By Dale Shumaker
Creative Confidence by Tom Kelley and David Kelley is about how to build confidence in being creative. Creative confidence is like a muscle. It can be strengthened and nurtured through effort and experience. Whether you think you are creative or not, we all have a creative potential within that we can draw from. People’s imagination, curiosity, and courage can be renewed with a small amount of practice and encouragement. Our belief systems affect our actions, goals, and perception. If you believe you can be creative and find innovative solutions, you can. Innovation is the name of the game in business, and everyone can be innovators. With creative confidence you can become comfortable with uncertainty and are able to leap into action.
Creative thinkers are careful not to rush to judgment. They realize there are many possible solutions and are willing to go wide first, to see what possibilities could emerge. You must believe that learning and growth are possible… that’s having a growth mindset. It embraces new adventures and delights in the journey of the adventure. We can change the world; we can poke life and expect something new to come out of it.
To be creatively confident, some must move from fear of failure to courage. Fear can be overcome by experiencing small successes, learn from trial and error and use failures as stepping stones to knowledge which will lead to an eventual success. Accept failure as part of learning and remain confident to move forward despite setbacks. Give yourself permission to fail, actually embrace it and value what it teaches you. Resilience expands as we reach out for help, get more advice so we can bounce back more quickly. When moving into unfamiliar territory accept the fear of the unknown and build small successes.
One small change can give you the spark you need. It may be an environment change, when and where you do something, one book, one idea. Gather a new perspective, go into the trenches, redefine your problem, take small risks to open up new mental avenues of thought. When relaxed many new ideas may come to mind, make notes from these times, and be empathetic with those who will be affected by, benefit from your ideas.
Leap from planning to action. Take a “do something” mindset. Minimize planning and maximize action; prototype quickly and try out several options. It’s a think, plan, do process, constantly adjusting(evaluate, learn, new strategy, action, take note) each time. Instead of complaining about what happens, keep asking, “How can I improve this situation?”
Seek to turn duty to passion. What’s your personal sweet spot? Figure out what you are good at, what people will pay you to do, and what you were born to do. Where these three meet is your sweet spot.
Our passion is driven by an awareness of purpose and using our best gifts in it. Find a vocation that you’re good at, that you enjoy, and that someone will pay you to pursue. Work with people you like and respect, and who demonstrate mutual respect to you. Start writing the new story of your life. It will revitalize you with new energy, a fresh perspective.
To build a creative organization, you need to build creative confidence among key players. Combining the creative confidence of individuals in a team is a team that advances innovation. Diversity that works in harmony gets greater results. To build a creative confident team, know each other's strengths, leverage diversity, get personal (knowing about each other’s personal life and interests), put the relationship back into the working relationship, craft the team experience in advance, and have fun. Be open and give ideas a chance. Use a team vocabulary that is diplomatic and expands thought investigation into an idea. Move away from “there’s no way that will work” to “how do you see it could work?”
At this point, Creative Confidence recommends you put the book down and go try out some of the things suggested in the book. How did it go?
And consider conducting creative thinking exercises for the group to develop creative thinking, and do personal relationship building exercises. One idea for relationship building is to apply a “speed dating” format. Divide into pairs with those you know least. Each person takes three minutes to share three things about their life outside the job. Have set questions for them to answer.
Each person and place is different. So you need to design the best way for you. It may take trying several things out until you find the right one for you.
More about Creative Confidence at:
When Same Minds Meet it Triggers the Spectacular.
It is amazing what happens
when two, three or more people meet
for the purpose of demonstrating the influence
of Jesus in our lives.
The Physician, Luke, who wrote of Jesus' life, recorded an incident when the new followers of Jesus Spirit got together and ask God to give them All of God's Spirit that Jesus had for what they were doing. He said where two or three gather “I am in your midst.” Harmony in Spirit working together releases All of God's Spirit on your behalf. Jesus said He went to the Father and the Father made all things possible. Actually, Jesus said He could do nothing without the Father.
When we can meet with someone (in person, by phone, etc.) we can see the same dramatic evidences of God’s Spirit in Power at work with us as the disciples of Jesus did. The Spirit is amazing. It works all things to Good for those who truly love Him. When things go well, when things go wrong, always remain in Spirit. When we connect with another believer, we welcome the presence of Jesus and His Spirit which is with us.
Just like keeping our cell phone charged up, our laptop/tablet charged. Keep your Spiritual battery charged up to full everyday. Our Spiritual cell for Power works the same way. It is good to keep it charged up to full all the time, so we don't risk not having the Power when needed.
We are not limited by location. It’s a connection with God’s Spirit available anywhere... at home, work, clubs, various groups, and any gathering for the purpose of having Supernatural power to work with us.
Intercessory prayer works the same way... we meet in Spirit for the purpose to have The Spirit intervene on our behalf and for others. Or with the intention to solve a business problem, meet an organizational objective, enhance relationships, or overcome a diabolical situation in our lives.
It is becoming one voice in Spirit to become recharged so great power continues to go to bat for us in what Spirit leads us to do. It is petitioning the maker of Heaven and Earth to Provide Spiritual Intelligence, Power and Resolve for something of great concern.
When we come together(or connect by phone, email, text)... In Spirit, of the Same Mind, and with one voice to share our desires... extraordinary events occur.
"We know God's power is available. What we need is the will to commit ourselves to being in one accord (have one voice in heart and Spirit) in the way it is demonstrated in Acts 3 and 4 in the Bible."
Where two or three agree, are in harmony in Spirit, we can expect great results to take place. God is not limited by factors of life or unusual circumstances. He can do all things. There is nothing too hard for God. Teaming with someone of the same mind in prayer flips the switch that turns on this great power.