engage in thinking time for the purpose of solving the problem. Remember that every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater opportunity, when you maintain a positive mental attitude.
3. State the problem, analyze and define it.
4. State to yourself enthusiastically... "that's good!"
5. Ask yourself some specific questions: What's good about it? How can I turn this adversity into a seed of equivalent or greater benefit; or how can I turn this liability into a greater asset?
6. Keep searching for answers until you find at least one answer that can work.
The key to motivating yourself is hope.
You attract wealth by giving of what you have. The more you give, the more it reciprocates in a greater number back to you.
Riches beyond your wildest dreams will come when you have a Magnificent Obsession. Your magnificent obsession is developing an obsession to serve others. Share yourself without expecting a reward, payment, or commendation. Keep your good turn a secret. Be part of a great cause.
With a positive mental attitude you awaken the giant within you. The highest ideal of man is the will of God. Hill and Stone conclude Success through a Positive Mental Attitude with a biography of must-read books to stay in the positive frame of mind. The first recommendation is the Bible followed by 64 other titles.
Og Mandino was then extremely inspired by Hill and Stone.
The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino is one of several of Mandino's inspirational business achievement books written a decade later. We are all miracles and Mandino shares insight from the conversation he had ongoing with a "ragpicker.".... an unusual person we would not quickly recognize as a mentor.
The hand of God is on you and He can bring you out of living death.The ragpicker, Simon, found in stacks of old books the works of the "hand of God" that can help immensely to bring great miracles to your life. Control what you allow to enter your mind. What we put in our minds will then bear fruit. By hearing and reading a thought or an affirmation over and over again will eventually imprint our thoughts and they will become a permanent part of our personality, and we will act on it in the future.
Our lack of self esteem has produced failure and is a universal sickness which always originates from anxiety, guilt or inferiority. Then people thrown themselves on the junk piles of life thinking no one cares about them. Although there are still two who care: "God and me; one in Heaven and one on earth," said Simon. Be the one on earth who cares with God in Heaven.
Simon created a "memorandum from God." This is a condensation of all the books he had stacked along the walls of his small apartment. He said to take 20 minutes every night and read it right before you go to sleep. Each day when you wake up these will be more and more the imprint of your mind. Each day you will change more and more and get more and more ideas, taking actions that will transform your life. Your miracle will show up. Read the God Memorandum, what God thinks of you. And you will be a miracle.
Gradually over days, then weeks you will see changes emerge in your life.
The God Memorandum has four laws that will, over time, influence these changes:
Count your blessings.
Proclaim your rarity.
Go another mile.
Use wisely your power of choice.
This version of the God Memorandum includes the Biblical Scriptures each thought is based on:
Dale Carnegie found the biggest issue people were concerned about was how to get along with each other. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie was first published in 1937. Carnegie conducted years of research in fine tuning the principles in how to deal with people. Of all the books on effective business skills this one is being read even today as the best... tested, tried and proven. Here are the fundamentals to winning loyal friendships and influence with people in work and life.
Principle #1: Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
Principle #2: Give honest and sincere appreciation.
Principle #3: Arouse in the other person an eager want.
Six ways to make people like you.
Principle #1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
Principle #2: Smile.
Principle #3: Remember names.
Principle #4: Be a good listener and encourage others to talk about themselves.
Principle #5: Talk in terms of the other person's interests.
Principle #6: Make the other person feel important... and do it sincerely.
How to win people to your way of thinking.
Principle #1: The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
Principle #2: Show respect for the other person's opinion.
Principle #3: If you are wrong admit it quickly and emphatically.
Principle #4: Begin in a friendly way.
Principle #5: Get the other person saying "Yes, Yes" immediately.
Principle #6: Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
Principle #7: Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
Principle #8: Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
Principle #9: Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
Principle #10: Appeal to nobler motives.
Principle #11: Dramatize your ideas.
Principle #12: Throw down a challenge.
Part four and final section of the book deals with how to be a leader and change people without giving offense and arousing resentment. The leader's job includes changing your people's attitude and behavior.The nine principles in a nutshell are:
1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
2. Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly.
3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
4. Ask questions before giving direct orders.
5. Let the other person save face.
6. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be "heartfelt in stating approval and lavish in praise."
7. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
8. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
9. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest. To change attitudes or behavior. Be sincere. Know exactly what you want the other person to do. Be empathetic. Match the benefits to the other person's wants and that he understands how he benefits.
The little known Secret of the Ages was written before all the above, but with a strong influence on each of the above business classics. The Secret of the Ages by Robert Collier is a book that those who were reading Think and Grow Rich, had right along side it. It was somewhat lost in the shuffle since first published in 1925, but has been re-published. As you look at the success series of Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, and Robert Collier they all make frequent mention of Spiritual and Biblical principles. They saw Spiritual power as the deciding edge to exceptional accomplishments.
Life Principle is Collier's theme throughout. We are dynamic beings who create and can do it at much higher levels than we realize.
Our minds are made in three functions...
the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the superconscious mind. The most powerful are the subconscious mind and superconscious mind. They work effortlessly, but we need to know how they work to reap the benefits of their power. Referring to the superconscious mind as the Universal mind, Collier points out the Universal mind is omnipotent. In the beginning was the "Word." God with the word, an invisible image of the God mind, created everything in the universe.
Today this is prayer.
An image implanted of a desire, with faith that you ARE RECEIVING it, the thing you asked for, is fulfilled by Vital Force (or what the Bible calls Spirit) and brings it into being.
To create anything of good requires four things:
1. The mental image of what you want.
2. Knowledge of the power you can consciously draw and pour that power into your mental mold.
3. Faith in your creative power, the ability to create, until what you see in your mental mold, the invisible, becomes reality.
4. Do something to make the subconscious believe that you have received what you believed. Taking a step, in this faith, about what you prayed for as if it already exists.
Successful prayer has within its formula.
1. Center your thoughts on the thing you want. Warm it with faith and nurture it with belief.
2. Read Psalm 91 and the 23rd Psalm that remind you of God's power and create a readiness in you to receive your answer.
3. Be grateful for God granting the favor you are asking for.
4. Believe and see it accomplished as fact. Remind yourself that "God is attending to that" and know that He is.
During the day see things as you desire them, not as they are. Daydream through out the day of what you want them to be. Practice daydreaming with a purpose. Get the picture fixed in your mind, see it. There is no limitation, only supply. But constantly throughout the day see it being carried out as you wish.
We are Temples for the living God. Ask and receive and your joy will be complete, believe it.
Keep yourself in a state of receptivity and constantly be expecting good. Know that you can do it, and you will. You must see yourself doing it. Understand and believe. The chances of success are always measured by your belief in yourself.
As you go to sleep, concentrate on your thought of the thing as you desire it. Believe that you have it, see yourself possessing it, feel yourself using it. Do this every night until you actually believe that you have the thing you want. When you reach this point, you have it.
There are three requisites in business.
1. The confidence in yourself and the knowledge of your power.
2. Initiative or courage to start the thing.
3. The faith to go ahead and do the thing in face of obstacles.
We have the right of dominion over everything. Whatever you work for wholeheartedly, confidently, with singleness of purpose... you can get it.
Say aloud,
"the Holy Spirit within me goes before me and opens the way. Infinite wisdom tells me just what to do." Say it and believe it. Keep your tracks clear in your thinking. A River of Life wants to flow continuously and abundantly through you... supplying fresh water constantly.
The greatest book ever written is the Bible.
In everyone of these great business classics, The Bible stood out as their #1 reference book.
Our greatest leaders leaned on the Bible for guidance and wisdom. It is an unmatched book of power as these renowned authors have cited.
It has been reported that the Bible is the most quoted book by CEO's when giving speeches.
In a survey, managers were asked which current business book was one they most often gave to their staff. The survey had the Bible as #4 on the list... especially the New Living Translation.
The Bible is full of Spiritual and predictive intelligence, wisdom, human relationship principles, faith to overcome challenges and encouragement for all people in every situation. It is one of the Best resources to go to when needing encouragement to over come insurmountable challenges in life.
Needless to say, to be able to live with God's Supernatural Creative power with you is an awesome way to live.The Bible has God's Very Precepts shared through the ages at different times, in different events. It gives us invaluable resources for Greatness in life, business and relationships.
Isaiah, a prophet from the Old Testament in the Bible, said..."Search the book of the LORD, and see what he will do. He will not miss a single detail... His Spirit will make it all come true." (Isaiah 34:16)
The Spirit (that Isaiah mentioned) that makes forecasts come true is the same Spirit we have access to... we get Divine impressions from reading, pondering a Scripture in the Bible, giving us supernatural abilities and intelligence. They are custom designed, specific premonitions just for us.
These impressions we get many times come about, when inspired to us while reflecting as we read the Bible. Spirit creating matter becomes our reality.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Crush It!... the Golden Grain of prayer
by Dale Shumaker
Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk is about how Gary took his parents' wine distributing company from 4 million in sales to over 50 million in eight years using the new potential in Internet communication.
He says the Internet is one of the biggest culture shifts since the printing press. It also represents one of the biggest shifts in how we do business. Where are the people today... they are in the social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Tumblr, and Twitter. If this is where the eyeballs are going, this is where business should go. Learn to live your passion and you will have all the money you need plus total control over your own destiny.
Social media equals business, period. Do what makes you happy. Keep it simple. Do the research. Work hard. Look ahead.
Gary's parents came to America from the Soviet Union in 1978. Times were tough at first. His dad was given a job by his uncle as a stock boy in a liquor store in New Jersey. His dad learned the art of hustling and moved up in the store and by 1983 bought a liquor store the size of an office. Gary became good at baseball card trading... a natural entrepreneur. At sixteen he became a cashier in his dad's liquor store. Even though he was too young to drink, he learned about liquor. Then he saw the wine business was much like the baseball card business in how people collected information. He learned the art of the business quickly. As people were ready to check out with a bottle of wine, they would end up buying three with Gary's sales finesse. Storytelling is one skill he learned well, and he saw it as one of the most underrated skills in business.
Build your brand. Branding is all about quality. Quality of content is what draws them and keeps them. Content rules over technique. Be yourself and put out awesome content. Getting people to talk is the whole point. Building your brand is the same thing as living and breathing your personal resume.
It's a whole new world with the middle man becoming closer to extinction. You don't have to ask permission, just get it out and those who like you will be there. Plan your future now... are you happy with your present job? Do you work for a company that allows you to have a public persona. If you can't keep a public persona at work you can do it at home.
Create great content. Tell your story and be a good storyteller. You can monetize your passion. Know yourself, choose the right medium, create awesome content, allowing them to come to you as they discover it. Enter other people's conversations as much as you can and create a lasso that brings them back to you.
