Friday, March 02, 2007

Duct Tape Marketing... Power as One

by Dale Shumaker

A lot of small business owners don't feel they are good at marketing.
"Why is it so hard to market?" They ask...the author John Jantsch wrote in Duct Tape Marketing.

He exhorts the small business owner to make all your business marketing (vs. a separate thing) and the whole thing will be so much easier.

" 'Marketing is getting people to know, like and trust you.' It's that simple." Don't copy others business advertising that may not be getting results either. Create your system, that's you, right for you, and will work for you. Duct Tape Marketing is like duct tape ...everyone trusts it and it sticks... works when used in many places.The book deals with the know, trust, likes you, refers you issues. Then how to make contacts that will stick with you. Finally, discover what's working and do more of it. Each of these areas are explored for you and you get a micro-get-the-job-done lesson that can make your business begin to ooze with more business.

Chapter by chapter Jantsch leads you into a marketing learning process including advertising, direct mail, referrals, public relations, strategic partnering, targeting, positioning, Internet marketing, copy writing, blogging, word of mouth, public speaking, writing, articles, coupons, promotions, lead generation, customer service, sales, and e-marketing.

It's all there... easy to follow and put to work. Jantsch gets right to the point and shares crisp succinct steps. This is an excellent small business book to put on your ready-reference business book shelf.

One chapter of interest... although there are many... is "get your entire team involved in marketing." Since marketing is a part of all your business, all your business should be involved in it as part of their jobs.

Create a marketing round table...
to focus, emphasize, gain broader perspectives, and educate.

Routinely educate on
Your ideal client description
Your marketing purpose
Your talking logo (that includes everyone)
Your core message (including all areas)
Your marketing kit (all your people need to know why everyone loves you so much and wants to buy from you)

The hiring process
Everyone interviewed needs to be marketed to. Think of how many people will tell others about you when intrigued by what you do, how, and why you do it.

Put it on business cards
And equip everyone with a personal business card (that’s “every” person who works for you)... everyone needs marketing identity ammunition.

Employee Manual
Include your core message and tell your story--plus your marketing materials.

Talking logo practice
Train everyone on how to talk about what they do, what the company does, and why the way everyone does it is so great.

Telephone training
Anyone who answers the phone for any reason in your business should be ready to talk shop in an impressing way.

External marketing training
All vendors, subcontractors need to know... "this is how we do it" that's makes us so cool. Talk to sales reps and inspire them. They love to tell stories of fascinating businesses they stumble into.

Your new marketing business kickoff
Hold off-site all day staff meeting. Create material packets, make t-shirts, bring the pizza, and paint new pictures of a bright future, new expectations, and educate your total company sales force.

A marketing board of directors
Pull together cheerleader clients, vendors, partners, community to get ideas, share strategies, ways you to get things done. Meet quarterly.

Another chapter stars education as integrated into marketing.
Today's marketing must educate. This economic society is educated. They require enough information to decide for themselves. Duct Tape Marketing's theme is "Educate, don't sell." Create marketing kits with interchangeable sleeves of information. Taylor each kit to the interests of the one you give it to.

One important document is the one that makes your case... the case statement. This statement challenges, gives an image of life with a problem solved, shows the path to get there, and calls to action. Tell your story and use intrigues of your history. Include case studies, client stories, testimonials. It's a good idea to complement it with a web site with more in depth information.

Keep a marketing snap shot before you.
Your marketing snapshot has 6 steps:
Step 0: State your primary marketing goals for the year.
Step 1: Describe your ideal client
Step 2: Write your core message points
Step 3: Develop educational marketing materials.
Step 4: Outline your lead generation strategy
Step 5: Describe your sales/education process.

Use your team, clients, vendors, friends to begin. Then go through Duct Tape Marketing in detail to pull out information that fits or relates. Test critical areas. Go back and recreate your marketing snapshot.

Duct Tape Marketing web site has bunches of additional guides and practical applications:

In The Spirit, Building the team is the most important part of seeing exceptional Spiritual Power at work.

When the team is involved,
recognized for their gifts and used accordingly,
you will get results at a much higher level.

Paul the Apostle expressed the importance of the unity of believers and what comes of it when he refers to Jesus as the body of Christ....

"The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit. fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it." (1 Corinthians 12: 12, 22-27, NLT)

In all you do, use those around you. Cultivate bonds of unity as much as possible and as a group all you do will have much impact. The key is the love, respect and willingness to work together as a team.

You all share in success and everyone feels an intricate part of it, and you all can limit the impact of personal failure by everyone helping to hold everyone up when needed. This spirit of becoming One In Spirit, propels the Spirit in all you do. It ignites a combustion of power in effort that will astound you when you do it this way. Love, harmony, respect for differences and using all, kicks the universe in high gear for the scope of your efforts.

Geffry Fields, wrote in his blog about the Magnitude of One.
When we share in Spirit, tremendous power is released... both practically and supernaturally.

"Being One applies:
1. One with God... Jesus Spirit. This is first and foremost that each person cultivates this.
2. One in themselves. Our central command post is our Spirit...Jesus Spirit... which guides the mind and distinctively contours our thoughts, which then the mind directs the body what to do.
3. One with each other. When each is allowing Jesus Spirit to control and direct each of us, we can create strong alignment here.
4. One with all who believe. If those who follow and believe in Jesus Spirit, that within itself can start a power-train encroaching into changing the dynamics of the world around them.
5. One in communication. This will increase our abilities in understanding each other.
6. One in ownership. Everything we have is part of all of Us, and we don't see things as our own."

"Jesus transferred His seat of power and dominion over the earth, as was originally intended, to all those in this group of Spirit directed people…WE have the seat of authentic power, dominion over everything on earth." Jesus presence is now internalized within us. (Both individually and as a unit.)

Believers in unity make possible the manifest presence of Jesus Spirit. He shows up as if in person. This is incredibly awesome, a faith producing self assurance that all things are truly possible, when each person is in proper relationship to Jesus Spirit and also to each other who are also in the Spirit of Jesus. The all Powerful World-Making Spirit of the Universe works through this cell.

Note two factors.
First, the individual must maintain this pure relation in himself finely aligned with Jesus Spirit, The Spirit of God.
Second, then those who are aligned within themselves must be matched up in the same alignment with each other.

It takes two... given to the same Spirit of Jesus for power to be manifested. "There is great unimaginable power when more than one are... One in Spirit."

With this in place, teams create Supernatural results.

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