by Dale Shumaker
Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len was somewhat of a surprise to see on the business book lists. His discovery of Dr. Hew Len's (PhD) methods in the theory of Ho'oponopono caught Vitale's earnest attention, curiosity with some skepticism.
How can someone heal others they cannot see? Dr. Hew Len was doing this in a mental hospital known for having incurable violent patients. He had an unbelievable track record and success rate. Joe Vitale had to find this person and find out his secret. Vitale is developing a following on how to use Spiritual principles in marketing and attracting business based on these principles. He found Dr. Hew Len a cutting edge practitioner of a new level for him.
How did Dr. Hew Len do it? Dr. Hew Len uses an ancient Hawaiian treatment called Ho'oponopono. It means to cause perfection. So errors in life arise from thoughts that are tainted by tainted memories of the past. We must remove these from our conscious and more important those we don't know about which are in our subconscious minds. When Dr. Hew Len looked at the client files, he didn't work on his patients, instead he worked on himself. He never met them in person to evaluate or try to treat.
As he worked on himself, they began to improve and heal.
Here's his thoughts on this approach.
"Take total responsibility for your life. It is your life... everything in your life is your responsibility. You participate in the entire world's creation."
"100% responsibility.. accepting it all, even people who enter your life and their problems. Because their problems are your problems. They are in your life, and if you take full responsibility for your life, you then take full responsibility for what they are experiencing."
You don't fix them by trying to fix them.
You focus on continually fixing yourself.
"So transform yourself, so the rest of the world changes too." Using Ho'oponopono, energy is released to these painful thoughts or errors which cause imbalance or disease. As you heal, those around you heal too.To heal you, clean yourself. As you clean yourself, those in contact with you are healed as well.
His method is so simple, we may find it hard to really believe in it. But he used it to literally clean out one of the toughest mentally ill facilities in Hawaii. Therapists there lasted maybe six months. The violent nature of its patients was extreme and not treatable by anyone. During 3 years, Dr. Hew Len spent most of his time reading the patient files and cleansing himself, it eventually became a very normal functional facility.
As he reviewed each case, he addressed each problem as his own and accepted that person's problem as one of his too. So he simply said time after time while in meditation:
"I Love You."
"I'm sorry."
"Please forgive me."
"Thank you."
He calls this cleaning. By constantly cleaning our self, our environment improves, and others are healed that we know of. We invite the Divine who takes us to "zero" ... zero is totally the Divine. When in "zero", transformation happens all around us.
Still sounds a little simplistic and a little short of real. But his track record in using his method dramatically proves otherwise... it works outstandingly. Ho'oponopono is a process for repentance (I'm sorry) and forgiveness (please forgive me), when we love the Divine, accept ourselves and love ourselves and others. This puts the healing process in motion for us and others we know.
Dr. Hew Len states that it has to be constant. You clean, clean, clean and do it continuously. Cleaning is thinking, reflecting, meditating all the time on "I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, and thank you."
"What affects us, affects others is memory, especially that which is embedded in our subconscious. Love, repentance and forgiveness is the only way to clean these out of our system. It cleans what we don't see, but is there. When we clean, we clean these memories which limit us.
"You are always working from memory or inspiration. Memory is thinking; inspiration is allowing." Going to "Zero" into the Divine "allows" healing to us and others. It creates the energy that heals us and all around us. When memory is converted to Zero by Divinity in one subconscious mind, it is converted to zero in all subconscious ALL of them. "You can appeal to your creator to cancel these memories to zero in your subconscious"... thus others.
The concept of Ceeport emerges. Clean, erase, erase, return to port(zero). It's a non-stop cleaning process with all you meet... "I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you." Each phrase has relevance to the subconscious mind when directed by the conscious mind. That drives it to "zero" where Divine takes over. The Divine does this, not self, not ego, not thinking.
We must take memories, guilt out of the picture.
This method does that and heals us to deeper levels while Divine heals others. This method does not require planning or strategically figuring things out. Divine, when in the Divine or Zero, handles all things for us. Vitale says using this greatly increased his moving from being homeless to becoming a best-selling author, Internet marketing guru, and a multi-millionaire with no plan at all to get there.
Vitale goes on to summarize the process at the conclusion of Zero Limits. I must admit at first I spent a lot of time scratching my head as I read the book. But then what sounded too simple, I began seeing the depth of what was happening. Practicing this at the minimum affects your heart and attitude around others. In business, this would cure a lot of management, negotiating, marketing, customer service, teamwork problems, we face every day. Actually, it would revolutionize the processes we use.
If you "take responsibility for yourself first, and clean, clean, clean" amazingly others around you will be released from their problems... which may affect you.
Here's the key points from Vitale's summaries in the appendix (which may be good to read first, then read the rest of the book). Just saying "I love you" over and over is not some magical formula to this "awakening." You progress through three stages: "You're a victim," "You're in control," to "You're awakening." It's about coming to the point that your ego or emotions give way to "surrender to a greater power. You're not able to control anything."
