Saturday, November 12, 2005

One Voice Produces Greatness

by Dale Shumaker

Having One Voice is the keynote theme in Stephen Covey's The 8th Habit. To manage and run business in this coming Hi-Tech, Hi-Touch world, blending each "voice," to become one voice greater than the sum of all voices, will move us from Effectiveness to Greatness.

"Helping people clearly understand and get committed to significant goals requires you to involve them in decision making. Together you determine the destination of the organization (vision and mission). Then everybody in the organization will have ownership in the path that leads to the destination (values and strategic plan)." (Covey)

Merge ideas, don't just pick the best one, and combine them all to form a bigger idea. When you do this you create "cutting edge" concepts, Inspired Ideas. By blending ALL voices, you will see a higher order of power at work for you.

James Surowiecki in The Wisdom of Crowds (Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations) states that "groups are remarkably intelligent, and are often smarter than the smartest people in them."

When one voice, including the many, is formed... we are hearing from God. Dr. J. Robert Ashcroft, college president, felt the most significant event left out of many efforts is the power of a joint voice. His view was that each person hears from God and has part of the total picture of Divine Thought. When we collect ALL views, we then are Hearing Directly from God Himself.

Dr. Ashcroft was adamant on this one point with me, my college president and later mentor. Each person has the Voice of God working in them. Hear and combine all you hear. Respect ALL that talk with you... even the unattractive, uncool, the uncouth... and those you don't like. Learn to recognize and trust their voice as part of God's Complete Voice.

As a whole, we make up, become the Very Mind of Jesus Spirit. Combined thinking, harmonizing diverse ideas, produce a Supernatural power in fulfilling the ideas. Get in harmony with ALL you work with and interact with. Listen, combine and raise what you hear to another level. Then you are into hearing from the Supernatural... the very voice of God Himself, in Spirit, In you.

(Note: "Magnitude of Being One..." by Geffry Fields, posted July 9, 2005

As a business person, don't get so caught up in just your own ideas. When you do, you overlook the extensive power of Collective Wisdom.

In The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer, he says that God is speaking all the time to everyone. This is a Supreme intelligence, all knowing from Spirit who is in all things, searches all things and knows everything. This Spirit of God speaks to man continually and through all aspects of our lives... what we see, hear, do. All of earth and all of people’s minds are expressing God's thoughts. This Supreme intelligence is available to everyone.

"The voice of God is the most powerful voice in Nature, indeed the only force in nature, for all energy is here only because the power filled Word is being Spoken."

It's in the Bible, Plus around you, and in you . Consider all. God is speaking 24-hours a day, every single mille-second, through every circumstance, occurrence, and many times through the most unexpected circumstances. God is in all things and speaks through all things.

Voice... God's Voice is speaking to you all the time.

Listen... Listen to the inner voice and the voices around you.

As Jesus said, My sheep Hear My Voice and follow Me as I lead them.
(Note: Gospel of John, chapter 10 in the Bible.)

When you listen to ALL,
create One Voice, you will be led to greener pastures.

You will have heard from God
and the Power of God Walks before you.

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