Tuesday, March 27, 2018

How the Spirit Speaks and Guides

by Dale Shumaker

How does the Spirit speak to us and guide us?
I see so many asking this question. The answer
is actually quite simple to understand, but
harder to really do.

I believe in the prophetic gifts and that they
are applicable today. I also see many are not
sure of the voice of God in their lives.

The key to the whole thing, as I see it,
is in Joshua 1, 3 and John 15, 16.

In Joshua 1, the Lord commands stay
in my Book of Instruction continually.
Meditate on it day and night. That's
a lot, but the world is throwing a lot
at us each day. It must be counteracted
upon each day, each part of the day.
Otherwise we slip into the world's way
of thinking, not even recognizing it.

Smith Wigglesworth is reported to have
said, you should be into the Scriptures
every 15 minutes of the day. In our world
that seems quite impractical. But this total
indwelling in His Word is vital to stay
vibrant in Spirit.

Jesus said this in John 15. We are like
a vine. When attached to Him in a
constant flow, we are strong in Him.
We can do nothing without Him. If
we try to dis-attach ourselves from
Him, we have nothing of Him to work
from. He says, abide, be, Live attached
to Him continually... like God told Joshua
in Joshua 1. Our abiding, living steadfast
or stead-fastened to Him we live in Him,
through Him, and have the vine of His
Spirit with us always.

Jesus says in this, we ask what we will and
He will do it. That means we are also
fastened to His will. That's another key...
staying in His Commands so they control
both our conscious and subconscious
minds. We very much must keep ourselves
programmed into Him. Then John 16
comes alive...
Jesus promises, whatever we ask He will do,
as we follow His commands, and live
according to His will, attached to His Vine.

John 16 goes on to say we can ask
the Father directly, and He will guide
us into all truth. He will show us the
way... that we hear him directly,
and He goes before us in power as we
follow His instructions in the Spirit.

It was said the secret to Kathryn Kuhlman's
ministry was the time she spent in the
Throne room before going out on stage
before the people. She said she was
nothing and emptied herself of self, and
asked for God's presence on everyone attending
one of her meetings. She claimed without
this time she would be as she is... nothing.

Then back into Joshua 3, the Lord told
Joshua to send the ark out into the water,
which then the Jordan was at flood stage,
and the waters will part and the people
can walk through on dry land.

When we stay in His Word, continually,
stay attached to Jesus and not sever
ourselves from the His vine of life,
ask, as we are faithful to follow His
commands,  He then goes before us.

Read Joshua 1, 3 and John 15, 16.
This is how the Spirit speaks, guides
and fortifies all we are about.

Master these principles of living alive
in the Spirit and you will see the Spirit
alive in all you do each day. This is
a strong foundation for our lives and
we see His Great Power at work
around us as we do it.

study His Word, continually,
live in Him, abiding in Him always.
Follow His commands for your life,
ask what you will and He will give it.
The Spirit then speaks to us and
Guides us, saturates us with power,
as He goes before us in a
very mighty way... a miraculous way.

Personally, while spending time in His Word
the Lords speaks to me many times there.
I may spend several hours there. As I get
His instructions, insights, directives, I
stay busy most of the day carrying them

Mission, I express this in more detail.

Adding a prayer and agreement partner,
who does the same thing creates extensive
power in the Spirit as He speaks to us,
guides us and makes the power flow.
We cross the flooded river Jordan in
all things facing us, and His Spirit paves
the way for us.

What a dynamic way to live!