Appendix A: Zero Limits Basic Principles
1. You don't have a clue what's going on.
"It is impossible, consciously and subconsciously to be aware of everything going on around you."
2. You don't have control over everything."
You can't control it all and it's an ego to think you can make the world into your bidding."
3. You can heal whatever comes your way."
What's in your radar you can heal."
4. You are 100% responsible for all you experience."
All you can do is take responsibility for it, which means accept it, own it, and love it."
5. Your ticket to Zero Limits is saying the phrase "I love you."
"Saying it to the Divine cleans memories in the subconscious and moves you into the miracle zone of Zero Limits."
6. Inspiration is more important than intention. "Intention is a toy of the mind; inspiration is a directive of the Divine."
Appendix B: How to Heal Yourself (or anyone else) and Discover Health, Wealth, and Happiness.
First say "I'm Sorry" and "Please forgive me." By this you acknowledge something has gotten in your body/mind system. From then, say "Thank you" and "I love you." You express gratitude and "I Love you" reconnects you to the Divine.
Ho'oponopono has a modern version called Self I-Dentity.
More at
Go to Zero... interesting use of terms.
The Hebrew writer in the Bible speaks of the privilege we now have of entering the very Presence of God.
The Most Holy place He calls it. Think of this. We can go right into the very core, the epicenter, of Who God is, all He is, and everything about Him.
"We can boldly enter heaven's Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God's house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ's blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water."
(Hebrews 10:19,20, NLT)
"Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols. And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you."
(Ezekiel 36:25,26, NLT)
It is here where we go through perfect cleansing. The Spirit cleans, cleans, cleans, as we enter the Most Holy Place. To enter the most Holy Place, the actual presence of God, we have to be perfectly clean. Jesus Blood does that, so we have the perfection necessary for this. This progression of thought of
I Love you,
I'm Sorry,
Forgive me,
and Thank you...
is so much of what Jesus was expressing. There is value in repentance and seeking forgiveness. Jesus said that the person He listens to is the one who is humble and merciful. "But the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, 'O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner."
(Luke 18:13, NLT)
In this state of complete humility He is close to us. He said to Love Him with all your heart.
"'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment."
(Matthew 22:37,38, NLT)
And to forgive those around you, including yourself, and all his forgiveness will be there for you."If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you."
(Matthew 6:14, NLT)
This includes forgiving yourself and the subconscious guilt the subconscious mind wants to hold you to. Let the Spirit release this from you and let Him set you free.
The Hebrew writer says to enter His rest.
"For only we who believe can enter his rest.
So God's rest is there for people to enter.
So let us do our best to enter that rest.
But if we disobey God, as the people of Israel did, we will fall.
(Hebrews 4:3,6,11, NLT)
When in His rest, He does all things. If we don't, all we do will fail. In His strength, miracles happen. In our strength very little can happen compared to His Great Power. Our dependence is totally on Him.
The writers of Zero Limits express the same. He does all the healing and when we rest totally in Him, God, His Spirit, He does it all.
We simply Rest in the Spirit.
The Scriptures say we are all one and that The Spirit of God penetrates all people.
"For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all."
(Ephesians 4: 4-6, NLT)
Being connected to everyone, we affect everyone in our Spirit. In our Spirit is where the Power is... beyond what we can even think and imagine. We must just enter into the Most Holy Place, His eternally, universe affecting Presence.
So what we do in Spirit, in His Rest, In His Presence, is the hub of where all the power is. And it affects everyone.
So go on within His Power, based on His Promises. He does not remember your sins, your failures, shortcomings, but gives you His Spirit of Power, Love, endurance and tolerance. So if He can forget your shortcomings, we need to allow Him to erase them from our minds and subconscious too.
In His Presence He will do that. We should not deliberately do wrong... Read, reflect on all of Hebrews 8-10.;&version=51
He elaborates on that. Don't refuse to ignore the Spirit as He prompts you on the right path each day. Live in the Spirit and let Him guide you, and work on your behalf.
The Spirit, is powerful, does all things and works for you. He loves you, you love others as He loves you ...say to Him... I am sorry, forgive me and then, thank Him. Take responsibility for yourself. If each of us would do this all would go well for everyone, and in all of our interactions.
The more you Love others from your heart, and work on yourself, in His Presence, the more in tune in Spirit you will become and walk more and more in His power. You will see your prayers for others answered miraculously.
Go to Zero... enter His Presence which has been made your right! Give up to Spirit, fall back into His arms of the Spirit's core. Let go of worry or how things will work out. They just will as His Spirit will see to it, personally, that they will.
Relax, rest your soul in His. All we must do is Enter His Presence. His Spirit is beyond what our minds can comprehend. So we don't use our minds to See Spirit Work. We must simply enter His presence.
Say... I Love You...Rest in Loving Him.
Ask Him to forgive.
Tell Him we are sorry where we know we have not done things His way.
And then be grateful... as the Bible says to Praise Him.
Let Him Do the rest.
Love Him and rest in Him.
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