Gary recommends using these platforms and how to use them inter-relating your blog with Wordpress and Tumblr, the social network of Facebook, following with Twitter. If your blog is your home, Facebook and Twitter are your vacation homes. For photo sharing add Flickr. For video sharing Youtube or Viddler. For video that allows you to interact with your audience consider For vitamins to work you need to exercise, along with good nutrition. It's the same on social platforms.They are used to support and enhance each other strategically. But you must then move on to being real along with your great content and platform access.
To be real, be true to yourself, be who you are, be authentic. The closer you come to being your true self, and perceived as real, your content will advance. Instead of fancy productions, the driving force on your platform is being genuinely passionate about what you believe in. Your efforts must come from your heart and show your heart.
Gary says you got to hustle to springboard your message. It takes effort and Gary responds to all who inquire as well and comments on blogs of interest. You must be patient. In six weeks to six months you may not take off, but stick with it. Hold off as along as you can until you come into demand. Build your brand in terms of a marathon not a sprint.
Creating community is where the bulk of your hustle is going to go. Creating community is about starting conversations. Read blog posts, leave comments. Create a blog post, distribute it through Tube Mogul (video) so your content appears on every social networking platform available. Start paying attention to others' content. Comment on all the Tweets, blogs you find via Tweeter Search. Then capture them. If your content is as good as it should be, people will want to read more, see more, get to know you more. Don't take people for granted. One reader is important, so connect. As more come, connect.
Chapter nine is a great chapter... it has one word on one page: CARE.
Continuing to chapter ten, Gary's process includes get a web domain name, start a Wordpress or Tumblr account, hire a web designer, get a video camera, create a Facebook fan page, open a Twitter account, start pumping out content, Tweet or post your content via Ping(.fm) or TubeMogul, search Twitter for accounts on your subject, blogsearch at Google, search your subject on Facebook... repeat.
Start to monetize. Be patient. Wait as long as you can so people get really committed to your content. The longer the better. See who pays for Google AdSense. Get on the lecture circuit as demand increases. Link to others as an affiliate, create or add products you can sell. Consider articles, seminars, books and TV, consulting. Gary elaborates more on this.
Reactionary marketing is adapting quickly to change. Let people talk and learn what they are really thinking. When patterns develop be ready to re-adjust. Be a trend spotter and take note to the meaning behind cultural change. You have access to real-time, streamlined data.
Move to legacy. Making connections, creating and continuing meaningful interactions with other people is why we are here. Set the tone. Leave a legacy.
Gary likes to talk to people. He invites you to email him with your questions to gary@ at his website:
From Golden Grain by John Wright Follette, he talks about prayer, intercessory prayer.
Follette has a unique view on prayer. You can read more about this author at the Christian Classic Ethereal Library. Here's an excerpt from Chapter 32 on intercessory prayer from CCEL. The complete chapter is at:
Touch Him when you don’t know how to read the Bible, but touch the Word—touch Him; know His will; know God; know His purpose. Keep up a wonderful fellowship with the Son of God.
You can read a lot of books on prayer, some of which are quite materialistic, but no one has a form of prayer which is adequate for you. Every soul has to develop, and work out his own technique and method of prayer. Don’t try to work it out by somebody else’s method—it is good only for suggestions. We learn to pray by praying.—We can’t change God by prayer. Prayer never made God do anything. Prayer helps us become more adjusted to His will.
Look at Jesus; talk to Him; if you dare to, be informal with Him. Don’t be stilted and pray, “Oh, Thou, My God!” You can’t get very far that way. How many know He is very real; very tender. Do you know that the best prayers you ever prayed never had words in them? They are so clumsy; they don’t have words, because there is an understanding there; a deep, lovely, rich, inner fellowship that needs no words.
We don’t know prayer: the vocal prayers, and prayers of contemplation, all the different types of prayers. It is such a vast field! We just go clattering along, saying the best we can . . . “for Jesus’ sake, Amen!” To me it’s such a lovely, open field we ought to get into.
What prayers are answered? Prayers that fall into the category of the will of God. We can pray all we want to, but John says, “When we pray according to the will of God He heareth us. ”In the end, all that great big prayer has to be censored in the will of God. The Holy Spirit prays according to His will.
Jesus said, “Peter, Satan hath desired to sift you . . .” This should actually read: “Satan hath obtained permission of God to sift you—all of you, but I’ll stay over here and pray for you:”—Don’t pray now, and ask the Lord to kill the devil. He is going to use him. On the power of Jesus’ prayer, Peter got through. Prayer is never wrestling with God, but wrestling with the powers of darkness. The “unjust judge” is not a picture of God. Our heavenly Father wants to answer us; His whole heart wants to bless us. He is not the “unjust judge”.
Another prayer pattern we find, is the man asking for bread at midnight. Sometimes we have to ask many times before the answer comes, but we must ask in faith. Hungry? He doesn’t tease us; He feeds us.
Jesus prayed because He had to, to keep that contact with the Father.Think of Jesus interceding for us this morning before we got out of our beds! That is how I wrote that hymn: “My High Priest is Interceding for Me.” He said to me, “You have faith that I am your Savior, so if you have faith in Me as your High Priest, My intercessory prayer will carry you.
”There is no prayer just like intercessory prayer. It is not saying prayers; nor is it just weeping, but He says, “With groanings that we can’t utter.” It is past words. Why? Because the Holy Spirit makes intercession in us, and through us according to the will of God, and we can’t make Him do anything else than that. We are yielded as an instrument; the Holy Ghost is praying—we aren’t praying.
He has a vehicle that is pliable, surrendered, and He comes in and takes possession of us. Isn’t it sweet how He dares to do that? Very costly, and terrifying at times, but it’s real. How is this intercessory prayer formed? It is formed according to the will of God, “with groanings which cannot be uttered”; it cannot be expressed in our language; not even with tongues, because it becomes too intense.
For whom is this intercession made? It is made for the saints. Did you ever have the Holy Spirit moving through you? What did He say? I haven’t the slightest idea. He speaks secrets to the Lord. That’s scriptural. I don’t have to have an interpretation of what the Holy Spirit is saying to God through me. We don’t have to have an interpretation every time He speaks through us. It is unto the Lord.
Did you ever get into the agony of prayer when you were identified with another’s need? That is intercessory prayer. We, in the Spirit, become identified with a need until we are united with it, or with a soul, or with a condition. No one in the flesh can pray a prayer like that. This is where intercessory prayer comes in. The Holy Spirit can pray prayers like that, because we can’t. He wants the vehicle; He wants the instrument tied up with the condition. That is real intercessory prayer.
There are all kinds of prayer. The best prayers never have words.
Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk is about how Gary took his parents' wine distributing company from 4 million in sales to over 50 million in eight years using the new potential in Internet communication.
He says the Internet is one of the biggest culture shifts since the printing press. It also represents one of the biggest shifts in how we do business. Where are the people today... they are in the social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Tumblr, and Twitter. If this is where the eyeballs are going, this is where business should go. Learn to live your passion and you will have all the money you need plus total control over your own destiny.
Social media equals business, period. Do what makes you happy. Keep it simple. Do the research. Work hard. Look ahead.
Gary's parents came to America from the Soviet Union in 1978. Times were tough at first. His dad was given a job by his uncle as a stock boy in a liquor store in New Jersey. His dad learned the art of hustling and moved up in the store and by 1983 bought a liquor store the size of an office. Gary became good at baseball card trading... a natural entrepreneur. At sixteen he became a cashier in his dad's liquor store. Even though he was too young to drink, he learned about liquor. Then he saw the wine business was much like the baseball card business in how people collected information. He learned the art of the business quickly. As people were ready to check out with a bottle of wine, they would end up buying three with Gary's sales finesse. Storytelling is one skill he learned well, and he saw it as one of the most underrated skills in business.
Build your brand. Branding is all about quality. Quality of content is what draws them and keeps them. Content rules over technique. Be yourself and put out awesome content. Getting people to talk is the whole point. Building your brand is the same thing as living and breathing your personal resume.
It's a whole new world with the middle man becoming closer to extinction. You don't have to ask permission, just get it out and those who like you will be there. Plan your future now... are you happy with your present job? Do you work for a company that allows you to have a public persona. If you can't keep a public persona at work you can do it at home.
Create great content. Tell your story and be a good storyteller. You can monetize your passion. Know yourself, choose the right medium, create awesome content, allowing them to come to you as they discover it. Enter other people's conversations as much as you can and create a lasso that brings them back to you.
Gary recommends using these platforms and how to use them inter-relating your blog with Wordpress and Tumblr, the social network of Facebook, following with Twitter. If your blog is your home, Facebook and Twitter are your vacation homes. For photo sharing add Flickr. For video sharing Youtube or Viddler. For video that allows you to interact with your audience consider For vitamins to work you need to exercise, along with good nutrition. It's the same on social platforms.They are used to support and enhance each other strategically. But you must then move on to being real along with your great content and platform access.
To be real, be true to yourself, be who you are, be authentic. The closer you come to being your true self, and perceived as real, your content will advance. Instead of fancy productions, the driving force on your platform is being genuinely passionate about what you believe in. Your efforts must come from your heart and show your heart.
Gary says you got to hustle to springboard your message. It takes effort and Gary responds to all who inquire as well and comments on blogs of interest. You must be patient. In six weeks to six months you may not take off, but stick with it. Hold off as along as you can until you come into demand. Build your brand in terms of a marathon not a sprint.
Creating community is where the bulk of your hustle is going to go. Creating community is about starting conversations. Read blog posts, leave comments. Create a blog post, distribute it through Tube Mogul (video) so your content appears on every social networking platform available. Start paying attention to others' content. Comment on all the Tweets, blogs you find via Tweeter Search. Then capture them. If your content is as good as it should be, people will want to read more, see more, get to know you more. Don't take people for granted. One reader is important, so connect. As more come, connect.
Chapter nine is a great chapter... it has one word on one page: CARE.
Continuing to chapter ten, Gary's process includes get a web domain name, start a Wordpress or Tumblr account, hire a web designer, get a video camera, create a Facebook fan page, open a Twitter account, start pumping out content, Tweet or post your content via Ping(.fm) or TubeMogul, search Twitter for accounts on your subject, blogsearch at Google, search your subject on Facebook... repeat.
Start to monetize. Be patient. Wait as long as you can so people get really committed to your content. The longer the better. See who pays for Google AdSense. Get on the lecture circuit as demand increases. Link to others as an affiliate, create or add products you can sell. Consider articles, seminars, books and TV, consulting. Gary elaborates more on this.
