By Dale Shumaker
There is not another time that I feel such sense of importance
of what is being laid out on the Spirit Savvy Network website
and what it represents.
It was originally created to feature two training systems...
the New Breed Missionary Entrepreneur
and the Missionary Entrepreneur Accelerator.
They have been located in the two thought clouds
on the right side of the home page.
I plan to change them to have the
Living Your Magnificent Mission e-course,
and building skills in the power of prayer
using Andrew Murray's With Christ in the School of Prayer
as the textbook to follow.
It is my belief we are in life to live God's mission for us
and through us, and it takes prayer as the foundational skill
to accomplish it. We as a society, I feel, are weak in both areas...
living out our mission and prayer.
We, every walking person, need to enlist to this.
We all are Christ's ambassadors and are soldiers
in His army for the Kingdom of God. Our weapons are
not of this world, but in the Spirit through prayer.
That is our battle ground and we need to be skilled
as God's soldiers wherever we are.
So please pray with me on this. I need some help.
That God sends those who feel impressed in Spirit to help.
Thanks for praying with me on it.