Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Agreement Spurs on a Magnificent Mission

by Dale Shumaker

When two or more people are in agreement in what they set out to do there is a massive amount of Spiritual power released. On the contrary, when two or three are in constant contention with each other, negative forces work against their efforts. Power is diminished, and in worst case scenarios destruction comes.

Agreement is when 2 or more work in harmony, love is dominate, everyone is unselfish and desires the best for each other. This is relationship harmony which multiplies efforts at a Super-natural level, beyond what is naturally possible. Great things just seem to happen.

When we root for each other, potential results increase proportionately. This is the cornerstone principle behind Living Your Magnificent Mission. In chapter 5, the 2 or 3 Agreement Principle is explained. At the end of the chapter is "Scripting the Movie" which is a story about what this may look like. From "Scripting the Movie" of the 2 or 3 Agreement Principle:
(Following this section is a link to the complete chapter.)

Scripting the Movie.
Taking care of a child, going to school and working full-time, Mica as a single mom also worked as a server in a restaurant. It was not a fine dining restaurant, although it was popular and the tips were good. Every week two people met at the same table in her area. Mica was intrigued by their meeting... some days joking around a lot, others really intense in a conversation, then another day one was crying while the other consoled her. While hurrying back and forth serving her customers, she overheard something about a single moms' network.

As a single mom, she picked up the courage one day to ask them what they do. We help single moms make it in the daily challenges of the day, they said. Lisa picked up the conversation to explain some of the services they provide. Lisa told Mica that she and her friend have an agreement pack... “we share ideas, go over some of the challenges we are facing, and pray for each other.” They formed a network among other single moms to help each person get what they need to make it.

Mica became more intrigued, and told them she was a single mom... working as a licensed practical nurse, going to school to become a registered nurse, waiting on tables to make some needed extra money. Lisa asked Mica about meeting someday to share more about the single moms' network.

After they met, Lisa suggested to Mica that they become agreement partners. Mica quickly accepted the invitation to read the Scriptures regularly, pray and stay in touch. After several meetings, Mica told Lisa that she also had a desire to help single moms and someday get her master's degree in nursing. She dreamed of setting up a clinic for special medical needs of moms and their children.

Lisa told Mica that when God puts a mission on your heart, it helps to have someone who believes in you to share with, pray with, celebrate in victory, encourage when challenged, and contribute ideas. Lisa said this kept her on track to build the support network of Single Moms. We call ourselves, Moms on a Mission, Lisa said. So much has happened that Lisa felt she saw God's hand in it. His power helped them overcome things where there seemed to be no way.

Mica got a hold of her brother, Alex, to tell him about what she just learned from Lisa on making your life a mission and how to make it happen. With a college degree in English, Alex worked for an Internet company as a content editor. He had a secret ambition to help everyone write a book, or tell their story that could help others. Everyone has a book in them Alex believed and he aspired to teach people how to write, and guide them on telling their story.  So Mica became an agreement partner with Alex as he began to craft his vision of teaching the regular person the rudiments of writing, finding and sharing your most inner thoughts.

When working on his degree Alex took a course on how to take care of a car, basic car maintenance you can do yourself. In the class Alex met Tom. Tom kept popping into his mind, so he looked him up. Since they remained friends on a social media network, he knew how to find him. They met for coffee one day, and Alex told him about the benefits of agreement partnering, and what he and his sister were doing.  

He asked Tom if he still wanted to create a mobile car repair service, where he would go to where a person lived to take care of a car problem. Tom said he always thought about it but never really got started. Tom felt this as a sense of mission that could help a lot of people. So Alex and Tom became agreement partners. They believed it was possible with God's help, committed to a personal Bible reading routine, and prayed for each other. Alex helped Tom write out his ideas and start a Magnificent Mission plan.

When Alex told Tom of how his sister met Lisa, Tom perked up and said he could help single moms on how to care for their cars and advise them on the best way to handle a problem...  fix it for them if he needed  to... and give the Moms on a Mission a discount. Alex got Tom in touch with Lisa, so he could share his ideas for car care for Moms on a Mission.

The two or three agreement groups began weaving among each other, and they kept meeting people and getting what they felt were God's Inspired ideas for each other. Almost every week they saw a Spirit-powered victory or a challenge being overcome. Their agreement networks continued to intertwine with others and they saw how they all could help each other. Living and practicing the Scriptures, prayer, and agreement group networking was the power source as they saw God's Spirit at work among them.

Mica, before meeting Lisa, was always running short on money to make ends meet. After forming agreement partnerships, she said her needs were constantly being met through many unexpected doors. Alex was running into people at all places who wanted to write their story. Alex set up a website just for them... Spirit-inspired stories, changing the world around you. He conducted "Anyone can write, tell your story" workshops every month... both at physical locations and on internet webinars. Tom formed a group of reputable car repair services and got commitments from several mechanic shops to provide "preferred customer" services to the Moms on a Mission. Several guys he knew from auto mechanics classes agreed to be on call to help the single moms with car emergencies.

From time to time, they would send the word out about having a celebration night. The meeting included bringing in a praise band, and providing opportunities for people to share how God's Spirit worked in their lives. Many came up with Spirit-inspired innovations for their business and mission-based services. They were truly missionary entrepreneurs, living and sharing their Magnificent Mission.  Each time they did this they were amazed how the network had expanded to people and places they were unaware of.

Day by day, the kingdom of Heaven was advancing around them.

The moral of the story: When two or three agree for what they ask, the Spirit goes to work to make it happen. Two or three in agreement, networking with other 2 or 3 agreement/prayer partnerships begins to weave a network of Spiritual and practical connections. What we can't do in our power or with minimal resources, God's Spirit can, and His Spirit connects others to form strategic relationships. The Scripture about "His Spirit can do more than we think or imagine" plays out and the networks weave to places that we, by our means, could not have reached ourselves. (see Ephesians 3)

The key rests in faith, which is built by knowing and applying Biblical principles, adding prayer to acquire Spiritual Intelligence and power, connecting with others doing the same enacts a force much greater than us. The key to seeing the power at work is to the level and degree of closeness in our agreement relationships. In love, sharing, helping each other, we ingest the Spiritual nutrition for a healthy, dynamic network. Where two or three agree in what they ask for, Jesus is there, and He will see to it that it is done.

As lightning moves through a cloud with atomic-like power, so do our prayers and prayer partnering move the heavenly forces to respond with an incredible force. A force with so much intensity and far reaching,  we cannot comprehend or even imagine its magnitude of magnificence.

To review the 2 or 3 Agreement principle, Chapter 5 of Living Your Magnificent Mission, go to:

Two working together in a Spirit of Love, centered around God's Love, and working in unity and harmony, will do incredible things. All things will be possible. As Jesus said, when 2 or more agree what you ask for will be done for you. (See Matthew 18:19)