Reactionary marketing is adapting quickly to change. Let people talk and learn what they are really thinking. When patterns develop be ready to re-adjust. Be a trend spotter and take note to the meaning behind cultural change. You have access to real-time, streamlined data.
Move to legacy. Making connections, creating and continuing meaningful interactions with other people is why we are here. Set the tone. Leave a legacy.
Gary likes to talk to people. He invites you to email him with your questions to gary@ at his website:
From Golden Grain by John Wright Follette, he talks about prayer, intercessory prayer.
Follette has a unique view on prayer. You can read more about this author at the Christian Classic Ethereal Library. Here's an excerpt from Chapter 32 on intercessory prayer from CCEL. The complete chapter is at:
Touch Him when you don’t know how to read the Bible, but touch the Word—touch Him; know His will; know God; know His purpose. Keep up a wonderful fellowship with the Son of God.
You can read a lot of books on prayer, some of which are quite materialistic, but no one has a form of prayer which is adequate for you. Every soul has to develop, and work out his own technique and method of prayer. Don’t try to work it out by somebody else’s method—it is good only for suggestions. We learn to pray by praying.—We can’t change God by prayer. Prayer never made God do anything. Prayer helps us become more adjusted to His will.
Look at Jesus; talk to Him; if you dare to, be informal with Him. Don’t be stilted and pray, “Oh, Thou, My God!” You can’t get very far that way. How many know He is very real; very tender. Do you know that the best prayers you ever prayed never had words in them? They are so clumsy; they don’t have words, because there is an understanding there; a deep, lovely, rich, inner fellowship that needs no words.
We don’t know prayer: the vocal prayers, and prayers of contemplation, all the different types of prayers. It is such a vast field! We just go clattering along, saying the best we can . . . “for Jesus’ sake, Amen!” To me it’s such a lovely, open field we ought to get into.
What prayers are answered? Prayers that fall into the category of the will of God. We can pray all we want to, but John says, “When we pray according to the will of God He heareth us. ”In the end, all that great big prayer has to be censored in the will of God. The Holy Spirit prays according to His will.
Jesus said, “Peter, Satan hath desired to sift you . . .” This should actually read: “Satan hath obtained permission of God to sift you—all of you, but I’ll stay over here and pray for you:”—Don’t pray now, and ask the Lord to kill the devil. He is going to use him. On the power of Jesus’ prayer, Peter got through. Prayer is never wrestling with God, but wrestling with the powers of darkness. The “unjust judge” is not a picture of God. Our heavenly Father wants to answer us; His whole heart wants to bless us. He is not the “unjust judge”.
Another prayer pattern we find, is the man asking for bread at midnight. Sometimes we have to ask many times before the answer comes, but we must ask in faith. Hungry? He doesn’t tease us; He feeds us.
Jesus prayed because He had to, to keep that contact with the Father.Think of Jesus interceding for us this morning before we got out of our beds! That is how I wrote that hymn: “My High Priest is Interceding for Me.” He said to me, “You have faith that I am your Savior, so if you have faith in Me as your High Priest, My intercessory prayer will carry you.
”There is no prayer just like intercessory prayer. It is not saying prayers; nor is it just weeping, but He says, “With groanings that we can’t utter.” It is past words. Why? Because the Holy Spirit makes intercession in us, and through us according to the will of God, and we can’t make Him do anything else than that. We are yielded as an instrument; the Holy Ghost is praying—we aren’t praying.
He has a vehicle that is pliable, surrendered, and He comes in and takes possession of us. Isn’t it sweet how He dares to do that? Very costly, and terrifying at times, but it’s real. How is this intercessory prayer formed? It is formed according to the will of God, “with groanings which cannot be uttered”; it cannot be expressed in our language; not even with tongues, because it becomes too intense.
For whom is this intercession made? It is made for the saints. Did you ever have the Holy Spirit moving through you? What did He say? I haven’t the slightest idea. He speaks secrets to the Lord. That’s scriptural. I don’t have to have an interpretation of what the Holy Spirit is saying to God through me. We don’t have to have an interpretation every time He speaks through us. It is unto the Lord.
Did you ever get into the agony of prayer when you were identified with another’s need? That is intercessory prayer. We, in the Spirit, become identified with a need until we are united with it, or with a soul, or with a condition. No one in the flesh can pray a prayer like that. This is where intercessory prayer comes in. The Holy Spirit can pray prayers like that, because we can’t. He wants the vehicle; He wants the instrument tied up with the condition. That is real intercessory prayer.
There are all kinds of prayer. The best prayers never have words.
Monday, October 19, 2009
You Were Born For This... revival of prayer power
by Dale Shumaker
You Were Born for This by Bruce Wilkinson is a guide on how to be someone's miracle. Miracles should not be a once in a while occurrence, but something to look for every day. It is God saying to us, "I'm here. I care about you. I can do for you what you cannot do for yourself." God uses people to deliver miracles. God may put you in front of an unexpected need that He strongly desires for you to meet... you are His miracle for someone. He will teach you how to be aware when God wants to do His miracle through you, in that it is almost predictable.
The four keys to a life of miracles are that as a delivery agent God will make a specific and urgent request of you, understand and accept His miracle agenda for you, learn how to partner with an unseen power, and take promising and life-changing risks. God is always looking for volunteers to be His miracle to someone. Will you partner with Heaven to be someone's miracle today.
Wilkinson explains the four keys to a life of miracles.
The Master Key is an urgent call to pray for someone needing a miracle. Our prayer opens the doors of Heaven for the miracle to happen in their life.
The People Key is when we make God's heart your own and you are used to be the miracle in someone's life.
The Spirit Key lines you up with the Supernatural power needed for a miracle. You learn to rely on Him with a great, unceasing confidence.
The Risk Key brings you to a place you trust in God despite feelings of discomfort or fear.
The Master Key
Say yes to God to be his delivery person. Prepare yourself by consciously entering His Throne room of Heaven. Volunteer with words, "Here I am, Please send me." Make a commitment to act when nudged by the Holy Spirit. Actively put your faith in God to deliver the miracle through you.
The People Key
We serve people according to Heaven's agenda.Our personal agenda must surrender to His. Our heart in any miracle must be His Heart. Our role in the miracle must be to serve people...anyone, anytime, anywhere He directs. Serving people to God's agenda was Jesus' top priority on earth.
The Spirit Key
Ministry without the Spirit of God is merely our best efforts. Ministry with the Spirit of God is the stuff of miracles. The Spirit does the miracles, we do the leg work, we become a skilled team player with the Spirit.
The Risk Key
Taking actions of faith are risky. It requires complete dependence on God. We must change our way of thinking, get rid of fear, and adhere to what God says in His promises. When we admit our sins of not believing in the past, remember when God did come through for you miraculously, keep our eyes on Christ, and commit to take risks when the Spirit prompts us, we are prime candidates to be a miracles delivery person.
How to deliver a miracle?
First learn the five signals that guide miracle delivery.
Signal 1: The God nudge. It's a feeling or impression to do something for someone.
Signal 2. The Revealing cue. A person may reveal a need by what they say or do. "I am worried...I wish that...I should never have.."
Signal 3. The Clarifying bump. Use a question to clarify a need. You may say something that opens the other person up to share, to gain more insight to their situation. Read the signs in the desert.
Signal 4. The Spiritual prompt. A nudge is directional. A prompt is informational. God drops in your thoughts a nugget of information that better enables you to deliver a miracle.
Signal 5. The Fear alert. You are taken out of your comfort zone and taking a risk to deliver the miracle. "Who me; Do what; What will they think?"
The Five Steps to lead to miracle delivery.
You were born to follow miracle-related delivery steps. For a miracle to take place we must have a person, a need, an open heart, and deliver agent (means to get the miracle where it should be), and God who receives the credit.
Step 1. Identify the Person. Where am I taking this package? Who is it for? What does God have in mind? Who is the person?
Step 2. Isolate the Need. Use bumps to help surface the need (an inquiry question). God uses us to help bring the need to the surface.
Step 3. Open the Heart. Be sincere, intentional so the person knows you are open and caring for them to open up to you. Share from your heart and they will too.
Step 4. Deliver the miracle. It is God at work but it is our responsibility to carry it out. The right question from a tender spot may open them up to share. Speak to the heart. Give God time to act.
Step 5. Transfer the credit. Return the spotlight to God and transfer the appropriate credit to Him. The process then is identify, isolate, open, deliver, transfer.
The Special Delivery of Miracles
There are three keys in the Special Deliver of miracles. As a special delivery agent you are given a package that you personally deliver to someone. You handle it with special care and make sure it gets delivered in tack and mint condition.
The Money Key is delivering a financial provision to a person in need. You are sent by God to delivery the financial resources and connect with the person who has a specific financial need.
The Dream Key unlocks a breakthrough miracle for someone who needs to embrace and achiever a God-given dream. Someone may have discarded their dream and you open them up to the importance of pursing it, with the encouragement that theirs has a God inspired mandate behind it.
The Forgiveness Key unlocks the biblical insights for someone to make a breakthrough to heal their wounds. God works through you to deliver a wonderful miracle of forgiveness and freedom.
Make these five personal decisions today to see your miracle delivery life flourish. Commit, act, grow, multiply and declare. Commit, act and grow so you can liberate millions and reclaim our reputation as a generation that exists now with a miracle working God... declaring His miracles still happen today.
This is reported to be one of the most dramatic action of miracles of God Sovereignly stirring heart's of mankind... (excerpted from Revival Fire by Wesley Duewall)
A quiet, zealous forty-six-year-old businessman in New York was appointed on
July 1,1857 , as a missionary in downtown New York at the Dutch Church. Lamphier felt led by God to start a noon-time weekly prayer meeting in which business people could meet for prayer. Anyone could attend, for a few minutes or for the entire hour. Lamphier printed some handbills announcing the prayer meetings with the title, "How Often Should I Pray?" He left these in some offices and warehouses. He also put one on the door of the church on the street side.
The first day, September 23, 1857, Lamphier prayed alone for half an hour. But by the end of the hour, six men from at least four denominational backgrounds joined him. The next Wednesday there were twenty. On October 7 there were nearly forty. The meeting was so blessed that they decided to meet daily. One week later there were over one hundred present, including many unsaved who were convicted by the Holy Spirit of their sin.
By March 19 a theater opened for prayer, and half an hour before it was time to begin, people were turned away. Hundreds stood outside in the streets because they could not get inside. By the end of March over six thousand people met daily in prayer gatherings in New York City. Many churches added evening services for prayer. Soon there were 150 united prayer meetings each day across Manhattan and Brooklyn. Meetings began in February in Philadelphia. Soon Jayne's Hall was overfilled, and meetings were held at noon each day in public halls, concert halls, fire stations, houses, and tents. The whole city exuded a spirit of prayer.
