Saturday, August 25, 2007

Words that Work... Convincingly

by Dale Shumaker

Words that Work (by Dr. Frank Luntz) affects us all.
Some words work as intended, others don't. They change and shift with our society as we continually merge into one mind but with vastly divergent components. The problem--words mean different things to different people.The theme: "It's not what you say, it's what people hear."

We create meaning to words. What each of us see as a meaning is what it means to us. Old words have new meanings. We are constantly making up new meanings. What we think something means, and what others think it means may be vastly different.

Luntz has Ten Rules of Effective Communication.
Rule 1: Simplicity. Use small words. Long words raise suspicion when not necessary.
Rule 2: Brevity. Use short sentences. Small beats large, short beats long, plain beats complex.
Rule 3. Credibility is as important as philosophy. Without sincerity, belief in your words lack impact. "Mean what you say."
Rule 4. Consistency matters. Repetition of theme phrases helps them to lock into minds.
Rule 5. Novelty. Offers something new. Creative use of words as phrases strike interest.
Rule 6. Sound and texture matter. A string of words starting with the same letter or ending with the same sound create memorability.
Rule 7. Speak aspirationally. Personalize and humanize the message to trigger an emotional remembrance.
Rule 8. Visualize. Paint a vivid picture. Use slogans that create pictures in other minds.
Rule 9. Ask a question. It's not what you say, but what you ask that really matters.
Rule 10. Provide context and explain relevance. Explain why a particular message matters.

George Orwell has a series of language rules.
1. Never use figures of speech you are used to seeing, hearing all the time.
2. Never use a long word when a short one will do.
3. Cut out as many words as possible.
4. Use active instead of passive in statements.
5. Never use foreign, scientific jargon when you can use an everyday English equivalent.

"Good communication requires conviction and authenticity."
Be the Message.

What we really care about... this communicates.
Words connect ideas, emotions, hopes and fears. What matters is how we really feel and what really matters. This includes:
Principles. If your principles match their values, the details don't matter.
Opportunity… more than fairness and more than ownership. We want to be treated fairly and have a stake in what we do.
Community. The desires to associate, affiliate, and belong.
Common Sense. It's self-evident, it makes sense.
Getting Value... what we get for what we pay for is more important than how much we pay for it.
Convenience. Today's catch word is "hassle-free." ... that's personal and based on individual interest.
Main street not Wall Street. The small guy over corporate America is still favored.
Family Values.
The Future. Where will this take us.
Positive messages. Limitless dreams, unending possibilities, promise of a wonderful future.
Accountability, respect, and solutions round out what people care about.

Great words for the 21st Century.
Imagine... hassle-free... lifestyle... accountability...
results and can-do spirit... innovation...
renew, revitalize, rejuvenate, restore, rekindle, reinvent...
efficient and efficiency... the right to... patient-centered...
investment... casual elegance... independent...
peace of mind... all-American... certified...
prosperity... spirituality... financial security...
a balanced approach... a culture of... .

Language is functional, it's a tool.
Acceptable language varies and changes, so you must know your audience, challenge them but don't offend them. "It's not what you say, it's what people hear."

Here's a more extensive summary:
Plus Luntz's site:

Jesus talked about hearing.
He quoted the prophet Isaiah…
"You will hear my words
But you will not understand
You will see what I do,
But you will not perceive its meaning.
For the hearts of these people are hardened.”
(Matthew 13:14,15, NLT)

Some don't get what you are talking about because they don't want to. It goes against who they are and they don't want to change. They aren't open to Spirit and they can't hear when Spirit speaks.

People have core beliefs of some kind. When something challenges someone's core beliefs they immediately reject what is said. Jesus knew people's core beliefs, or hearts. He knew so much, that He also knew what would be rejected. He knew His audience. Jesus demonstrated the importance of knowing people and dealing with what people believed and the way they were.

Jesus creates an analogy of how this works.
When talking about hearing, He said there are these levels of hearing.
1. Some hear but don't understand. They have no clue to what you are talking about. Their hearts and minds are hardened, very removed from where you are. They are just not open to anything outside what they already know and live.
2. Some hear, but the deceptions of this world and cunning evil powers wile it away. It coerces them to stop believing.
3. Others hear, receive it immediately, even excitedly. But when they get back into the routine of their lives, it loses its flavor, the taste it once had for them.
It just doesn't take root and ceases to be relative to their life. It is soon dismissed.
4. Then there are those who readily accept and begin putting to work what they heard. When facing the cares, challenges, or the pleasures of this life, it loses its place of relevance or importance to them. They just busy it away.
5. Finally, when honest people true to themselves of a good-heart (that's those who respect God's ways and insights) hear an idea, they will cling to it. They hold tightly to it. They make it a working part of their lives and produce results many times over and over again.
(Note: Luke 8:10–16)

Their abilities to hear, understand increase and they grasp more and more beyond what they learn. They develop an never-ending ability to see and put into practice in a productive way what they are learning. They accomplish more and more with what they heard and learned. And it continues to increase their abilities to learn, grow and accomplish greater and greater things. And their desire to learn keeps expanding at constantly increasing proportions.

Jesus said "my sheep," those with a heart toward Him, "recognize my voice" and respond. They follow exactly where He goes and tells them to go.

It all boils down to a desire to hear His voice, to respond to it joyfully and when challenges come, to not give up on it and know Jesus has a better way and miracles along the way He leads. He says those who recognize, respond to His voice, He will give them abundant life. More and more will be added to you.
(Note: John 10)

He speaks constantly and to be tuned-in to His voice will intricately guide your steps day-by-day, hour-by-hour. You will be led through the most challenging circumstances as well as the most delightful events in your life and mind. Joy abounds, continually, as we tune in and follow moment by moment His speaking to us.

He promises to speak to us and wants us to listen to His voice, to hear and understand what He means by it. But most of all, when we know we have heard His voice, do not stop what He directs us to do until victory is won.

He will speak to us again and again to guide us with penetrating precision to decisive, stunning victories!

Through constant practice and recognizing "His voice", allowing it to touch our hearts and speaking to our minds, we grow in His guiding Spirit. Great insights will come to mind, and remarkable High Levels of power will follow.

As Jesus said "He walks ahead of them" and we follow a very Strategic, Spiritually Supernatural path when we do.

Hear Him, listen and understand… follow Him with a refined accuracy and let His guiding voice give you life. Spirit will grant it to you abundantly, immeasurable…in all areas of your life and Spirit.

And He will, without limit, when you listen to His voice.

It's all about your relationship with Jesus and the Spirit of God. The closer you are to Jesus in a daily interacting relationship the more clearly you hear His voice and understand what He is saying.

Get close,
know His voice,
and live in a constant rejuvenating power.

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