Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Trust Edge ... a Higher Trust

by Dale Shumaker
Spirit Savvy Network

The Trust Edge by David Horsager explains how to create trust through a business
What is trust?

To do what is right, to be the same every time, whatever the circumstances to believe in your ability, your consistency, your integrity, your commitment to deliver.

The edge.
The trust edge is the competitive advantage gained when others confidently believe in you.

Trust takes a long time to grow, yet it can be lost in a short period of time. Most people though will talk to a person in a couple minutes and decide if they are going to start to trust that person or not. It’s like a forest... it takes a long time to grow, but one careless act can burn it down quickly.

Talent is valuable, but without trust no one will want our talent. As trust increases, key ingredients to a strong business increase, such as retention, productivity, innovation, loyalty, revenue, etc.
As trust decreases, problems, skepticism, attrition, stress increase.

The Pillars that build trust:

Pillar 1  People trust the clear and distrust the ambiguous.  
A clear vision unifies and motivates, being specific in what you’re asking for, communication with shared meaning build trust.

Pillar 2  Compassion.
Caring leads to trust.

Profit is the reward someone gets for serving the general welfare. 
Four laws of compassion: Listen, appreciate, take-up for someone, and serve others.

Pillar 3  Character
“Nearly all men stand adversity.  If you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
Abraham Lincoln

Integrity is being consistent in thoughts, words, and actions.
The surest way to live with honor in the world is to be in reality what we would appear to be.
Ask: “Am I doing the right thing?"
Be humble; live out your principles and values; be intentional, proactive, self-disciplined, be accountable.

Pillar 4  Competency
“The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance.”  
Ben Franklin

Keep learning, humility ability (from a know-it-all to a humble-self to listen to new ideas.) Join a mastermind group, read to learn, Interdependence, daily university (collect info you can learn throughout day.)

Pillar 5  Commitment
Great leaders show commitment so they are able to unite others to their cause. They take responsibility and spread praise around. Go the extra mile. Under-promise and over-deliver. Money can never replace passion. When people see your personal commitment, they trust you.

Pillar 6  Connection
We trust a friend's recommendation over a review from a critic. Stir and build connections. Key to connecting is conversation. Key to conversing is asking questions. Be magnetic, be real and be genuine, be transparent.  Collaborate.

Pillar 7  Contribution
Dong, not saying, builds trust. Give: Attention, Time, Opportunity, Resources, Help.
Take difference-making actions. Create a contribution strategy.

Pillar 8  Consistency
It’s the little things done consistently, that make the biggest difference. You never get one big change to be trusted in your life; you will get thousands of small ones. Just one inconsistency can change people’s perspective. Trust is not judged by the words you use.

Trusting people brings out their best and inspires trust in others.  Rebuild trust by apologizing thoroughly, forgive, let it go. Never burn a bridge.

Horsager continues on to show how to gain trust online, how to build courageous trust(risk takes courage).

More of The Trust Edge at

The Scriptures say to Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend or count  on your own ideas, education, experience. For God is Great, superior to anything on earth and when you humble yourself and trust Him, you can count on God to exceed your abilities to do things.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;   
do not depend on your own understanding

6 Seek his will in all you do,
   and he will show you which path to take.
7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
   Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
8 Then you will have healing for your body
   and strength for your bones.
Proverbs 3

True trust is having faith in God more than yourself. When you seek Him, He will show you a Divine path to follow and give you ideas and strategies that surpass anything you could ever think up. But it takes seeking Him. It takes spending time reflecting on Him. When our personal devotion time is a stint of time connecting to God’s Spirit, and asking Him for answers, He will give us His Divine and unmatchable plans that no one can defeat.

With respect for Him and who He is, He will honor our devotion to Him. He is a consuming fire and will devour what opposes Him. So to fear Him and show respect to who He is also welcomes His Presence with us. He then shares His secrets with us as He then knows He can trust us with His Infinite knowledge and power to make it happen.

Trust God... respect Him above others, ideas and earthly conceived techniques.
Humbly put His knowledge above your own.
Consistently seek Him in all matters and He will guide you in paths that are nothing less than Superior to our way of doing things.
Always reject what is evil and follow the love of His Spirit. His Presence will always be with you and work awesomely through you.