Almost simultaneously noon prayer meetings sprang up all across America in Boston, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans, Vicksburg, Memphis, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, and in a multitude of other cities, towns, and in rural areas. By the end of the fourth month, prayer fervor burned intensely across the nation. It was an awesome but glorious demonstration of the sovereign working of the Holy Spirit and the eager obedience of God's people.
America had entered a new period of faith and prayer. Educated and uneducated, rich and poor, business leaders and common workmen all prayed, believed, and received answers to prayer. Even the president of the United States, Franklin Pierce, attended many of the noon prayer meetings. This was not a revival of powerful preaching. This was a movement of earnest, powerful, prevailing prayer. All people wanted was a place to pray.
Six months previous to Lamphier's prayer meeting boom, few would have gathered for a prayer service. But now a spirit of prayer occupied the land, as though the church had suddenly discovered its real power. The majority of the churches in most denominations experienced a new dimension of prayer.
The accounts of the prayer meetings during those revival years describe how the people would quietly gather at the place of prayer promptly at the appointed hour. Whoever was leader for the meeting—a layman or a minister— arose and announced a hymn. They sang one or two verses with great joy, the leader prayed briefly, and then turned the service over to the members. Any person was free to speak or pray for no longer than five minutes. If the person took more than that time, a small bell was rung and it was someone else's turn.
A canopy of holy and awesome revival influence—in reality the presence of the Holy Spirit—seemed to hang like an invisible cloud over many parts of the United States, especially over the eastern seaboard. At times this cloud of God's presence even seemed to extend out to sea. Those on ships approaching the east coast at times felt a solemn, holy influence, even one hundred miles away, without even knowing what was happening in America. Revival began aboard one ship before it reached the coast. People on board began to feel the presence of God and a sense of their own sinfulness. The Holy Spirit convicted them, and they began to pray. As the ship neared the harbor, the captain signaled, "Send a minister."
Reports came in of hundreds being converted in prayer meetings, private homes, places of work, and fields. Often the doors of businesses held signs reading, " Closed, will reopen at the close of the prayer meeting." Five prayer meetings took place daily in Washington, D.C. Five thousand or so attended daily services in the Academy of Music Hall. In Philadelphia, Jayne's Hall removed partitions and added space for six thousand people to attend daily meetings. At this time George Duffield wrote the hymn "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus." For months multitudes of churches opened every evening for prayer, and some of them had from three to five services of prayer each day. All were filled.
The services consisted of simple prayer, confession, exhortation, and singing.
But it was " so earnest, so solemn, the silence. awesome, the singing. over-powering" that the meetings were unforgettable.
It was estimated that about 2 million people experienced radical Spiritual conversion from 1857 through the Civil War. One battleground left out of history books was the Spiritual Revival during the Civil War... the true victor of this War was not the North, but the Spirit of God capturing men and women's hearts.
You Were Born for This by Bruce Wilkinson is a guide on how to be someone's miracle. Miracles should not be a once in a while occurrence, but something to look for every day. It is God saying to us, "I'm here. I care about you. I can do for you what you cannot do for yourself." God uses people to deliver miracles. God may put you in front of an unexpected need that He strongly desires for you to meet... you are His miracle for someone. He will teach you how to be aware when God wants to do His miracle through you, in that it is almost predictable.
The four keys to a life of miracles are that as a delivery agent God will make a specific and urgent request of you, understand and accept His miracle agenda for you, learn how to partner with an unseen power, and take promising and life-changing risks. God is always looking for volunteers to be His miracle to someone. Will you partner with Heaven to be someone's miracle today.
Wilkinson explains the four keys to a life of miracles.
The Master Key is an urgent call to pray for someone needing a miracle. Our prayer opens the doors of Heaven for the miracle to happen in their life.
The People Key is when we make God's heart your own and you are used to be the miracle in someone's life.
The Spirit Key lines you up with the Supernatural power needed for a miracle. You learn to rely on Him with a great, unceasing confidence.
The Risk Key brings you to a place you trust in God despite feelings of discomfort or fear.
The Master Key
Say yes to God to be his delivery person. Prepare yourself by consciously entering His Throne room of Heaven. Volunteer with words, "Here I am, Please send me." Make a commitment to act when nudged by the Holy Spirit. Actively put your faith in God to deliver the miracle through you.
The People Key
We serve people according to Heaven's agenda.Our personal agenda must surrender to His. Our heart in any miracle must be His Heart. Our role in the miracle must be to serve people...anyone, anytime, anywhere He directs. Serving people to God's agenda was Jesus' top priority on earth.
The Spirit Key
Ministry without the Spirit of God is merely our best efforts. Ministry with the Spirit of God is the stuff of miracles. The Spirit does the miracles, we do the leg work, we become a skilled team player with the Spirit.
The Risk Key
Taking actions of faith are risky. It requires complete dependence on God. We must change our way of thinking, get rid of fear, and adhere to what God says in His promises. When we admit our sins of not believing in the past, remember when God did come through for you miraculously, keep our eyes on Christ, and commit to take risks when the Spirit prompts us, we are prime candidates to be a miracles delivery person.
How to deliver a miracle?
First learn the five signals that guide miracle delivery.
Signal 1: The God nudge. It's a feeling or impression to do something for someone.
Signal 2. The Revealing cue. A person may reveal a need by what they say or do. "I am worried...I wish that...I should never have.."
Signal 3. The Clarifying bump. Use a question to clarify a need. You may say something that opens the other person up to share, to gain more insight to their situation. Read the signs in the desert.
Signal 4. The Spiritual prompt. A nudge is directional. A prompt is informational. God drops in your thoughts a nugget of information that better enables you to deliver a miracle.
Signal 5. The Fear alert. You are taken out of your comfort zone and taking a risk to deliver the miracle. "Who me; Do what; What will they think?"
The Five Steps to lead to miracle delivery.
You were born to follow miracle-related delivery steps. For a miracle to take place we must have a person, a need, an open heart, and deliver agent (means to get the miracle where it should be), and God who receives the credit.
Step 1. Identify the Person. Where am I taking this package? Who is it for? What does God have in mind? Who is the person?
Step 2. Isolate the Need. Use bumps to help surface the need (an inquiry question). God uses us to help bring the need to the surface.
Step 3. Open the Heart. Be sincere, intentional so the person knows you are open and caring for them to open up to you. Share from your heart and they will too.
Step 4. Deliver the miracle. It is God at work but it is our responsibility to carry it out. The right question from a tender spot may open them up to share. Speak to the heart. Give God time to act.
Step 5. Transfer the credit. Return the spotlight to God and transfer the appropriate credit to Him. The process then is identify, isolate, open, deliver, transfer.
The Special Delivery of Miracles
There are three keys in the Special Deliver of miracles. As a special delivery agent you are given a package that you personally deliver to someone. You handle it with special care and make sure it gets delivered in tack and mint condition.
The Money Key is delivering a financial provision to a person in need. You are sent by God to delivery the financial resources and connect with the person who has a specific financial need.
The Dream Key unlocks a breakthrough miracle for someone who needs to embrace and achiever a God-given dream. Someone may have discarded their dream and you open them up to the importance of pursing it, with the encouragement that theirs has a God inspired mandate behind it.
The Forgiveness Key unlocks the biblical insights for someone to make a breakthrough to heal their wounds. God works through you to deliver a wonderful miracle of forgiveness and freedom.
Make these five personal decisions today to see your miracle delivery life flourish. Commit, act, grow, multiply and declare. Commit, act and grow so you can liberate millions and reclaim our reputation as a generation that exists now with a miracle working God... declaring His miracles still happen today.
This is reported to be one of the most dramatic action of miracles of God Sovereignly stirring heart's of mankind... (excerpted from Revival Fire by Wesley Duewall)
A quiet, zealous forty-six-year-old businessman in New York was appointed on
July 1,1857 , as a missionary in downtown New York at the Dutch Church. Lamphier felt led by God to start a noon-time weekly prayer meeting in which business people could meet for prayer. Anyone could attend, for a few minutes or for the entire hour. Lamphier printed some handbills announcing the prayer meetings with the title, "How Often Should I Pray?" He left these in some offices and warehouses. He also put one on the door of the church on the street side.
The first day, September 23, 1857, Lamphier prayed alone for half an hour. But by the end of the hour, six men from at least four denominational backgrounds joined him. The next Wednesday there were twenty. On October 7 there were nearly forty. The meeting was so blessed that they decided to meet daily. One week later there were over one hundred present, including many unsaved who were convicted by the Holy Spirit of their sin.
By March 19 a theater opened for prayer, and half an hour before it was time to begin, people were turned away. Hundreds stood outside in the streets because they could not get inside. By the end of March over six thousand people met daily in prayer gatherings in New York City. Many churches added evening services for prayer. Soon there were 150 united prayer meetings each day across Manhattan and Brooklyn. Meetings began in February in Philadelphia. Soon Jayne's Hall was overfilled, and meetings were held at noon each day in public halls, concert halls, fire stations, houses, and tents. The whole city exuded a spirit of prayer.
Almost simultaneously noon prayer meetings sprang up all across America in Boston, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans, Vicksburg, Memphis, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, and in a multitude of other cities, towns, and in rural areas. By the end of the fourth month, prayer fervor burned intensely across the nation. It was an awesome but glorious demonstration of the sovereign working of the Holy Spirit and the eager obedience of God's people.
America had entered a new period of faith and prayer. Educated and uneducated, rich and poor, business leaders and common workmen all prayed, believed, and received answers to prayer. Even the president of the United States, Franklin Pierce, attended many of the noon prayer meetings. This was not a revival of powerful preaching. This was a movement of earnest, powerful, prevailing prayer. All people wanted was a place to pray.
Six months previous to Lamphier's prayer meeting boom, few would have gathered for a prayer service. But now a spirit of prayer occupied the land, as though the church had suddenly discovered its real power. The majority of the churches in most denominations experienced a new dimension of prayer.
The accounts of the prayer meetings during those revival years describe how the people would quietly gather at the place of prayer promptly at the appointed hour. Whoever was leader for the meeting—a layman or a minister— arose and announced a hymn. They sang one or two verses with great joy, the leader prayed briefly, and then turned the service over to the members. Any person was free to speak or pray for no longer than five minutes. If the person took more than that time, a small bell was rung and it was someone else's turn.
A canopy of holy and awesome revival influence—in reality the presence of the Holy Spirit—seemed to hang like an invisible cloud over many parts of the United States, especially over the eastern seaboard. At times this cloud of God's presence even seemed to extend out to sea. Those on ships approaching the east coast at times felt a solemn, holy influence, even one hundred miles away, without even knowing what was happening in America. Revival began aboard one ship before it reached the coast. People on board began to feel the presence of God and a sense of their own sinfulness. The Holy Spirit convicted them, and they began to pray. As the ship neared the harbor, the captain signaled, "Send a minister."
