Friday, January 06, 2006

Spirit Savvy Tipping Point

by Dale Shumaker

The Tipping Point has been around for a while and has remained a top selling business book. In the "Afterward" of Gladwell's new reprint is this statement...
"On playing fields and battlegrounds, challenges that would be daunting and impossible, if faced alone, are now suddenly possibly... when tackled in a close-knit group."

This reminded me of what Dr. Ashcroft always emphasized the key to spiritual power, of Supernatural proportions, is accomplished through strong, bonded relationships of people with a common mission or purpose. Spiritual power is released when small groups of people form tight-knit groups. Power is directly linked to the quality of the love relationship between people, not necessarily the number involved.
With increased numbers, it is many times more difficult to create close-knit relationships. This is the significance of Matt. 18:18 (where two or three agree, what you agree on will happen.)

Malcom Gladwell went on to say, "What now is obvious, but not at the time when I wrote the Tipping Point, we are about to enter the age of the word of mouth. With all the wizardry and limitedless access to information of the new economy will lead us to rely more and more on very primitive kinds of social contact."

The Tipping Point identifies key people traits that move any effort, business or mission to its tipping point. They include the connector, the mavens, and the salesman.

He defined the "tipping point" as when something somewhat unnoticed becomes contagious and reaches a critical mass or epidemic levels of advance. He cites three characteristics of Tipping Points…
the fact that little causes have big effects,
and change happens not gradually but at one dramatic moment.

Tipping point is the name to this dramatic moment... When change, a phase, craze rushes through a market like the winds of an approaching torrential storm.

In our culture we have seen this with male earrings, shaved heads, tattoos... a few have them and then overnight everyone has them. In technology, email, cell phones, palm pilots have done that. Blogs, blackberries, laptops are now hitting a tipping point... the majority is moving in quickly and most everyone has one.

According to Gladwell, power erupts when the connectors, mavens, and salespeople collaborate on a common objective.

He defined each.
Connectors: know a lot of different people and love to connect them.
Mavens: learn new things, accumulate knowledge and tell others.
Salesmen: are skilled at persuading others who are not yet convinced.
For more on the Tipping Point note Gladwell's website,
and an independent outline:

Jesus had a tipping point. He spent 30 years relatively unknown. Created a team of 12 and in three years incited a "Spiritually" contagious, epic phenomenon that moved rapidly across the earth and never stopped.

The select and tightly-knit few, which he gave priority attention in His last year of his life, exploded into a massive move
Revolutionizing Spirituality within a hostile culture.

Like what Gladwell observed, Jesus chose... the connector, James; John, a maven; and Peter the salesman.
James connected those of need with those who could help them.
John became the expert spokesman of Jesus’ love.
Peter's first speech persuaded thousands to adopt Jesus' ways.
These were Jesus' inner circle. He nurtured, loved and molded them to be an influential core of Spiritual warriors.

One lesson from this is...
the secret to utilizing Spiritual Power in your business or biz network is to find the connectors, mavens and salesmen and create a tight- knit team among them. Create unbreakable love and committed relationships within and among your teams.
When love prevails, overwhelming victories are common.
(Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Romans 8:37, NLT)

Your business will be a power-house entity when love permeates every fiber of its existence, people and processes.
(David’s throne will be established by love. Isaiah 16:5, NLT)

Jesus did a “one-up” on everyone.
In one spectacular moment, He sent the very Spirit of God back to earth, after He left, to live in us as a whole group. Whenever two or more believers engage in a Spiritual Purpose The Actual Presence of God’s Spirit goes with that enterprise. We have the Spirit of Jesus in Us, with Us, working on our behalf for God’s Purpose.
(“Don’t you realize Jesus lives in you, Col. 1:27)

The Spirit of Jesus has had its Tipping Point.
The Spirit of God rests, waits to blossom, in everyone’s soul.

Everyone has IT!
Will you use It, and connect in Spirit love with others?

You will then see the manifestation of power in your efforts above and beyond what commonly accepted biz principles can do. You will then create a Spirit-Powered Tipping Point, an unstoppable tidal wave of Super-Natural proportions.

Where two or more team up,
melted together by sacrificial love for each other,
What was once impossible,
Will now be possible for you!

Note by Geffry Fields for more on the power of unity of Spirit, especially the July, 2005 archive titles of July 1, Nucleus of Spiritual Power Rediscovered; July 9, Magnitude of Being One...

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