Friday, August 31, 2007

Power and Influence of the Highest Level

by Dale Shumaker

Power and Influence is by Robert Dilenschneider, a veteran communications professional, advising Presidents, dignitaries, CEO's and other high-level business Power People.

The Rules have changed.
His book is about your future. By wielding personal power in a smart, technological, and ethical manner, you can help shape a more prosperous, future collectively for everyone.

Robert reads 11 newspapers a day, two books a week, and numerous selected blogs and preaches that you must be reading, listening, and learning about your culture and people constantly. Written in narrative style, Robert D. shares story after story of infamous power people and how they're inundated with influence.

His principles of power people and influence:

Accept, Adapt, and Accelerate -- or waste away with atrophy
"To obtain and retain power, you have to create a balance between your knowledge of technology, and your networks of personal contacts, friendships."
We're globalized. What happens out there affects us all. Ideas around the world affects everyone, everywhere. Learn them and how to handle people.

Everyone has a story to tell... listen to them. Ask questions and you'll fill up with riches of life. Listen to, extract information from. Everyone has a unique blend of insight and knowledge. With rules and technology constantly changing, you stay in touch by listening to everyone.

You must know technology, effective ways to use it, and how to customize it for yourself. So skills of logic, thinking, reasoning, writing (forming, parsing, punctuating) are core. Everyone uses email so personal notes stand out... use them creatively with a personal touch. Answer every email in 24 hours, identify key blogs to read regularly. Learn social changes, adjust to them.

Be prepared to start over... again and again.
"Attitude trumps resume."
Be ready to fight back even when you may get knocked down again and again. Power and influence is transitory and elusive. Power players engage us and permit us to celebrate their successes with them. Not every thing works, but always resolve to come back. Be determined to use your talent to rise to a higher level.

Technology is an ally... use web searches to PDA's. Use them in strategic conjunction with each other. Always learn from problems. The web is there, learn through it. Think things through, cope strategically with business problems. Help others too. They'll never forget you. Keep friendships, nurture them, don't expect anything in return. "America is a country of second acts." Always be prepared to start over and over again and again if you have to.

Think Innovation... forget about just keeping up.
"Power players stay alert to technical developments so that they can make smart judgment calls about what's a must-learn."
Refusing to learn about technology is business self destruction. New gadgets can be just that-- gadgets. But the intellectual property on driving the gadgets, productively, makes the difference. It's the canny use of technology. Technology can get you the right information quickly. Keeping up with developments, finding new sources of information, making quick (well-informed) decisions is why technology is unquestionably essential.

Seize the opportunity in every crisis.
"Technology enhances your professional prospects regardless of your setbacks and may even help you become an independent entrepreneur."
Uncertainty is certain. It's our biggest challenge to seize the challenge of crisis. Of the 6 billion people worldwide, 2 billion make less than on dollar a day. That's one challenge. When faced in personal crisis, seize the opportunity in that crisis. It's okay to be nervous, but change how you see it. Find new ideas and then do something about it.

Stick to your principles, be stubborn if it's right. Being stubborn when right is personal power. The unexpected will happen, turbulence will occur, but in change is opportunity. Power players take steps to their sense of a future they see.

Look beyond the new rules to connect.
"Treat people with respect and courtesy...Always Connect!"
The rules of power and influence are changing so fast it'sdifficult to grasp. "Read blogs." Power players know what's the talk, and get new sources of insight. CEO's keep their companies informed with personal blogs. There's news you don't get from the news media, bloggers will give you. Create a blog read list. Read them daily, weekly, whenever they update.

Everyone can be a journalist. In the 21st Century, power players master this. Don't rely on just emails. Some are missed. Use followup phone calls or, to stand out, send a personally handwritten, signed note. Face to face is still the ultimate relationship builder.

Always look for higher purposes. Higher purpose has to be the core of everything you do, say. Draw people in, make them part of the picture. If your values give to those around you, your power influence increases. Your contacts will expand.

Take the heat and never compromise.
"Power players aren't timid about tackling criticism, but they shouldn't be unguided missiles in responding."
The downside of blogs is you can be criticized and a lot will know. Keep open channels of communication. Get proper packages of communication out there... speeches, articles, quotes.
Cultivate the network of people you want to hear from you directly. They will stay loyal.

Being on the Internet is not as big as using the Internet's tools effectively, collectively and targetly. Losses, humiliation, embarrassment may come. Always be ready to respond with power come backs. Take the heat and rely on your friends, your networks, your special skills.

Be vigilant. Have faith in God and show your true values. Build strength around your special friends, networks and power remains with you.