Reports came in of hundreds being converted in prayer meetings, private homes, places of work, and fields. Often the doors of businesses held signs reading, " Closed, will reopen at the close of the prayer meeting." Five prayer meetings took place daily in Washington, D.C. Five thousand or so attended daily services in the Academy of Music Hall. In Philadelphia, Jayne's Hall removed partitions and added space for six thousand people to attend daily meetings. At this time George Duffield wrote the hymn "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus." For months multitudes of churches opened every evening for prayer, and some of them had from three to five services of prayer each day. All were filled.
The services consisted of simple prayer, confession, exhortation, and singing.
But it was " so earnest, so solemn, the silence. awesome, the singing. over-powering" that the meetings were unforgettable.
It was estimated that about 2 million people experienced radical Spiritual conversion from 1857 through the Civil War. One battleground left out of history books was the Spiritual Revival during the Civil War... the true victor of this War was not the North, but the Spirit of God capturing men and women's hearts.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Cash in a Flash... intercessory authority
by Dale Shumaker
Cash in a Flash by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen is a recipe of the right ingredients, mixed the right way, that will bring a new cash stream, ongoing, into your life in 90 days. Most books have principles to follow. Although these authors say what is needed is the right amount of each, for the right amount of time, in the way it will be the delicacy it is meant to be. It can happen, and they take you through three phases. In the same format as their bestseller, the One Minute Millionaire, they have two books in one.The left pages are the left brain side with the principles explained in linear thinking inspiring form. The right pages are the right brain side which is a story or a novel which shows how it can work in real life.
The three key ingredients of their recipe are Wow Now, Inner Winner, and the Dream Team.
Wow Now
Create a clear vision of what you are trying to create. In the visioning process use virtualization. Virtualization is using all your five senses. Skip ahead five years and begin experiencing your vision. See it, feel it, hear it, smell it, taste it. This is an important experience to frequently create for yourself. It's important to take the time to create it. You must excite the mind about it, and inspire all your faculties to believe it does exist.
Inner Winner
Make friends with your inner winner. We have two voices in our heads. One is the inner whiner. This is the critical voice which tells you all the things that put you down and robs hope from your spirit. This slows you down or stops you in your tracks.The other voice is the Inner Winner. This is the voice in your heart that keeps you advancing to what your heart desires.
The Team
We move to the third phase where our power is. Most businesses are run by solo-entrepreneurs. That's why 90% business ventures fail in five years. We start out being dependent, then independent, although the power phase is interdependence.
So Wow Now deals with your mind, the Inner Winner deals with your heart, and the Dream Team shows you how to harness the minds and hearts of the close few around you. Success then is a focused mind, plus a determined heart, plus a focused determined team. What you will do is go beyond knowing what to do, but knowing how to get you to do it.
Wow Now must start inside... the voices, visions and vibrations. Fast money begins from the inside out. Your thoughts are either self-dialogue, images or feelings. Before you take one step to your vision, you must give simmering time to your voices, visions and vibrations. The critical voice is the voice that has to be subdued. Every time you get a critical thought... from you or your mind hearing someone else talking to you use the volume technique to eliminate it. First notice the voice... is it critical or hopeful. If it is critical, negative, scary, try turning up your head volume. When you turn the volume up how does it feel? If you can turn it up, you can turn it down. Now turn it down, more, a little more, until it is hardly there. A second technique is use the Mickey Mouse technique. Make the critical voice sound like the Mickey Mouse voice, high and squeaky. Do these exercises for a week... note the voice, change the volume or make it squeaky. Remember... the critical voice is not your friend. Don't allow it around you. Escort it out the door. Everyone has a critical voice. Eliminate it, and make sure you do. If you proceed and don't change your inner voices, you will give up on your goals. The authors spend a good part of the book in this area. They say it is very important this is corrected.... your voice, your mental pictures, your feelings.
Convert your voice to ask empowering questions that give you the answers you need. Say... I can do this; so, what can I do now?... When it is negative, say switch and ask a "what can I do now" question. The first small step is the most important, followed by the next small step. Use a positive energy voice. Convert your past memories that are negative to be lessons to teach you wisdom and insight. You can't change the past but you can change what you learned from it and plot different directions. Use the past to empower the future, not to infect it.
Virtualize your future. Take time to sense all aspects of the dream fulfilled.
Megasize your dream. Take it over the top, in a very positive exhilarating light.
Habitize it. Step into your vision several times a day and imagine how good it is.
Make your dream bigger than your fears, live in your dream more than your fears. Dial up your emotions and create vibrations in your mind, your feelings, that make you extremely, intensely excited about the existence of your dream.
Find your secret spot, the place where can go off to and step into the existence of all the grand character of your vision, your idea for the future. Stay in your secret spot with the highest energy you can in your inner being.
The Inner Winner
In Wow Now the science of how to think was explored... called neurobics. Neurobics is an aerobics of mental activity every day experiencing life as you hope. It is imperative to learn how to think positively, keep the mind uncluttered from past memories and future fears. It directs the voices, visions and vibrations. The result is single-minded focus, confidence, and excitement... in short, conviction. The feeling of living your dream lifestyle must be in place.
The Inner Winner is how to tap your heart. To move to fast cash, the signals of the heart are often the fastest path to cash. Money is not the answer. The answer is the heart first. The inner winner is learning to follow the gut feeling, that an action is the right action for you. It's intuition that a certain direction is good for you. It's learning the voice of the Spirit, the voice of integrity, the voice of love. When we sit quietly, we can hear the voice of truth, not the lying voice of the critical side of your mind.
The bully of the fear voice in your mind usually works through five major fears: failure, embarrassment, abandonment, rejection, and success.
Right next to the bully of fear is the bully of greed. The Inner Winner is not in the head but in the heart. With your intuition in force found in your quiet voice, and inspiration of the good that will come out of it combine these, the inner winner grabs hold of this. Learn how to turn off the critical voice and listen to the voice of truth... your spiritual voice.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart... and do not depend just on your understanding. The whisper of your voice of truth will say, "you can do it."
The Inner winner takes you to your true path... your life's purpose. The purpose path is the fastest path to enlightened cash. Make money from what you love. If you got a million dollars today, what purpose path would you use it for. What are you passionate about and would want to make it start to happen. Do you have a good "why." Why do you do the things you do? Write the song in you. It's your song. Write it and perform it.
Start with what you know. What is something you do well, you get compliments when you do it, you enjoy it and it doesn't seem like work. Create pattern integrity... that's profitable patterns in your life. Ask yourself better questions.. where do you spend time you enjoy the most. Journal in the morning... write about your Divine livelihood. Share your journal with your dream team... trusted inner circle that believes in you, empowers you.
How much do you value making your dream come true. You can do it, start it with your existing resources. Change your mind set to a money set. Treat wealth respectfully as you do people you care about. Nurture and use it with integrity.
Write a check for 100 million dollars. This is your inheritance. Your fortune is inside you... around you... now. You have a secret cache of valuable resources inside you waiting to be monetized.
Look at your life from both lenses... one lens the mind and the other the heart. Look at the assets of your mind now... write out the value you have in... knowledge, skills, successes, failures and fears (remember they teach you lessons), and challenges(the challenges you earnestly wish to overcome will drive you). Now do a cache scan of your heart and write out your desires, passions, talents, wisdom, and connections. Take a piece of paper and make two columns... one for the Mind Cache, one for the Heart Cache and create your asset balance sheet.
You can hit the ground running when you find that sweet spot. Where the Mind stuff... skills and knowledge overlap with the Heart stuff of what you are inspired and passionate about. There you find your vein of gold... your $weet $pot. Begin immediately with this. This part you already have. You don't have to wait 90 days to start, you can do it in 90 minutes. It's going out and picking the low hanging fruit at your reach now. This is what Cash in a Flash is about.
In Bangladesh, Dr. Yunus started a micro-credit system for the poor. They used what they had, skills already in place to create more resources. Learning more is good, but so this after you have exhausted the skills you currently have... which have value to make money now.
What's your low hanging fruit? What are you already good at? Use your mind cache and heart cache. Begin your cache recipe with these ten ingredients.
The mind cache: Knowledge, skills, successes, failures, fears and challenges.
The heart cache: Desires, passions, talents, wisdom, and connections.
Your Dream Team
The third part is to form a mastermind alliance. This is where two or more minds voluntarily come together to accomplish more than either could do alone. They support, encourage, empower each other. They form a mind that is more powerful, creative, intuitive and synergistic than just one. To be effective it must be a harmonic, purposeful relationship.
Qualities to look for in dream team members are harmony, good information, they make you feel strong, respect, and you can count on them. A group size of six or less is better. Suggested guidelines for a group are shared mission, invitation of Spiritual authority, acceptance or respect of each other, supportive, communicate honestly, organization to include a facilitator, recorder, caller, scheduler. Have one-on-one calls and monetary commitment. The idea is to help each other dream with each person contributing to the process.
Where do you find rapid riches? With your skills and knowledge and ideas of the group, you create products, develop services you can fulfill, or information others want that you provide. It's using what you have to start with a product, service, or information (PSI). What problem can you solve for someone with a PSI. Problems you have others may have the same ones. So write out the problem, write out three outrageous solutions or opportunities the problem creates, evaluate each for practicality and effectiveness, run a solution by your dream team, pick the best one and dare to put it in place.
Go Big. The currencies you have are relationships, be likable;
mobility, simplicity and outsourcing and flexibility are essential;
time, be effective, be fun, get to-do lists done;
money, work to make it residual.
The best problem you can have is one to solve and monetize at the same time. Intellectual property is valuable. You know something and can research something others want to know, and will pay for the convenience to get it from you.
Sell your way out. A skill to develop is the selling skill. If you are sold yourself, then others will be sold too. Belief in what you have to offer, and desire for others to benefit (driving and strong conviction) are the mix for an explosion of results.
Start... set a date and start. Eliminate the fears and critical thinking, create possibilities and solutions. Make it a hundred yard dash, and not a 26 mile marathon. Wow now, be the inner winner and pursue your passions, engage your dream team. Check your gauges... the mind, heart and team. Set the start date and finish date, get in the starter's block. On your mark, get set, sell!
Rees Howells Intercessor by Norman Grubb, Grubb profiles what Intercession really is. As part of any group, some have a more intense life of prayer, a more focused time in prayer, and a life discipline that exudes power in prayer.
