Saturday, February 11, 2006

Today Matters... Make Today Count

by Dale Shumaker

John Maxwell attributes Today Matters’ Daily Dozen as having the most impact on his own effectiveness… making it possible for him to author his many popular books on leadership. He publishes a new book about every year and his latest is … The 360 Degree Leader :developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization.

His theme in Today Matters is “you will never change your life until you change something you do daily."

”When we focus on “preparing” versus “repairing,” we can live very productive lifestyles. “Preparing more” produces fewer “repairing conditions” we all sometimes must deal with. The fewer the repairing activities means the more we can invest in creating what is important. Then results increase… compounding in nature.

Today Matters is a life transforming concept because of its balance and focus on doing something each day on what is important to us.

Brian Tracy, another prominent personal development expert, has said that if we do just one thing daily on something important to us, we will be amazed at what we accomplish. (Note: Time Power)

In Today Matters, John Maxwell shares a 12-point daily plan to follow… the Daily Dozen.

Making the Daily Dozen work for you.
He suggests you rank yourself on the twelve… 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

Then take the top two areas and improve them. His philosophy is that we improve more in our strengths then trying to improve our weaknesses. So give most attention to strengths.

Of the top half, include # 6 to improve as well.

To make sure you are objective ask a friend who knows you and see if they agree with your ranking order.

He has written a chapter on each area… it would serve a person well to read the related chapter and then spend concentrated time on his/her top two and #6 ranking of the Daily Dozen.

In 60 days, repeat the above process for the second half of your Daily Dozen ranking (that would be a focus on 7, 8, 12)… and then go back to 3, 4, 5... and finally 9,10,11. These 12 areas Maxwell testifies are the secret to his personal record of long-term productivity and the growth of Maximum Impact.

The Maxwell Daily Dozen
(rank 1 to 12, from your strongest on…)

Attitude. Choose and display the right attitude daily.
Priorities. Determine and act on important priorities daily.
Health. Know and follow healthy guidelines daily.
Family. Communicate with and care for family daily.
Thinking. Practice and develop thinking skills daily.
Commitment. Make and keep proper commitments daily.
Finances. Earn and properly manage finances daily.
Faith. Deepen and live out faith daily.
Relationships. Initiate and invest in solid relationships daily.
Generosity. Plan for and model generosity daily.
Values. Embrace and practice good values daily.
Growth. Desire and experience improvements daily.

A person could easily spend a month on each of the above and define what that is for them. Maxwell has additional helps on doing this at Today Matters' website:

The point is by having a daily focus on areas we see as most important to our lives, and doing one productive move-ahead activity in each area, we will have a highly productive life. Doing this exercise has served him well for constantly advancing his career. Plus, along with this will be more joy, happiness and a sense of fulfillment in our lives. In that we are accomplishing something very important to us.

“Doing” is what matters…
Doing it “every day” is what matters…
Today matters!

As you go through Maxwell’s Daily Dozen answer these questions for each:
What do I really want in this part of my life?
Why is this important to me?…
your reasons are compelling, reflect God’s reasons for giving you life, your God-given gifts, your mission for life?

Do what God wants in light of His Grand Plan for the universe and your role in it. Think in these terms. Then each day will matter.

Take time to reflect and hear His Voice… His Voice is many times the ideas that come to mind that inspire you, give a rise to your spirit as you think on it.

His Voice is exciting… it will excite you.

The Scriptures proclaim… Today is the day of salvation! (Hebrews 4)

Today is the day God has called us to serve him and His interests. Enter His rest, His inner life. There He speaks to us. And tells us great things He has in store for the day.
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great remarkable things you do not even know about yet.” (Jeremiah 33:3)

Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will have its own share of problems and concerns, but instead focus on today.
(Matthew 6:34)

Do what you can do today
and what you do today is enough.

In Spirit, Jesus will take care of the rest. His Spirit will encircle all areas of concern and keep working them out for us… He speaks to us constantly in all the micro-seconds of our existence. He is a micro-second active Spirit that works aggressively all the time on our behalf.

He voice is tirelessly speaking to us… Listen!

"Today … listen to his voice.
The voice of God’s Spirit is full of living power.” (Heb. 4:8, 12)

Listen to His Voice through His Spirit which coaxes you through your thoughts as you are in His rest. Be calm and rest before Him… Listen!

His voice has Supremacy over the Universe. It is a powerful voice that changes things, and gives you insight on what to do “today.” Each day adds up and grows for you. His voice is forceful, moving the material, transforming hearts of those around you.

The battle is won when He Speaks, do what it prompts to do daily, and at each reckoning moment. It may come quietly, but it is dynamic in action producing great results. “And He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern” each day. (Matt. 6:33, NLT)

Respond to His voice. Follow its nudgings.

Small actions will produce distinctive effects.
His Voice is powerful and all earth moves when It speaks.

Today matters and listen to His voice today.
It will astound you what you will see.
So rest in His Spirit, Listen, Do, and See what happens.

Day by day it adds up.
Today matters… make today count.

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