Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Ultimate Sales Tool Kit... ask, seek, knock

by Dale Shumaker

According to author William "Skip" Miller of The Ultimate Sales Tool Kit,
the art of selling is about getting solid hits throughout the game. Hit the ball hard and straight, on the line, or on the ground... fly balls get caught. He's compiled 15 tools for the beginning, middle and end of the sales process. He has also created Visual Exercise Areas (VEA) so you can go from "what to do" to "how you will do it."

Each chapter is only 4 or 5 pages for explaining the tool, followed by Illustration and application pages—few on words, big on how to get it going.

The first tool is the process which is initiate (in interest), educate, validate (transfer of ownership), justify (rationalize), and close (decide).

The Beginning (6 tools)

Buythink-- think like the buyer. Prepare two Immediate Questions (IQ).
You must find out what's on the prospect's mind...
Right now.
What decision options does the prospect have?
Great Action Stops--how will they implement what I sell them?

Miller points out the sales person has all these wonderful ideas on features/benefits of his product. But the buyer, on any given day, has a couple key problems he must solve right now. Seek and find what they are and then help him.

The Power Hour--create an hour to get to your best prospects.
Look for whales... the bigger catches. Focus one hour to do just that. So many of us get into our emails, voice mail, fires to put out and then think we just started out great. Miller says to set aside the Power Hour to get to the big ones. His VEA includes 9-10 steps that get you there. It is a process. This will keep you driving the ball and keep building up runs.

30-second intro-- starting the sales call.
1. Intro--short and sweet
2. 3/3 -- 3 things about you (take only 10 seconds) then into questions. Get from about you to about them as soon as possible.
3. Summarize and flip--
Use "bridges" to shift to questions. You "flip" by shifting from telling to asking about them.... it’s then their turn to talk.

20-second intro--best use of email, voice mail.
Step 1 Quick intro (5 seconds)
Step 2 Then questions "The reason for my call is to answer questions you may have...”
Step 3 Call to Action. "I can be reached at .... Please call me back at your earliest convenience.”

3 Languages--everyone lives differently.
Speak the language of the level of who you are speaking to.
First level--first-level managers are more into features and benefits.
Second level--the middle leaders are into cost, profits.
Third level--the top executive is looking at market share.
When in Spain, don't speak Russian.

RePhrase--make sure they know they are heard.
Do not answer prospects question, but rephrase it back to them, so they know you heard them and heard them correctly. It's about getting what they meant not what you think they are asking. Then ask a clarifying question to make sure you "get it."

The Middle (5 tools)

Time Zones--buyers purchase to satisfy needs; and time considerations are a critical deciding element. What issues do the past, present, future create. Find them related to strategic needs, operational efficiencies, planned events, future consideration, projected actions.

Yes, we can do that--prospects want to feel needs are being met, that they are being heard. When seeking clarity by asking questions and the concluding with "yes, we can do that." Re-affirm customer’s confidence in you.

Value Star--how customer values what you have.
ROI--return on investment, time savings or speed. Find their risks and address them. Leverage by satisfying multiple needs. The brand’s value of what it can do for them is most important. Use 30-second intro process and ValueStar email process for these.

3 Stages of Value--buyers must substantiate value in their minds, and you must lead them there. Three stages of Value:
1. Basic understanding
2. Taking ownership
3. Applying value
The seller progresses through these stages: 1. Agreement, 2. Transfer of Ownership, 3. Quantified Value.

Ask/Tell--buyers want to be educated and have their decisions validated.
Educate--when the prospect gets it (it’s mostly tell, tell, tell)
Validate--ask what's important, tell them what you do, ask them would they use it and what they'll do with it.

The End (5 tools)

The idea of closing is a "sales" interest although the prospect is not too hip on the idea they are being closed. Miller encourages the view to be jointly involved in the process of a buying decision. With his tools Miller inserts that if you have made it this far, a buying decision is about inevitable. These tools then will aid in completing your prospect's buying decision.

Summarize/Bridge and Pull--ending the sales call with you in control of the sale. Summarize/Bridge and Pull( SBP) has three parts:
1. Them/you, 2. Agree?/Bridge, 3. Next Step.
Summarize what you have covered, the prospects needs and interests, and ask them "would you agree?" Next Step... then you direct the next step and ask "Does that sound good to you?" Then finally ask if they have any additional questions. At the "would you agree?" stage if they still have questions, it goes back to them for clarity of certain specific areas.

TimeDemo--creating sense of urgency so prospects can deal with their fears and make decisions. When the thought of "change" creates fear in the prospect's mind for whatever reasons, take him on down the road to the benefits of the decision in the future...out 30 - 60 days when things with product/service are in motion. Move him to the next great place..."where he'll find his hopes, dreams and desires.”