This is the added ingredient that supercharges any vision or mission God has for someone. To have at least one person with this gift is literally imperative for a God-Inspired mission to come together.
What is meant by being an intercessor?
Many have seen intercession as intensified prayer. It is, although three ingredients appear which may not be seen in normal prayer. There is identification, agony and authority.
The intercessory identifies with the one he is interceding for... praying in behalf for. It is such a strong identification that a person may be living out in his heart what the other person is actually feeling at that time. It is said of Jesus that He poured out His soul unto death; and He was numbered with the transgressors; and He bore the sins of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
As the Divine intercessor for the lost world, He drained the cup of our lost condition to its last drop. He tasted death for every man. To do that to the fullest sense, He sat where we sat. Jesus took our nature on himself, and through obedience, and suffering everything we suffer, tempted as we are tempted, made poor as many are poor, and finally being made sin for us. He was given the position to be the intercessor for us. He makes intercessions to the Father in Heaven, pleadings on our behalf for God to save us.
Identification is the first law of intercession. The Spirit gives life to those we plead for as Jesus pleads for us. We become the representative of others' needs and we submerge our self-interests into the needs of others and their sufferings, and as far as possible literally taking their place.
The other part of intercession is agony. The Spirit makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered. So we become intercessors by way of Jesus the Intercessor living in us. We share with Him on His intercessions and join with him to intercede for those He is interceding for. It is a real life we are called to and the life of Jesus as when He lived on earth. To live a life of intercession we must deal with some real issues of the world. We must eliminate the natural interests of earth such as the love of money, personal ambition, natural affection for loved ones, the appetites of the Body, the love of life itself, all that makes even a converted man live unto himself for his own comfort or advantage, his own achievement, even for his own circle of friends... to all this it must go to the cross.
It is real death, a real crucifixion with such devotion as only the Holy Spirit Himself can make actual in the experience of His servant. The self must be released from itself to become the agent of the Holy Spirit.
As the Apostle John said in 1 John 2: 15-17 (NLT):
"Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever."
As crucifixion proceeds, intercession begins. By inner burdens, by calls to outward obedience, the Spirit begins to live His own life of love and sacrifice for a lost world through His cleansed channel. Moses, the great intercessor, left a palace by free choice to identify himself with his slave brethren. He pleaded with God for His mercy on the children of Israel as they struggled in the desert.
Intercession in action is when the Holy Spirit is living His life through the chosen vessel. There is no limit to the extremes the Holy Spirit will take him in passion to warn and save the lost.
The intercessor knows identification and groanings, but he also is privileged with authority. The intercessor so identifies with the sufferings of people, he is giving a prevailing place with God. He moves God as Moses did. He even caused God to change His mind. He gains the objective through God. Howells talked about the gained position of the intercessor. The price is paid, obedience is fulfilled, the inner wrestling and groanings take their full course, and then "the Word of the Lord comes." The weak channel is clothed with authority of the Holy Spirit and can speak the word of deliverance. "Greater works" are then done. Through weakness, complete yielding to the Holy Spirit, exuberant power is expressed.
When we pray we hope God will give us the thing. When we intercede, we walk with power and authority and we know that God will give us the answer every time... the measureless sea of God is opened up to us. That is the gained place of intercession.
Pastor Blumhardt of Germany devoted so much time to praying and interceding for the sick to the point he was accused of neglecting his pastorate. The sufferings of others became so painful to him that he was pleading for them as if for himself. That was intercession!
Cash in a Flash by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen is a recipe of the right ingredients, mixed the right way, that will bring a new cash stream, ongoing, into your life in 90 days. Most books have principles to follow. Although these authors say what is needed is the right amount of each, for the right amount of time, in the way it will be the delicacy it is meant to be. It can happen, and they take you through three phases. In the same format as their bestseller, the One Minute Millionaire, they have two books in one.The left pages are the left brain side with the principles explained in linear thinking inspiring form. The right pages are the right brain side which is a story or a novel which shows how it can work in real life.
The three key ingredients of their recipe are Wow Now, Inner Winner, and the Dream Team.
Wow Now
Create a clear vision of what you are trying to create. In the visioning process use virtualization. Virtualization is using all your five senses. Skip ahead five years and begin experiencing your vision. See it, feel it, hear it, smell it, taste it. This is an important experience to frequently create for yourself. It's important to take the time to create it. You must excite the mind about it, and inspire all your faculties to believe it does exist.
Inner Winner
Make friends with your inner winner. We have two voices in our heads. One is the inner whiner. This is the critical voice which tells you all the things that put you down and robs hope from your spirit. This slows you down or stops you in your tracks.The other voice is the Inner Winner. This is the voice in your heart that keeps you advancing to what your heart desires.
The Team
We move to the third phase where our power is. Most businesses are run by solo-entrepreneurs. That's why 90% business ventures fail in five years. We start out being dependent, then independent, although the power phase is interdependence.
So Wow Now deals with your mind, the Inner Winner deals with your heart, and the Dream Team shows you how to harness the minds and hearts of the close few around you. Success then is a focused mind, plus a determined heart, plus a focused determined team. What you will do is go beyond knowing what to do, but knowing how to get you to do it.
Wow Now must start inside... the voices, visions and vibrations. Fast money begins from the inside out. Your thoughts are either self-dialogue, images or feelings. Before you take one step to your vision, you must give simmering time to your voices, visions and vibrations. The critical voice is the voice that has to be subdued. Every time you get a critical thought... from you or your mind hearing someone else talking to you use the volume technique to eliminate it. First notice the voice... is it critical or hopeful. If it is critical, negative, scary, try turning up your head volume. When you turn the volume up how does it feel? If you can turn it up, you can turn it down. Now turn it down, more, a little more, until it is hardly there. A second technique is use the Mickey Mouse technique. Make the critical voice sound like the Mickey Mouse voice, high and squeaky. Do these exercises for a week... note the voice, change the volume or make it squeaky. Remember... the critical voice is not your friend. Don't allow it around you. Escort it out the door. Everyone has a critical voice. Eliminate it, and make sure you do. If you proceed and don't change your inner voices, you will give up on your goals. The authors spend a good part of the book in this area. They say it is very important this is corrected.... your voice, your mental pictures, your feelings.
Convert your voice to ask empowering questions that give you the answers you need. Say... I can do this; so, what can I do now?... When it is negative, say switch and ask a "what can I do now" question. The first small step is the most important, followed by the next small step. Use a positive energy voice. Convert your past memories that are negative to be lessons to teach you wisdom and insight. You can't change the past but you can change what you learned from it and plot different directions. Use the past to empower the future, not to infect it.
Virtualize your future. Take time to sense all aspects of the dream fulfilled.
Megasize your dream. Take it over the top, in a very positive exhilarating light.
Habitize it. Step into your vision several times a day and imagine how good it is.
Make your dream bigger than your fears, live in your dream more than your fears. Dial up your emotions and create vibrations in your mind, your feelings, that make you extremely, intensely excited about the existence of your dream.
Find your secret spot, the place where can go off to and step into the existence of all the grand character of your vision, your idea for the future. Stay in your secret spot with the highest energy you can in your inner being.
The Inner Winner
In Wow Now the science of how to think was explored... called neurobics. Neurobics is an aerobics of mental activity every day experiencing life as you hope. It is imperative to learn how to think positively, keep the mind uncluttered from past memories and future fears. It directs the voices, visions and vibrations. The result is single-minded focus, confidence, and excitement... in short, conviction. The feeling of living your dream lifestyle must be in place.
The Inner Winner is how to tap your heart. To move to fast cash, the signals of the heart are often the fastest path to cash. Money is not the answer. The answer is the heart first. The inner winner is learning to follow the gut feeling, that an action is the right action for you. It's intuition that a certain direction is good for you. It's learning the voice of the Spirit, the voice of integrity, the voice of love. When we sit quietly, we can hear the voice of truth, not the lying voice of the critical side of your mind.
The bully of the fear voice in your mind usually works through five major fears: failure, embarrassment, abandonment, rejection, and success.
Right next to the bully of fear is the bully of greed. The Inner Winner is not in the head but in the heart. With your intuition in force found in your quiet voice, and inspiration of the good that will come out of it combine these, the inner winner grabs hold of this. Learn how to turn off the critical voice and listen to the voice of truth... your spiritual voice.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart... and do not depend just on your understanding. The whisper of your voice of truth will say, "you can do it."
The Inner winner takes you to your true path... your life's purpose. The purpose path is the fastest path to enlightened cash. Make money from what you love. If you got a million dollars today, what purpose path would you use it for. What are you passionate about and would want to make it start to happen. Do you have a good "why." Why do you do the things you do? Write the song in you. It's your song. Write it and perform it.
Start with what you know. What is something you do well, you get compliments when you do it, you enjoy it and it doesn't seem like work. Create pattern integrity... that's profitable patterns in your life. Ask yourself better questions.. where do you spend time you enjoy the most. Journal in the morning... write about your Divine livelihood. Share your journal with your dream team... trusted inner circle that believes in you, empowers you.
How much do you value making your dream come true. You can do it, start it with your existing resources. Change your mind set to a money set. Treat wealth respectfully as you do people you care about. Nurture and use it with integrity.
Write a check for 100 million dollars. This is your inheritance. Your fortune is inside you... around you... now. You have a secret cache of valuable resources inside you waiting to be monetized.
Look at your life from both lenses... one lens the mind and the other the heart. Look at the assets of your mind now... write out the value you have in... knowledge, skills, successes, failures and fears (remember they teach you lessons), and challenges(the challenges you earnestly wish to overcome will drive you). Now do a cache scan of your heart and write out your desires, passions, talents, wisdom, and connections. Take a piece of paper and make two columns... one for the Mind Cache, one for the Heart Cache and create your asset balance sheet.
You can hit the ground running when you find that sweet spot. Where the Mind stuff... skills and knowledge overlap with the Heart stuff of what you are inspired and passionate about. There you find your vein of gold... your $weet $pot. Begin immediately with this. This part you already have. You don't have to wait 90 days to start, you can do it in 90 minutes. It's going out and picking the low hanging fruit at your reach now. This is what Cash in a Flash is about.
In Bangladesh, Dr. Yunus started a micro-credit system for the poor. They used what they had, skills already in place to create more resources. Learning more is good, but so this after you have exhausted the skills you currently have... which have value to make money now.
What's your low hanging fruit? What are you already good at? Use your mind cache and heart cache. Begin your cache recipe with these ten ingredients.
The mind cache: Knowledge, skills, successes, failures, fears and challenges.
The heart cache: Desires, passions, talents, wisdom, and connections.
