by Dale Shumaker
As stated in Joel 2 we are coming into a time of a magnificent drenching of His Spirit in our lives. In this time many things will be shaken up, and a new wine of Spirit will saturate us. One important thing to keep in mind is, it will be a new thing, not putting new wine into old wineskins, but it will be more incredibly powerful than before.
As a review of this see:
And lessons to make it part of our lives at:
The time is now as Peter said.
"The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers.” 1 Peter 4:7
We are entering the season of this time. It is the time of staying earnest in our prayers and following the Mission His Spirit has put on our hearts to do.
Work hard in what you are called to do. Stay steady and steadfast since you are working for the Lord, not men. Remember, it is the Lord who will reward you in the end. (see Colossians 3)