Keep focusing on your strengths.
"Knowing yourself and your adversaries."
Part of the CEO's job is figuring out what people have on their minds, synthesize issues, and produce workable solutions. Learn how to block out weaknesses, prune them, and drive steadily from your strengths. Power players can show strength by yielding a little especially in negotiations.

Research people well before talking to them. Knowing them, things important, rare to them, not only impresses them, but gives you power.

Keep growing your network by shaving it.
"There's no substitute for a powerful network that embraces you and even nurtures you. You cannot do it alone."
Keep contact information on friends of over thirty and twenty years ago. Never take people off the list. And cultivate relationships with the most important of your personal data base. Always be adding people and get to know things about them. Have power people on your contact list that have influence to help you.

Robert D. has such a high profile contact base, one he can call and talk to in a minute, that he charged $25,000 to make 4 phone calls, when one person requested his services to meet 4 high-level important people.

Giving to your contact base, personalized contacts and special invitations increase the strength of relationships. You can also reignite past relationships by initiating getting in touch, even with people going 30 years back. High school, college friends and acquaintances are contacts forever.

Always be gracious, and happy to hear from old acquaintances. In your mind, consider everyone to be your friend.

Seek Acclaim, but practice humility.
"Be strong in your actions and humble in your heart."
It's just as important to reach out to the shoe shine boy as a CEO. You're a person of people, a person who's generous, who's humble, who's willing to do outreach. Turn to people and ask for help (i.e., the CEO uses a newly hired English major to sharpen his skills on grammar).

Search for Power but never forget to share it.
"Genuine power players work for a larger cause than consolidating their own power. They empower others."
Power players look for a higher purpose, have enduring professional values, are honest and vigilant, transparent, caring and polite. Power people give their power to empower others of lesser power.

The central question:
"What are you prepared to do, beyond your own life and company, that adds value to society?"

Technology's influence on power continues to evolve. Keep searching the opportunities it is bringing.

Jesus promised us that He would furnish us with Powers of Heavenly proportions. He said as he final words before departing to Heaven that He would send all the Power of God to us.... "And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven." (Luke 42:49, NLT)
"For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body."

(Colossians 2:9, NLT)

This Power exists in and with us now.
We can tap It, use It, be used by It, and live moment by moment in It now. This is not an It, but a real person, living, creating, strategically thinking, and maneuvering ahead of us for our behalf. As David said, Our Lord fights for me. We can say the same. Our Lord of the Universe fights for us.

The Apostle Paul proclaims that "I depend on the mighty power of God that so wonderfully works in me." We can proclaim the same. Our confidence is not in our abilities, reputation, accomplishments, or status, but the very Power of God who creates, recreates and transforms all things.

When we are weak we are more likely to be strong. It is then we are more likely to rely on Spirit to do the work for us. When we relinquish our power and lean on God's Mighty Power, we will see great feats accomplished where we do this.

The Apostle Paul talks of Christ Supreme position in the universe, and that we have Christ living in us (Col. 1), we can say confidently that the world around me may have its troubles, I may have some of them, then through the Power of Jesus Spirit in me, all things will be overcome by His Spirit.

Walk in this confidence, lean on Spirit Strength, not your own,
and expect to have Supernatural surprises happening around you continually.

In the Kneeling Christian by the Unknown Christian, he highlights the significance of praying in Jesus name, praying on behalf of God's Kingdom to come on earth as in Heaven. The Resources of Heaven are right with us. We can tap that.

"God is like a Great Banker. The Lord Jesus has given us a blank check in prayer. 'Fill it in,' He says, 'to any amount , ask anything what you will and your request will be honored. Present your check in My Name and you will be honored.' That is what happens when we go to the bank of Heaven-- when I go to God in prayer. I have nothing deposited there; I have no credit there; and if I go in my own name I will get absolutely nothing. But Jesus Christ has unlimited credit in Heaven, and He has granted me the privilege of going with His name on my checks. And when I thus go my prayers will be honored to any extent. To pray, then, in the name of Christ is to pray, not on the ground of my credit, but His."

Ours is not a kingdom we live and dwell in of just words, it is a kingdom of power. It is not just talk, but action of miracle transforming levels. "My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power."

(1 Corinthians 2:4, NLT)

This is the very Power of God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus...
that is the forming force for the whole earth, people and nature.
This is the ultimate of Power. And we are tapped into It.

This Power touches and controls everything.
We are connected to this power source and we have influence of the Supernatural in all our natural dealings.
as we remain tapped into this Power Source,
is the common occurrence of the day.

We have this privilege to have the very Power of The Creator of All things
to be our Head Production Department.
Walk in the Strength and Influence of this Power as your source.

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