Your Dream Team
The third part is to form a mastermind alliance. This is where two or more minds voluntarily come together to accomplish more than either could do alone. They support, encourage, empower each other. They form a mind that is more powerful, creative, intuitive and synergistic than just one. To be effective it must be a harmonic, purposeful relationship.
Qualities to look for in dream team members are harmony, good information, they make you feel strong, respect, and you can count on them. A group size of six or less is better. Suggested guidelines for a group are shared mission, invitation of Spiritual authority, acceptance or respect of each other, supportive, communicate honestly, organization to include a facilitator, recorder, caller, scheduler. Have one-on-one calls and monetary commitment. The idea is to help each other dream with each person contributing to the process.
Where do you find rapid riches? With your skills and knowledge and ideas of the group, you create products, develop services you can fulfill, or information others want that you provide. It's using what you have to start with a product, service, or information (PSI). What problem can you solve for someone with a PSI. Problems you have others may have the same ones. So write out the problem, write out three outrageous solutions or opportunities the problem creates, evaluate each for practicality and effectiveness, run a solution by your dream team, pick the best one and dare to put it in place.
Go Big. The currencies you have are relationships, be likable;
mobility, simplicity and outsourcing and flexibility are essential;
time, be effective, be fun, get to-do lists done;
money, work to make it residual.
The best problem you can have is one to solve and monetize at the same time. Intellectual property is valuable. You know something and can research something others want to know, and will pay for the convenience to get it from you.
Sell your way out. A skill to develop is the selling skill. If you are sold yourself, then others will be sold too. Belief in what you have to offer, and desire for others to benefit (driving and strong conviction) are the mix for an explosion of results.
Start... set a date and start. Eliminate the fears and critical thinking, create possibilities and solutions. Make it a hundred yard dash, and not a 26 mile marathon. Wow now, be the inner winner and pursue your passions, engage your dream team. Check your gauges... the mind, heart and team. Set the start date and finish date, get in the starter's block. On your mark, get set, sell!
Rees Howells Intercessor by Norman Grubb, Grubb profiles what Intercession really is. As part of any group, some have a more intense life of prayer, a more focused time in prayer, and a life discipline that exudes power in prayer.
This is the added ingredient that supercharges any vision or mission God has for someone. To have at least one person with this gift is literally imperative for a God-Inspired mission to come together.
What is meant by being an intercessor?
Many have seen intercession as intensified prayer. It is, although three ingredients appear which may not be seen in normal prayer. There is identification, agony and authority.
The intercessory identifies with the one he is interceding for... praying in behalf for. It is such a strong identification that a person may be living out in his heart what the other person is actually feeling at that time. It is said of Jesus that He poured out His soul unto death; and He was numbered with the transgressors; and He bore the sins of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
As the Divine intercessor for the lost world, He drained the cup of our lost condition to its last drop. He tasted death for every man. To do that to the fullest sense, He sat where we sat. Jesus took our nature on himself, and through obedience, and suffering everything we suffer, tempted as we are tempted, made poor as many are poor, and finally being made sin for us. He was given the position to be the intercessor for us. He makes intercessions to the Father in Heaven, pleadings on our behalf for God to save us.
Identification is the first law of intercession. The Spirit gives life to those we plead for as Jesus pleads for us. We become the representative of others' needs and we submerge our self-interests into the needs of others and their sufferings, and as far as possible literally taking their place.
The other part of intercession is agony. The Spirit makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered. So we become intercessors by way of Jesus the Intercessor living in us. We share with Him on His intercessions and join with him to intercede for those He is interceding for. It is a real life we are called to and the life of Jesus as when He lived on earth. To live a life of intercession we must deal with some real issues of the world. We must eliminate the natural interests of earth such as the love of money, personal ambition, natural affection for loved ones, the appetites of the Body, the love of life itself, all that makes even a converted man live unto himself for his own comfort or advantage, his own achievement, even for his own circle of friends... to all this it must go to the cross.
It is real death, a real crucifixion with such devotion as only the Holy Spirit Himself can make actual in the experience of His servant. The self must be released from itself to become the agent of the Holy Spirit.
As the Apostle John said in 1 John 2: 15-17 (NLT):
"Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever."
As crucifixion proceeds, intercession begins. By inner burdens, by calls to outward obedience, the Spirit begins to live His own life of love and sacrifice for a lost world through His cleansed channel. Moses, the great intercessor, left a palace by free choice to identify himself with his slave brethren. He pleaded with God for His mercy on the children of Israel as they struggled in the desert.
Intercession in action is when the Holy Spirit is living His life through the chosen vessel. There is no limit to the extremes the Holy Spirit will take him in passion to warn and save the lost.
The intercessor knows identification and groanings, but he also is privileged with authority. The intercessor so identifies with the sufferings of people, he is giving a prevailing place with God. He moves God as Moses did. He even caused God to change His mind. He gains the objective through God. Howells talked about the gained position of the intercessor. The price is paid, obedience is fulfilled, the inner wrestling and groanings take their full course, and then "the Word of the Lord comes." The weak channel is clothed with authority of the Holy Spirit and can speak the word of deliverance. "Greater works" are then done. Through weakness, complete yielding to the Holy Spirit, exuberant power is expressed.
When we pray we hope God will give us the thing. When we intercede, we walk with power and authority and we know that God will give us the answer every time... the measureless sea of God is opened up to us. That is the gained place of intercession.
Pastor Blumhardt of Germany devoted so much time to praying and interceding for the sick to the point he was accused of neglecting his pastorate. The sufferings of others became so painful to him that he was pleading for them as if for himself. That was intercession!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Free... Freely you have received, Freely give.
by Dale Shumaker
Free by Chris Anderson is about the future of radical price. Freeconomics is being driven by underlying technologies of the digital age. One of the biggest economic trends is using free as part of a business model. Anderson points out that free is not a marketing gimmick, but an economic force businesses today need to contrive to be in business tomorrow.
What does free mean? Free is any product that entices you to pay for something else.
Providing content, services, software free. The producer has ad space and provides free content. The consumer buys from the ads. The three-party market.
Freemium is a free version that has a premium version. The premium market is the subsidy which pays for the free market.
Giving some things away you don't expect any form of payment back... gifts.
Free is a good idea because we live in abundance. So free is good economically. Here's how free works.
1. Build a community around free information and advice on a particular topic.
2. With the community's help, design some products that people want, and return the favor by making the products free in raw form.
3. Let those with more money than they may have time, skill, or risk-tolerance buy the more polished product.
4. Do it again and build in a 40% profit margin so you can pay the bills.
Ideas are the ultimate abundance commodity, which propagates at zero marginal cost. Information is how money flows. Money is just bits and with technology most information can be free.
Information begs to be free. Value is in scarce information.... that we pay for.
What has contributed to the end of paid content?
1. Supply and demand. The supply of content has grown by factors of millions.
2. Loss of physical form. We pay for atoms, not bits.
3. Ease of access. It's easier to download than buy in a store.
4. Shift to ad-supported content. If it's free on-line, we expect it else where.
5. The computer industry wants content to be free.
6. Generation free.
The technology generation thinks differently and they don't see why content can be copyrighted.
How big is the free economy?
We need to define economy. It is relational and reputational. One example is Facebook friends, a classic unit of reputational currency. The more friends you have, the more influence you have in the Facebook world, the more social capital you spend. The greater your value as you give attention and build your reputation, the more you influence. So currency value is formed from these components.
The new math taken from Facebook, for example, is that you have 100 Facebook friends, who have a bunch of friends. If they can use your product or service, then your value is the price of your product or service times the number in your network... play with the math and this can be very big.
Apply this free in market scenarios of the three-party market, freemium, gift market above, and freeconomics emerges.
The Free Ride is not new. It is how the new economy will get to flourish again. Free
rides which lead to other rides is the road to currency today. What free rides can you create which then take on a ride to create currency.
How to treat attention and reputation as quantitatively as we do money. Anderson explains how to convert attention to reputation to economic return. To consider is that doing things without pay often makes us happier than the work we do for salary. A market of free exchange arrived on the internet. The free economy has its economy wrapped in that.
Anderson points out that waste can sometimes be good. We can put more capacity in our computers. So we then never really waste its space. Thinking in terms of wasted space has created a scarcity mentality. The best way to exploit abundance is to relinquish control. Scarcity thinking is a twentieth century organizational model. We need to get good at abundance thinking.
Abundance views... rules as "Everything is permitted unless forbidden," model as "you know what's best," ...profit plan as "we'll figure it out," ...decision making as "bottom up," and management style as "out of control."
Imagine abundance and if you are having trouble here and now, consider imagining Heaven. It has no limit to anything. Even the span of life is considered without limit, it's eternal.
Beware of heeding to the objections to free. Here's a few:
"There ain't no free lunch."
"Free always has hidden costs; free is a trick."
"Free means more ads and that means less privacy."
"No cost, no value."
"Free undermines innovation."
"Free is building a generation that doesn't value anything."
"I gave my stuff away and didn't make much money."
"Free drives out professionals in favor of amateurs, at a cost of quality."
To conclude, the ten principles of Abundance Thinking.
1. If it's digital, sooner or later it's going to be free.
2. Atoms would like to be free, too, but they're not so pushy about it.
3. You can't stop Free.
4. You can make money from Free.
5. Redefine your market.
6. Round down.
7. Sooner or later you will compete with Free.
8. Embrace waste.
9. Free makes other things more valuable.
10. Manage for abundance, not scarcity.
Some free ways to doing things. Like 30 days free, then pay; basic version free; use it up to this many free....
More Free ideas at Chris' blog:
Jesus said, Freely you have received, so Freely give.
We as believers are to be proactive in our faith.The more we give, do good, actively, the more we defeat evil and evil can't get a grip on us. Evil comes from being self absorbed. Good is thinking of others as more important and occupying our time and mind energies to help and contribute to others. When we focus on and help others, it keeps growing. Good grows and expands and will eventually take over.
We replace evil and defeat evil by aggressively doing good and giving of good things freely, generously.
Freely giving cures so much of what could hurt us. Obviously, what can hurt us is greed and selfishness, which causes depression, loss of a sense of value and self worth. Addictions can be cured as we actively do good. Addictions grip us when we stop moving forward in doing good. A mind fixed on doing good is not overcome by things that tie us down, that bind us up. Whether it's alcohol, sex, or sports, any addiction is thwarted with an active mind and Spirit about doing good. We defeat evil as we are constantly finding things to do good. This is why the law of giving is so powerful. It has endless supply.
Abundances of good come about from actions of doing good. It's known as the law of reciprocity... what we do is returned many times what was originally given. By doing good we do the same. We enact this law and evil cannot get a foothold on us. In life and in business, proactive behavior in doing good, will reproduce in having more coming back in the same way we gave it out. So evil is over come by doing good, and staying active in doing good. There are plenty of good things we can be doing, and when we do good, more is created for us to do good. There is an abundance of God to go around.
