by Dale Shumaker
The Secret of the Ages by Robert Collier is a book that those who were reading Think and Grow Rich, had right along side it. It was somewhat lost in the shuffle since first published in 1925, but has been republished. Collier was a minister who then began writing life success principles, and business success principles. Here's his view on things, which interestingly are also reflected in contemporary works of cutting-edge business success dynamics. As you look at the success series of Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, and Robert Collier they all make frequent mention of Spiritual and Biblical principles. They saw Spiritual power as the deciding edge to exceptional accomplishments.
Life Principle is Collier's theme throughout. We are dynamic beings who create and can do it at much higher levels than we realize. We need only to use all that is make available to us to do it. He covers the dynamic of the mind principles and Spiritual principles into One cooperating system. The Life Principle is part of our existence on earth. It has unlimited resources, unlimited energy, unlimited LIFE! The whole purpose of existence is Growth... expression. This life source or Vital Force, as Collier calls it, exists to meet your needs when you need it, and at the level you need it.... not restricted by time, conditions, or magnitude.
The power to be what you want to be, to get what you want, to accomplish what you want is in you. You must learn how to tap it, but first you must realize that you possess the power, so your first objective is to get acquainted with it.
Our minds are made in three functions... the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the superconscious mind. The most powerful are the subconscious mind and superconscious mind.They work effortlessly, but we need to know how they work to reap the benefits of their power. Referring to the superconscious mind as the Universal mind, Collier points out the Universal mind is omnipotent. Given any desire that is in harmony with the Universal mind and you hold that desire in your thoughts, conscious mind, with a confident and serene faith to attract from the invisible domain the things you need to satisfy it. In the beginning was the "Word." God with the word, an invisible image of the God mind, created everything in the universe.
Today this is prayer. An image implanted of a desire, with faith that you ARE RECEIVING it, the thing you asked for, is fulfilled by Vital Force (or what the Bible calls Spirit) and brings it into being. Jesus cured the sick in the New Testament. He promised that we can do greater things than these. Where comes such power. It comes from the Divinity we all can connect to and utilize. And it can have a positive effect on others a distance from us. Jesus healed the Centurion's son by merely announcing the man's son was healed... without going to the Centurion's house where the boy was. In prayer, we can do the same.
To create anything of good requires four things:
1. The mental image of what you want.
2. Knowledge of the power you can consciously draw and pour that power into your mental mold.
3. Faith in your creative power, the ability to create, until what you see in your mental mold, the invisible, becomes reality.
4. Do something to make the subconscious believe that you have received what you believed. Taking a step, in this faith, about what you prayed for as if it already exists.
This is what created the universe, and we have this as part of our existence to do creation like this as well. God created the universe from nothing. We can exercise the same privilege and have His Force at work still today.
There is a power within you. You must first realize it exists and it is the source of all supply. This is the primal cause for everything. Then know what you want, and center your thought upon it with singleness of purpose. You start by knowing you can do anything. Ask and it will be done unto you.
Desire is the first law of gain. You can have anything you want badly enough. Find your desire, impress it on your thought, and it will begin opening doors for opportunity. This intensity of thought is prayer. Prayer is your sincere heart's desire. It starts with belief and ends with gratitude. Prayer is effective and it will be done if it is right for you to have it. According to your level of faith is the level it will be answered.
Successful prayer has within its formula.
1. Center your thoughts on the thing you want. Warm it with faith and nurture it with belief.
2. Read Psalm 91 and the 23rd Psalm that remind you of God's power and create a readiness in you to receive your answer.
3. Be grateful for God granting the favor you are asking for.
4. Believe and see it accomplished as fact. Remind yourself that "God is attending to that" and know that He is.
As this sincere conviction registers in your mind the Universal Mind brings you the answer to your prayers. Once your subconscious mind is convinced, you have what you ask for . You can forget it and go on to your next problem. Your mind will attend to bring what you ask for to you.
Continue to create pictures and put objects in display before you that remind you the answer is on the way. Before you go to sleep enjoy the pleasure of what you desire. Don't let doubt and fear come in. But confidently know your wish is working itself out and if there is nothing harmful in it, it will work out. Act on it by giving what you want. If you need money, give to a charity. Emerson said to do the thing, and you shall have the reward. Do this every night as you will see the wish you have will start to come into being in your life.
