Tuesday, April 18, 2006

One Minute Millionaire... One Minute Miracles

by Dale Shumaker

Make every minute count.
What if our thoughts were captivated with productive creativity, hope filled thinking all day… every single minute?

This is the underlying theme behind the One Minute Millionaire… an emerging classic for building any individual or group venture. It is what you do mentally, every minute that fosters results. The authors’, Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen, say, “The entire process of becoming a millionaire is broken down into bite-sized, one-minute techniques… you can become a millionaire one minute at a time.”

They researched over 100 millionaires to come up with a book of principles, processes and personal systems for anyone to reach this goal. The secret they say is managing principles, patterns, processes common to millionaires. The four areas, they say, where wealth is built include investments, real estate, business, the Internet.

The book is divided into two main sections: The Aha’s… 24 principles or regular patterns of thinking wealth-builders use. And how to effectively use leverage…a cornerstone component… to accomplish excessively more. Leveraging is the art of getting multiple results with one step, doing it constantly, applying it in everything. It’s about strategically using less time and effort to increase results… leveraging everything.

The five components of leverage include collaborating with other’s resources, experience, ideas, time and work.

Leverage takes on six forms…
Mentors, teams, networks, infinite networks, tools and skills, and systems.

So here is their formula… apply the principles(Aha’s) with leverage as your power-train and you are on the road to building massive results.

The six forms of leverage are:
Mentors: They may be people, books, Internet newsletters… information from those who have done it before and share their wisdom and knowledge with you. Mentors give you perspective, proficiency and patience. You benefit from their learning curve.

Teams: Build teams that are diverse in skills, complement each other, function as one and align with each other, with balance in the unit. Teams create supreme ideas and superior power to get bigger things done.

Visionaries, processors, people developers, detail compilers, analytical thinkers all make strong team partners… when functioning as interactive, harmonious cells.

Networks: Some people have influence with many. These contacts, or networking associations, can then bring you in contact with many more. They can be “weak ties”(just acquaintances) who like you, value what you are doing, and will work in concert with you.

Infinite networks: One accord in thinking produces a spiritual factor that goes to work on our dreams, thoughts, ideas. Those who believe with you like this create an “incalculable” extra dimension of power.

“The Spiritual Internet works when a team has a big, purposeful dream and everyone stays positive about its accomplishment.”

Skills and tools: Personal Thinking systems, persuasive, interpersonal relationship skills, writing, talking along with advancing technology spawn a prevailing force to get action and results.

Systems: Use effective people organization, processes, methods, technology to systematize. The secret is to create self-generating systems in all you do. Include both hi-touch and hi-tech.

They espouse this system acronym:

Hansen and Allen also point out the value of selling knowledge. They feel everyone has a book in them and everyone has something of value to share that others are interest in.

Today, the blog and Internet systems make this available to everyone.
For more note their web service which has many links to more information.

One Minute Miracles

We literally co-create with God in Spirit and all things are possible with the connections this makes. Note Geffry Fields' blog on "Connecting Circuits... they all must flow."

What if minute-by-minute we lived in “Power Thoughts” that could change all things, move matter, and create from nothing. What if we searched out the thousands of “Power Thoughts” in the Bible and integrated them into our thinking one minute at a time. In a single work day that would be around 500 “Power thoughts” with Eternal precedent to change all things, move matter and create from nothing.

Do you think we would start to see Miracles… one minute at a time? There is an Infinite leverage of a Proactive Higher Power... of a Super-Natural kind.

Consider this Spiritual system to mobilize Super-Natural leverage.
Prayer... seek God for His insight and direction.
Revelation... note all inspired ideas that are Divinely communicated.

These are revelations from God's Spirit directly to you.
Obedience... follow through and do what is directed

(even the small stuff is important).
The Cross... be willing to make sacrifices in love to do what you need to do.

Then if we added in a business the prophetically gifted (seers into the future), the spiritual gifted who could tap into Spiritual intelligence, and hear God inspired directives… like Joshua in the Bible.

And even more so make intercessory prayer as a hub of its functions in all things... And make it the hub of all activity in a business.

As a core part of a business/ mission group these characteristics would manifest.
Apostle-like direction... vision of new territory to move in to.
Prophetic voice... hearing what God is saying to you.
Evangelists… advanced skills in influencing others, getting buy-in and persuasion skills.
Healers... those with gifts to heal emotions and our physical bodies.
Teachers... develop people's gifts to their human and Spiritual potential.
Worship... praise to God with music, prayer and intercession that would stir these Super Spiritual giftings up to Ultra-High levels.
Intercessory prayer... interactive in Spirit with Spiritual Intelligence, saturated with Power and an unexplainable depth of Love for others.

When one with God, these naturally, in Spirit, show up. Think on these things...minute by minute. Think on the power of Spirit, ”Power Thoughts” in your life and all the Infinite connections it has.

Live lives of miracle expecting activity, which may come from, at times, the smallest actions... as devised by Spirit. In a Spirit-saturated workplace you have:
Aha's... outstanding principles of Spirit at work.
Leverage... Spirit of the Universe doing incredibly great things.
Mentors... those who hear from Spirit to teach you Greater insights.
Teams... when united as one in Spirit a core of Spiritual Power is formed, Jesus Himself is manifested. …the One who creates everything.
Systems... New, Revelatory Spiritual process, a constant, reforming,
re-newing, re-creating of Dynamic Spirit Systems to accomplish things.
Skills and abilities... of a Super-Naturally Gifted level, above human ability. Gifted trainers/coaches ignite the gifts in others.
And endless Networks... tapping into the connections of the Universe, into the Heavenly realms that control all things on earth.

What if we took each day and re-created in Spirit, minute-by-minute,
a new Spiritual synergy in relationships,
expanded into Spiritually-charged networks
and re-designed more effective,
but especially, Spiritual Systems
...can you imagine what would happen.

This is a Super-Natural system of extraordinaire...
a phenomenal lifestyle...
exquisite inner presence of love and joy in Spirit.

“Power thoughts” from the depth of Spirit
producing an endless flow of one-minute miracles every day.

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