What is the good we are to do? Jesus defined it.
“My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work." (John 4:34)
The Apostle Paul warns us not to be idol. Then evil will overtake us. But by doing Good, doing the work God has gifted us to do, we will defeat evil. "Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good." (Romans 12:21)
"Freely you have received, so freely give." (Matthew 10:8)
These words of Jesus were a bold promise. ... to give freely gives great returns. He added to this, that whatever you give will be multiplied many times over and given back so you can give even more (Luke 6:8).
And those who have, will even be given more. There is a case for abundance in Spirit. His Spirit continues to create more and more when we walk and live in a demonstration of abundance, faith in Him, and continuously doing His Business. In nature, one seed planned grows into a vine producing many tomatoes, ears of corn, green beans. Each act we give freely, can reproduce to many more.
What Jesus promised His disciples is a continuous flow of resources ...and these were powerful such as the power to heal, cast out evil spirits from people. This is tied to God's power that has no limits.
This is the same power that created all things in the universe. Jesus promised this for His disciples to do good, and help free people from their disease, illnesses, and personal addictions. It starts by giving and doing good... and then more is given freely, and generously by the Spirit.
The wise person said to do good every where, because we don't know from where more will come back to us. Good multiplies back to us. "Send your grain across the seas, and in time, profits will flow back to you." (Eccel. 11:1)
To solve any problem is to be generous in giving in doing good. Something that will make man and the world around us a better place ...and what is most important is building the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.
Paul the Apostle goes on to say that he shared the gospel free of charge (2 Corinthians 11:7).
He provided content free. He shared good news and dramatic life-changing news "free." What did he have? He had abundance in his life because he freely shared all good things with all people. Freely giving produces more, multiplied and coming back with more and more to share even more.
Again, those who are given much are even given more. "For those who have will be given more, and they will have an abundance." Jesus declared this. (Matthew 25:29)
And we are made to do good. We have a special gift just from God to do good for His Kingdom, earmarked specifically with our name on it. "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
One thing more... beyond giving freely, sharing what we know freely, and doing good that over comes evil reproducing more good things in the world, the rewards increase.
"Come!" Let those who are thirsty come; and let all who wish take the free gift of the water of life."( Revelations 22:17)
This free gift of God comes to us, we are to share it with others, and we all will live in an never ending stream of full life forever. The end has the even bigger reward for us who choose to give freely... to give what we know, to give our gifts, to give good things to all mankind in all places.
Give freely, do good, constantly be thinking of more good things you can do, then give it freely and never cease doing good. Evil will be defeated, our life will be full of love, joy, happiness, and the essence of God's presence... forever.
Free by Chris Anderson is about the future of radical price. Freeconomics is being driven by underlying technologies of the digital age. One of the biggest economic trends is using free as part of a business model. Anderson points out that free is not a marketing gimmick, but an economic force businesses today need to contrive to be in business tomorrow.
What does free mean? Free is any product that entices you to pay for something else.
Providing content, services, software free. The producer has ad space and provides free content. The consumer buys from the ads. The three-party market.
Freemium is a free version that has a premium version. The premium market is the subsidy which pays for the free market.
Giving some things away you don't expect any form of payment back... gifts.
Free is a good idea because we live in abundance. So free is good economically. Here's how free works.
1. Build a community around free information and advice on a particular topic.
2. With the community's help, design some products that people want, and return the favor by making the products free in raw form.
3. Let those with more money than they may have time, skill, or risk-tolerance buy the more polished product.
4. Do it again and build in a 40% profit margin so you can pay the bills.
Ideas are the ultimate abundance commodity, which propagates at zero marginal cost. Information is how money flows. Money is just bits and with technology most information can be free.
Information begs to be free. Value is in scarce information.... that we pay for.
What has contributed to the end of paid content?
1. Supply and demand. The supply of content has grown by factors of millions.
2. Loss of physical form. We pay for atoms, not bits.
3. Ease of access. It's easier to download than buy in a store.
4. Shift to ad-supported content. If it's free on-line, we expect it else where.
5. The computer industry wants content to be free.
6. Generation free.
The technology generation thinks differently and they don't see why content can be copyrighted.
How big is the free economy?
We need to define economy. It is relational and reputational. One example is Facebook friends, a classic unit of reputational currency. The more friends you have, the more influence you have in the Facebook world, the more social capital you spend. The greater your value as you give attention and build your reputation, the more you influence. So currency value is formed from these components.
The new math taken from Facebook, for example, is that you have 100 Facebook friends, who have a bunch of friends. If they can use your product or service, then your value is the price of your product or service times the number in your network... play with the math and this can be very big.
Apply this free in market scenarios of the three-party market, freemium, gift market above, and freeconomics emerges.
The Free Ride is not new. It is how the new economy will get to flourish again. Free
rides which lead to other rides is the road to currency today. What free rides can you create which then take on a ride to create currency.
How to treat attention and reputation as quantitatively as we do money. Anderson explains how to convert attention to reputation to economic return. To consider is that doing things without pay often makes us happier than the work we do for salary. A market of free exchange arrived on the internet. The free economy has its economy wrapped in that.
Anderson points out that waste can sometimes be good. We can put more capacity in our computers. So we then never really waste its space. Thinking in terms of wasted space has created a scarcity mentality. The best way to exploit abundance is to relinquish control. Scarcity thinking is a twentieth century organizational model. We need to get good at abundance thinking.
Abundance views... rules as "Everything is permitted unless forbidden," model as "you know what's best," ...profit plan as "we'll figure it out," ...decision making as "bottom up," and management style as "out of control."
Imagine abundance and if you are having trouble here and now, consider imagining Heaven. It has no limit to anything. Even the span of life is considered without limit, it's eternal.
Beware of heeding to the objections to free. Here's a few:
"There ain't no free lunch."
"Free always has hidden costs; free is a trick."
"Free means more ads and that means less privacy."
"No cost, no value."
"Free undermines innovation."
"Free is building a generation that doesn't value anything."
"I gave my stuff away and didn't make much money."
"Free drives out professionals in favor of amateurs, at a cost of quality."
To conclude, the ten principles of Abundance Thinking.
1. If it's digital, sooner or later it's going to be free.
2. Atoms would like to be free, too, but they're not so pushy about it.
3. You can't stop Free.
4. You can make money from Free.
5. Redefine your market.
6. Round down.
7. Sooner or later you will compete with Free.
8. Embrace waste.
9. Free makes other things more valuable.
10. Manage for abundance, not scarcity.
Some free ways to doing things. Like 30 days free, then pay; basic version free; use it up to this many free....
More Free ideas at Chris' blog:
Jesus said, Freely you have received, so Freely give.
We as believers are to be proactive in our faith.The more we give, do good, actively, the more we defeat evil and evil can't get a grip on us. Evil comes from being self absorbed. Good is thinking of others as more important and occupying our time and mind energies to help and contribute to others. When we focus on and help others, it keeps growing. Good grows and expands and will eventually take over.
We replace evil and defeat evil by aggressively doing good and giving of good things freely, generously.
Freely giving cures so much of what could hurt us. Obviously, what can hurt us is greed and selfishness, which causes depression, loss of a sense of value and self worth. Addictions can be cured as we actively do good. Addictions grip us when we stop moving forward in doing good. A mind fixed on doing good is not overcome by things that tie us down, that bind us up. Whether it's alcohol, sex, or sports, any addiction is thwarted with an active mind and Spirit about doing good. We defeat evil as we are constantly finding things to do good. This is why the law of giving is so powerful. It has endless supply.
Abundances of good come about from actions of doing good. It's known as the law of reciprocity... what we do is returned many times what was originally given. By doing good we do the same. We enact this law and evil cannot get a foothold on us. In life and in business, proactive behavior in doing good, will reproduce in having more coming back in the same way we gave it out. So evil is over come by doing good, and staying active in doing good. There are plenty of good things we can be doing, and when we do good, more is created for us to do good. There is an abundance of God to go around.
What is the good we are to do? Jesus defined it.
“My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work." (John 4:34)
The Apostle Paul warns us not to be idol. Then evil will overtake us. But by doing Good, doing the work God has gifted us to do, we will defeat evil. "Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good." (Romans 12:21)
"Freely you have received, so freely give." (Matthew 10:8)
These words of Jesus were a bold promise. ... to give freely gives great returns. He added to this, that whatever you give will be multiplied many times over and given back so you can give even more (Luke 6:8).
And those who have, will even be given more. There is a case for abundance in Spirit. His Spirit continues to create more and more when we walk and live in a demonstration of abundance, faith in Him, and continuously doing His Business. In nature, one seed planned grows into a vine producing many tomatoes, ears of corn, green beans. Each act we give freely, can reproduce to many more.
What Jesus promised His disciples is a continuous flow of resources ...and these were powerful such as the power to heal, cast out evil spirits from people. This is tied to God's power that has no limits.
This is the same power that created all things in the universe. Jesus promised this for His disciples to do good, and help free people from their disease, illnesses, and personal addictions. It starts by giving and doing good... and then more is given freely, and generously by the Spirit.
The wise person said to do good every where, because we don't know from where more will come back to us. Good multiplies back to us. "Send your grain across the seas, and in time, profits will flow back to you." (Eccel. 11:1)
To solve any problem is to be generous in giving in doing good. Something that will make man and the world around us a better place ...and what is most important is building the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.
Paul the Apostle goes on to say that he shared the gospel free of charge (2 Corinthians 11:7).
He provided content free. He shared good news and dramatic life-changing news "free." What did he have? He had abundance in his life because he freely shared all good things with all people. Freely giving produces more, multiplied and coming back with more and more to share even more.
Again, those who are given much are even given more. "For those who have will be given more, and they will have an abundance." Jesus declared this. (Matthew 25:29)
And we are made to do good. We have a special gift just from God to do good for His Kingdom, earmarked specifically with our name on it. "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
One thing more... beyond giving freely, sharing what we know freely, and doing good that over comes evil reproducing more good things in the world, the rewards increase.
"Come!" Let those who are thirsty come; and let all who wish take the free gift of the water of life."( Revelations 22:17)
This free gift of God comes to us, we are to share it with others, and we all will live in an never ending stream of full life forever. The end has the even bigger reward for us who choose to give freely... to give what we know, to give our gifts, to give good things to all mankind in all places.
Give freely, do good, constantly be thinking of more good things you can do, then give it freely and never cease doing good. Evil will be defeated, our life will be full of love, joy, happiness, and the essence of God's presence... forever.
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