During the day see things as you desire them, not as they are. Daydream through out the day of what you want them to be. Practice daydreaming with a purpose. Get the picture fixed in your mind, see it. There is no limitation, only supply. But constantly throughout the day see it being carried out as you wish. We are Temples for the living God. Ask and receive and your joy will be complete, believe it.
The world without is a reflection of the world within, so what you think you are you become. The Scriptures say "as a man thinketh so he is." The successful man has no time to think of failure. He is too busy thinking up new ways to succeed. "There is nothing either good or bad," said Shakespeare, "but thinking makes it so."
"All things were made by Him (God), and without Him was not anything made that was made." Practice looking forward and always looking forward to something better. Your mind is like a radio tuned in to something all day long. Keep it tuned in to happy thoughts. Whatever you are tuned into is what the Vital Force will take you to.
The law of the universe is the law of supply. Nature is lavish in everything it does. Look at the heavens, just millions of stars. Nature supplies the birds and wild animals bountifully with everything they need. There is more than plenty for everyone. The world is our estate. It not only owes you a living but everything good you desire. You must demand it though. Learn to contact the power within that everyone is privileged to have and all these things will be added to you. Seek the ideas of the universe because it is there where there is great abundance. Use the resources of the universe purposely.
The essence of the law of supply is that you must think abundantly, see abundance, feel abundance, believe abundance. Let no thought of limitation enter your mind. Picture what you want, believe it, and forget your fears. Belief in limitation is the only thing that causes limitation. Supply is where you are and what you need. It is your position "All that the Father has is yours," said Jesus. What your heart desires is already yours. You can do anything right now that you may wish to do. The more you have to offer, the more flows to you.
Control your thoughts and you control your circumstances is the formula for success. It takes belief and the power of belief is faith. You can do anything you think you can. The mind will do every good thing for you and it will remove the mountains for you. Bring all your thoughts, your desires, your aims, your talents, into the storehouse... the law of infinite supply... and prove these blessings.
Reach out, stretch your mind, try to comprehend unlimited thought, unlimited supply. Plant the seed of desire, nourish it with a clear visualization of the ripened fruit, water it with sincere faith, but leave the means to the Universal Mind. Keep yourself in a state of receptivity and constantly be expecting good. Know that you can do it, and you will. You must see yourself doing it. Understand and believe. The chances of success are always measured by your belief in yourself. As you go to sleep, concentrate on your thought of the thing as you desire it. Believe that you have it, see yourself possessing it, feel yourself using it. Do this every night until you actually believe that you have the thing you want. When you reach this point, you have it.
Collier continues with what he calls the law of attraction. The law of attraction is service. We receive in proportion to what we give out. Cast your bread on the waters and it will return to you one hundred fold. So give out whatever you seek, and what you give out will come back many times the value or amount you gave out. Keep this thought on giving out greater value for what you get, and you'll never need to worry about making more for yourself.
There are three requisites in business.
1. The confidence in yourself and the knowledge of your power.
2. Initiative or courage to start the thing.
3. The faith to go ahead and do the thing in face of obstacles. We have the right of dominion over everything. Whatever you work for wholeheartedly, confidently, with singleness of purpose... you can get it.
You can overcome bad luck when you apply sincere desire, seeing yourself doing it, faith which is believing you have it, and gratitude for receiving it. Trust in the Lord, delight yourself in the Lord, and commit all your efforts to the Lord.
Your needs are met and their is an ark for every flood. Forget your worries, forget your fears and keep impressing to your subconscious and superconscious that your needs have been met. When you do, the superconscious mind will proceed to make it true. "Believe then you have received it and it will be yours." This is God's covenant to enact the Universal Mind unlimited in power and supply. Suggestion with belief is the agent through which all gifts are received, through which you can expect and receive all gifts.
The message of Jesus was that all men are equally children of God, with the same privileges and power of God's most honored son Jesus. Jesus came to reveal man to Himself. The Holy Spirit is a tongue of fire on you. Say aloud, "the Holy Spirit within me goes before me and opens the way. Infinite wisdom tells me just what to do." Say it and believe it.
