Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Twitter Power... power of the Word

by Dale Shumaker

Twitter Power by Joel Comm was written so you could get the most out of Twitter and make microblogging work in your business. Comm shows how it works and where its super power is. From making the best decisions on setting up your profile and how to build a following... the most important part. The goal of using Twitter is to build relationships, especially relationships that can benefit your company. Your Twitter can expand by its benefits in problem solving, winning referrals, supplying support, building your team. Then expanding your brand, tying people into your blog posts. Comm concludes with a 30 day step-by-step plan for dominating with your newly established social network.

With Twitter you create a flow of comments back and forth. The top ten percent of Twitterers have 80 followings. Comm leads you to being in the top ten percent.

What distinguishes Twitter is its simplicity and brevity. All messages are limited to 140 characters. Secondly, Twitter has reached critical mass quickly. So with more than 3 million members it has hit critical mass. Twitter is a broadcasting station. Your Tweets are going out to followers immediately. It's mobile and can function from mobile phones. Feedback is immediate. Twitter lets everyone know what you are doing now, relevant to them, and can get answers to questions immediately from your followers. You build relationships through many seeing the inside of what you do and help you, right then, if needed.

Start by following others. Find out what they do that you like and can do too. It's very easy to do it yourself and use the built in features to create the image of profile you want.

To produce your following, produce content that's interesting, fun and valuable. Find key Twitters on your topic and get them to follow you. So your creativity and interest in content are crucial. Gain their friendship and respect and give back more than you take.

Seven killer strategies to reach critical mass starts with that you first must become a follower and join in the conversation. Look for people you already know; tweet your blog; pay your followers; respond to requests; mobilize your social network; put your Twitter name in your signatures; run a contest.

Identify problems. Give your followers a sneak preview and ask for their advice or ideas. Find your top fans, promoters, and evangelists.

Twitter's power has several applications to benefit a business. It can build team members communication. It can become the new "gather at the water foundation"chat of information. Team members can see what others are doing and be in process with them as they do it. This not only builds critical relationships but increases the quality of work and activity in progress. Use Twitter to troubleshoot problems, request help, provide on-the-fly updates. You can broadcast important information others can use, while keeping in touch which bonds relationships.

As you build your brand, Twitter is invaluable to keep your clients and customers informed on what you are doing, why and how it contributes to them. Staying in touch as you improve what you do, make it better, offer better services with new and better products, sharing how you do it better, and so forth, all along keeping your customer in your loop.

Create interesting stories with ongoing episodes. Engage your customer in the excitement of all you do. Include those nuggets of relevant background that a person would not get unless they were in flow with your conversation. Informal and friendly works great. It's personal, connecting, interesting and vitally helpful to them. Categories of your tweet talk can be company news, customer support, feedback, and special offers. Keep them updated on your new blog posts and excite them to your website for new and better things. And then, random thoughts from time to time keep you human and engage their curiosity. Repetition of who you are and why you do things as you do keeps your brand clear in their minds.

Tweets are a process. The tweet may be a random thought, a question, action, action, random thought, new idea, question... Random thoughts on popular topics hold the attention of your followers while at the water foundation with you.

Be nice, contributing and insightful. Create content that entices and keeps one wanting to come back for more. Make their day, so your tweets are music to their ears.

Joel Comm's best part is the 30-day plan for dominating Twitter. This action plan is a great guide to make the first 30 days on Twitter a strong platform for letting people know what you are doing, who would want to know. And getting help when you need it. Comm has a Twittering action for you each day of the 30, what to do, with his book backing you up on how to do it. More at... www.joelcomm.com

Ken Blanchard, in Lead Like Jesus, has an excellent section on making the Bible a walking part of your life. He calls the Bible... Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. The way to make the Bible work for you is to consider his recommendations.
(Note the Lead like Jesus website for more...)

There is great power in the Word, the Word of God, when we make the Scriptures part of us... both by taking it in and speaking it to others. To equip us to be effective in God's power, Blanchard makes these recommendations on how to use the Bible. This is the key to make the Spirit of God work in our lives to the level and magnitude we all hope for.
1. Hear it
2. Read the Bible
3. Study the Bible
4. Memorize Scriptures
5. Meditate on Scriptures

Hear it

Listen to sermons at church, radio, CD's, MP3, Internet.
Listen to the Bible on audio sources like above.
Watch the Bible on DVD, Internet and movies based on Scripture like the Gospel of John.
Attend a Bible study group and listen to each other.

Read the Bible
Allow enough time to read reflectively.
Do not read too much Scripture at a time.
Balance your reading of the Word.
Apply the Scriptures to your life each day.

Study the Bible.
Romans 12 admonishes us to renew our minds, be transformed in our thinking and not follow the patterns of this world. To successfully do this, taking time to study the Bible is crucial, or absolutely a must do. Use a good study Bible or Internet sites which feature a variety of Bible translations and study tools like keyword search, Bible dictionaries and Bible commentaries. Bible study is taking an indepth look at Scriptures to discover more than just a simple overview or devotional reading.

Study involves comparing what the Bible says in one passage to another passage throughout the Bible. By reading commentaries and author background, the setting, culture and timelines, we get better insight to its true meaning.

Memorizing Scripture

By memorizing Scripture we get it past our minds and into our hearts... to realize the Spirit of the Word. In times of need or difficulties, we recall faster a truth that will strengthen our spirit.

Memorizing takes some efforts, but the rewards it brings will never fail you in times of urgency. Here's some tips for memorization:
--Select a verse that hits home with you.
--Read it in context and different translations.
--Commit to memorize it in your favorite translation.
--Use memory aids like recording it and playing it back to you.
--Underline the verse in your Bible.
--Write it on a notecard or mobile phone.
--Place verse in a prominent place that you see frequently.
--Say it over and over and each time emphasize different words.
--Review it several times a day, recite it to a friend, make it fun for you.

Meditate on Scripture
Here's tips on how to meditate on a verse to drive it into your spirit and soul.
--Read the verse, write and read it again.
--Write the verse in your own words.
--Read it over and over again emphasizing different words.
--State the opposite meaning of the verse.
--Personalize the verse and allow the Holy Spirit to apply it to your immediate needs.
--Pray the verse with a personalized application.
--Write a way you can use the verse to help another person.

The best way to use these suggestions is to pick one of the five above at a time and work on it. Then, when you have that one in motion, add another one on top of it.

When reading 2 Timothy 2 note:"Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth." (Amplified)

We will live out the infinite joys of being of God's Spirit as we dwell upon His living Word, the Bible. It is indeed the best book for fulfillment and life satisfaction. Go get a study Bible you can enjoy, and find more joy in His Spirit everyday.

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