Saturday, September 29, 2007

Rules For Renegades... living the vision

by Dale Shumaker
Rules for Renegades by Christine Comaford-Lynch is a book for those who "want to succeed without totally sacrificing your personal life." Christine succeeded impressively with making 10 million dollars before 40 years old, consulting 100's of the Fortune 1000 company's, but then pointed out that she made some big errors on personal values, relationships and money.... to the tune of 8 million dollars.

This book will help if you want meaningful rich connections, integrate Spirituality with your work, greater self-confidence and self-esteem. A business starts with your illusion of what your business could be. "You are a renegade because you want to build something great, but not sacrifice yourself on the altar of success."

She did her life by "acting until you ARE it." At Microsoft as an independent programmer, she sold her first company's services when she didn't even have a company or an employee. She has 10 rules. And her website tied to her book is loaded with oodles of resources to help you fulfill each rule.

Rule 1. Start with your illusion. do goals, make goal cards with affirmations, do dream boards, do personal development (what you don't know, learn it). Keep your eyes, ears open constantly and pull up your self-esteem to the level of your illusion.

Rule 2. The big skill is GSD... get stuff done. Learn four important phases in doing it. "Please, Thank you, I'm sorry, I don't know." Apply these honestly when they fit. Ten steps to GSD. Rock responsibility, get visual, solid super support, toss toxicity, pump the positive, your thinking attracts, persevere, pay attention, course correct, and celebrate success.

Rule 3. Problems + Pain = Profit
Pay attention for opportunity. Stuff feelings of inadequacy, go for it. Learn to mind storm, create ways to do it. Plan it out... be concise, compelling and complete.

Rule 4. Build power from within, invest in building you and your company's skill set.

Rule 5. Fail forward. When you blow it, take time out, reflect, review, regroup, retrench and regain your strength. Failure sabbaticals are great for a better illusion ahead.

Rule 6. Learn to love to network. Learn handshaking skills to create connection. Life is people you meet plus what you can do together. Equalize yourself with others(even the rich and famous you can get on the same plane.) Build momentum, Rolodex, daily expression appreciation, love people by being intrigued by what they do. Be sincerely interested in their interests.

Rule 7. Lead your life... only you can. Find your inner guide that can get you through the jungles. Hire the fantastic four... visionaries, leaders, implementers, infrastructure builders. Rock your culture so all want to be part of a rocking business, choose your team wisely, extend your team. Remember course adjustments are always necessary. Trust your instincts. Make sure you are paid well, receive respect and have a personal life.

Rule 8. Work your money mojo. Internal money is funded by customers who buy your product, selling your knowledge which is your consulting, and cost controls by reducing your costs. Four steps to external funding. Get money you think you need, before you need it, from someone you like and respect, without being greedy or taken advantage of.

Rule 9. Resign as general manager of the universe... sent Christine an email message with the thought: Love is letting go of fear. "the more you try to hold it together, the more it will fall apart." Reform from being a control freak. Hire slowly, fire quickly. Have a team of those you can count on coming through. Forgive those who have hurt you.

Rule 10. Don't just do something, stand there. No matter what happens, you still have you. Learn you well, like the best you, and find the strength core of you. It's okay to wait until you get clarity. "Every ten weeks or so I go on a retreat, just me, alone with (or without) my thoughts." Dream, reflect, recharge, keep in place what matters most to you and take time to make sure that stays in place. Your Spiritual part is most important. Retreat to it often. Give time for your attitudes to heal.
Find a cause that feeds your soul.
Give one hour worth of your salary a week to a cause.
Give time, talent or treasure.
Get others involved.

"Look around you and find something that needs to be fixed. Go into the world and go into yourself. Find out what you're giving away power over your life, and figure out how to stop doing that... keep moving and keep increasing connection to yourself and others, you'll make it." ... concludes Christine.

Life = the people you meet + what you create together.

"You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God."
Mother Teresa

Christine goes into a lot more detail, which I see as a very good guide for anyone in a business or mission venture.

And she has lots of resources to do the ten rules at:

Getting through what we have to go through has so much to do with how well we do. So much of it depends on inner strength, where we go when all around us is collapsing or being a problem. As Christine says in Rules for Renegades that you still have you, and she recommends going off alone to find that inner strength. Paul the Apostle talked about going into that too.
"For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
7 We now have this light shining in our hearts, as our great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.
8 We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.
9 We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.
10 Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.
11 Yes, we live under constant danger of death because we serve Jesus, so that the life of Jesus
will be evident in our dying bodies.
12 So we live in the face of death, but this has resulted in eternal life for you.
16 That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.

17 For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 18 So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever."
(2 Corinthians 4, NLT)
Spirit Inspires vision, dreams, illusions of a grand life.

Take time to reflex on what Paul the Apostle is saying here. In the Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster recommends we allow time to soak into the Scriptures for inner strength. "The meditation upon Scripture becomes the central reference point by which all meditations are kept in proper perspective. You can actually encounter the living Christ in this event, be addressed by His Voice and be touched by His healing power."

Andrew Murray says about prayer,
"God wants the whole heart. Our hearts must be drawn away from other desires. We must give ourselves wholly to this one. We must be willing to live completely in intercession for the Kingdom." (The Ministry of Intercession)

Our illusions we receive when in Spirit, in His Presence, are many times God Inspired and we can trust that. These have eternal implications and are surrounded by His Power to run before they are fulfilled. We stay in the vision, the illusion... relishing in the vision and God's greatness in making in happen. When in there, the Spirit is doing the major breakthrough work for us. This is where the POWER IS!

We can then run with boldness and certainty in faith toward His Vision in us. We know God is with us, and even if not seen in the natural, IT will be manifested through God's Supernatural Abilities, His Spirit in Power. Although, in process, of pursing these illusions, we become perplexed as Paul says, but not in Despair. Greatness greater than us is there for us.

We then live with Hope in this power, not ours, while we continue pursuit.
We never give up.
The Glory produced by this is everlasting.

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