I-Date--Implementation Date
The sales person sees the contract signing as the end of the sale, while the prospect sees the "start to use" time as the beginning date, his implementation date. So focus on these dates as your most important dates with the prospect. Dragons are what causes an I-Date to be firm... that can be the board meeting, end of a lease, start of a tournament, launch of a new product. These motivate movement to locking in a buying decision. Find the prospect’s dragons.

Homework Assignment--the prospect taking ownership of the sale. The more you get them involved, the more control you have. Doing something of value. The prospect will do many things for you they see as value which keeps them influencing the buying decisions, lessens their risks, and solidifies the sale. Some areas of involvement could include proposal drafts, demonstrations, agenda sharing, wipe board explanations, option lists with rationales, etc.

Neutral Elements--a prospect-communication tool that gets all parties involved and helps everyone understand the different points of view. Flow charts, pictures, diagrams can be neutral elements for both to refer to for clarity, understanding, potential applications. Send out a prospective agenda for the meeting and ask the prospect to check areas of their interest... this keeps them working along side you and you along side them.

Lastly, use the tools and adapt your sales content, objectives of meetings, approaches to them. Make them your progressive innings of play so you have the runs to win in the end.

More on William "Skip" Miller's book, with worksheets, at his company's website. Go to the site, then products, books…scroll down and click on The Ultimate Sales Tool Kit. There you will find the link to free worksheets for the book, the tools. Do this. It is very helpful and made a difference for me in just after one week of putting just some of the tools to work.

Jesus says to ask, seek, knock.
He tells a story of someone who goes to a friend’s house late at night. The friend doesn't want to get up to help because it is late and he is already in bed. But because of the person’s "shameless persistence," the friend doesn’t want to mar his reputation, so he gets up and gives him what he wants.

Here’s the story: "Suppose you went to a friend's house at midnight, wanting to borrow three loaves of bread. You say to him, 'A friend of mine has just arrived for a visit, and I have nothing for him to eat.' And suppose he calls out from his bedroom, 'Don't bother me. The door is locked for the night, and my family and I are all in bed. I can't help you.' But I tell you this—though he won't do it for friendship's sake, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence. "

"And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. You fathers—if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead?" (Luke 11:5-11, NLT)

Jesus said to keep on asking, keep on seeking and keep on knocking, the doors will be opened for you. We are to do the same.

What God promises He will honor when we persist based on His Promises.... His reputation is at stake and He always honors His promises. If you don't approach Him because you have failed, and feel your aren't worthy, Jesus said God will forgive you. Forgive from your heart, ask boldly, and God will respond when you persist. He will give you what you ask for.

Persistence and Faith in Him are the critical issues.

Once a business entrepreneur (who happened to be Inc magazine’s entrepreneur of the year) gave this advice to a person I knew who had a very difficult business problem. His advice was "when you are desperate, you got to be bold." Big problems need big solutions, so big boldness is needed.

God responds to us when we are bold.
This relates to sales. Jesus said to go find the lost sheep.There are many people who would benefit greatly from what you have to offer them. The principle here is to keep asking where they are, go seek them out and find them and when you do, knock on their door until they answer.

As in The Ultimate Sales Tool Kit, Miller has about a 9-step approach to get to the major, best prospects. It is about constantly coming back and knocking on the door until they realize what you have for them is important and they need to hear about it. Some people will greatly benefit from what we have to offer them. You have a great solution for them... seek them out and knock on their door until they respond to you.

Also, God sees us as His Children. Would you give your child a poisonous snake when they ask for a puppy.... Of course Not! Just like our children, He delights to do good to us.

Maybe in your life it seems like many people have not done good to you. Jesus said come to me all you are weary, tired and discouraged. He will console you and give you boldness to ask, seek, and knock and receive what you ask for.

Ask for help from people who can make a difference
in your life,

seek them out and find the just right person
for your circumstances,

and keep knocking, boldly,
until they respond to you.

And the Biggest promise of all is that Jesus Himself will assist you and respond on your behalf with all the Spirit's power to help you.

Your are part of His Family, His Creation,
and He delights to do good to you.
He will give you
The Same Spirit as Part of Your life
that creates all things.

That has power to form matter from nothing!

Jesus Himself told us to ask, seek, knock.
Keep knocking until with a determined, bold persistence, you are heard and responded to.
He stands behind His promises. He never lied or misled.
He will honor His Word and do what He said He will do.

But He tells us to ask, keep asking,
to seek, and keep seeking
and knock and don't stop
until His promise is fulfilled
and we get what we are asking for.

Keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking.
Don't ever stop.
He loves you more than anyone and
He delights to do good to you.

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