Keep your tracks clear in your thinking. A River of Life wants to flow continuously and abundantly through you... supplying fresh water constantly. God is as we see Him and so according to our faith in Him will He be to you. The River of Life is a river of plenty. Be confident in it, believe in it, and it will carry you to the Isle of Plenty.
You have a right to be rich. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and Jesus said, I came that you have life and have it abundantly. Be unselfish, serve freely, and your spiritual development will keep pace to the what takes place within. You can do it and your obstacles will melt away as you apply the unlimited supply of life through the life principles. Start today and you will see the benefits start to unfold in your life right away.
More from Robert Collier at
In the Secret of the Ages, Collier outlined many principles that he called the secret of the ages.
The origin of most of his principles came from the New Testament teachings of Jesus.
Paul the Apostle said that the message through Jesus has been kept secret for ages. But goes on to say, here is the secret: Jesus lives in you. Colossians 1:27
Paul says that this secret kept secret for generations is now revealed through Christ.
"This message was kept secret for centuries and generations past, but now it has been revealed to God's people. For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too."
(Colossians 1:26, 27 NLT)
And we do share in the riches of all there is in the Universe created by God Himself. There is unlimited supply, power, happiness in and for all.
Paul explains how significant this is when he explains how significant Jesus is to all the universe and everything ever created. This power is In Us.
"Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,
16 for through him God created everything
in the heavenly realms and on earth.
He made the things we can see
and the things we can't see—
such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.
Everything was created through him and for him.
17 He existed before anything else,
and he holds all creation together.
18 Christ is also the head of the church,
which is his body. He is the beginning,
supreme over all who rise from the dead.
So he is first in everything.
19 For God in all his fullness
was pleased to live in Christ,
20 and through him God reconciled
everything to himself.
He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth
by means of Christ's blood on the cross.
(Colossians 1: 15-20, NLT)
Now, think of what this indicates... Jesus actually living in you.
If all of the universe is created through Jesus who lives in us, what does that mean for us. And it is not just an individual thing.
Jesus came back in Spirit to dwell in another body. That body is now all of us united in His Spirit which form His body, a Spiritually connected body. So as we form relationships in this Spiritual connection, we do take on all of who Jesus is and was.
"All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it."
(1 Corinthians 12:27, NLT)
We also have all His power as a body, a group, a tied together in mind and spirit group of people. When we are One in His Spirit, we have all the resources at our disposal that Jesus had and now has through us.
So when two or three come together in prayer, united in this Spirit Mind, we are Christ's expression now in all. Jesus then genuinely, and in all of His Power is in us, through us, and we can manifest its characteristics in all elements of our lifestyle.
If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you.
(Matthew 18:19, NLT)
God recognizes this as if Jesus Himself was making the request... when we share love as one. Ask, and it will be given to you, of even greater proportions that you can even imagine.
We can pray for someone at a distance from us and see the power of God perform miracles.... just like Jesus did for the Centurion's son. In faith, in belief, we just say the word and they are healed, the circumstances are transformed.
What's the secret... it's in our bonding, our unity, closeness in love, sharing all things with each other as not our own, our unity as one.... that's the secret. This is more effectively achieved through two people than 20. So the power is in the relationship, not the numbers. Power is released supernaturally through united love... as one. Loving someone as you love yourself. That's the secret to earth changing miracle power.
Uniting voice with just one more believer, can create transformation in any place, for anyone, about any condition that faces us. Jesus, as us, is indescribably powerful. We can't explain it as to why it works. When done in faith, and we are connected in love with those we pray with, all power of God's Heavenly Spirit is released to attend to the matter.
The result is miracles.
Let love abound in your life and really love others, by action, with your attitude from deep in your heart. This love bond creates miracles when we unite with this person we are in Love with, sharing love with, have this unbreakable bond of love between us. Expect miracles in your life. Love each other as Jesus loves and loved.Then you can pour all your faith out and expect miracles as you pray.
As Collier emphasized, when you pray, and see it fulfilled in your mind, hold to believing it is done and have unmovable faith... and then it IS done for you.
Be positive in your mental images as you pray, unite with another who does the same, and miracles will become common for you... in love, money, relationships, lifestyle, business, healings, emotions, and all we face in life.
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