Saturday, April 19, 2008

Inspired Marketing Inspires Big Faith

by Dale Shumaker

Inspired Marketing by Joe Vitale... "Speak from your heart. Let ideas come by grace." Creating ideas is not so much about thinking about creating ideas as allowing ideas to come... which end up being creative. The biggest lesson of creativity is that we can't force it. But when we allow it, it happens. As Vitale puts it, "it allows marketers to follow their hearts and tell their stories to a marketplace that wants what they have. It allows you to encounter a marketing message and feel good about buying it."

Two key ingredients of inspired marketing is that it is authentic, your real story, and it comes to you by grace. You are not thinking about it. It just shows up. "It will have a feeling more than a thinking aspect of it. It comes from the unexpected." It is inspired. Ask nicely, your subconscious mind will respond. When trying to come up with a brilliant idea, the very act of trying is screwing things up. Trust it will come and it will surface.

Inspired Marketing taps into the vast power of the unconscious mind, whereas traditional marketing relies more on the conscious mind. Give up control and let your unconscious mind guide you. Don't be afraid, the money will flow. If you are not passionate about it, others will know; your intuition and inspiration need to be in tune with the marketplace (or they won't buy). Then blend the inspired with the practical. When inspired leads, the rest is not drudgery. Get out of ruts by getting inspired through helping people, combining minds.

Inspiration is infinite. Play what-if games, list actions, by-pass fear (it's not allowed), shift to the believe mode, meditate on it (walks are good), be willing and delegate what's not fun for you... then joy vibrations simulate your being. When inspiration is blocked, sit quietly, look around for the unexpected, new inspirations. You know it's inspired when it helps others, improves their lives and you get supportive feedback. It's dreams, hobbies, a secret thing that lights you up... energy emerges when you show your passion. Continue self-growth and getting better and better.

Are you really inspired or just having a wild goose chase? Is it ego, an impulse, familiar enough so people can accept it. We have left brains, rational thinking processes for reasoning....use it too. You may need to put the breaks on or be more precise. Some call it "making a mistake." But mistakes are actually launching pads for a new product ideas. Persistence and fearing less move you toward a new product idea, move you toward inspiration.

Be a gift-giver. The more you make, the more you can bestow on others. Inspired marketing stimulates you to take action, by-pass doubt and procrastination. You can surpass competition and be "first" in your industry. Trust Divine timing, timely coincident happenings, differentiate from temptation and inspiration, surrender to the process, trust, and surrender control to God.

Nurture your relationships with the Divine and take action on what's Divinely inspired. Ego wants credit for success, the giving spirit is fair, accurate, necessary. The Divine hangs out with "High" attitudes. You always benefit by helping others. Provide people with value, something they desire, feel compelled to give and they will gladly give you money for it. Make marketing personal, something they can visualize, taste, touch, feel part of.

Let yourself be emotional, feel the words you say, be who you really are. Listen to your instincts and they won't steer you wrong. Just continue the conversation already going on in their minds. Be inspired and you inspire others. Inspired Marketing comes from the heart, a Higher Purpose you are involved in that others share with you. Let go, let inspiration guide you. Act on your hunches...there may be more to it. Press through fears and pour love into your product, ideas... your success is then indeed inspired

More on Inspired Marketing:

Your inspirations, from the Spirit of God, can have a powerful influence on the world. They can come about, actually come into existence. The ingredient that makes inspiration become a living, visible reality is faith. How do we have great faith? It comes from great thoughts of inspiration... it comes from spending time in the very presence of God. In the Victory Ladder by Jamie Cantrell, she outlines 8 steps to the ladder of mountain moving faith.

Jamie has some excellent points of process that will be transformational, miracle enacting in your pursuit of seeing it happen for you. Here's a brief outline of the process.

1. Accept your inheritance. Salvation is more than just getting you a pass to heaven. It is receiving all the power that God had in Jesus as He walked the earth. We have the privilege to this very same power. We are made righteous in God's sight through Jesus. So we don't have to live in guilt or reluctance of having this gift of Salvation. Frankly... you are worthy, so accept this inheritance.

2. Listen... God loves you and is speaking to you. Jamie would ask of God, "Give me some new and insightful revelation that will strengthen my faith." She would hear, "I Love you." Faith works through love (Galatians 5:6). Love never faiths (1 Corinthians 13:8). When we really know how much God loves us and desires to pour His love on us, we then really realize how much He wants to see in our lives what gives us complete joy. This love is so monumental it builds the mountain-moving faith we so desire. Listen to Love, Listen to God. Faith cannot work without love. Our ammunition to anything that attacks us is love, faith is the weapon that pulls the trigger to conquer what attacks us. Listen to God. He will tell you what to do. Then in faith, with his power of love, act in faith.

3. The deal of fortune is coming to you. To receive it, just believe. This is a covenant promise. Our loving Father wants you to have security and peace. All things that are important, through faith, He provides. Completely trust God who loves you more than anyone. Believe, give him unwavering trust. When you tell him you believe in Him and give Him steady, concentrated trust, He gives the power to move mountains with your faith. Simply believe, trust Him... absolutely. He has made the promises, so enter into this agreement with God and He will without question adhere to the terms of His agreement. You can count on His contract with you.

4. Watch your mouth. Speak to your challenge and it must flee. He said if you have faith as small as a very small seed, you can say to a mountain, with thousands of trees produced by very small seeds, to move out of your way. When you speak to a monstrous mountain, it can be totally lifted from the ground and the whole thing throw into a sea. Jesus told the demons to leave the person and go into a herd of pigs. The demons had to flee. Start speaking in the authority God has give you and tell all the illnesses, bad situations, lack of money, poor relationships to leave. Whatever is hindering you, it must leave if you speak directly to it with your delegated power of Jesus. You have that right, privilege, authority. It is given you through your salvation, His Love for you, the promises He has made with you. Use this Spiritual privilege of power and command what is not righteous to leave, to let loose of you and those you love. Speak your vision of Spirit to come into being .Use positive faith-expressing words all day long and see faith move the mountains around you.

5. Be willing to be a fool. When God speaks to you to take action in faith, it may sound a little strange or awkward for you. If he tells you to tell the checkout lane person that God loves them, you better tell them. You don't know. That person may be on the verge of suicide, be losing hope,
feel all alone in life. That small comment could begin to turn their life around. Listen to what His voice says to you in your spirit, be a fool for Him in doing it. We ought to obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). Heed to His voice. Faith is obeying His voice and doing what He says to do.

6. Stand. Sometimes faith waits. Mountain-moving faith may need to be worked on and developed over time. Don't be discouraged when faith waits. You may need to develop more in faith as your faith becomes big faith. Sometimes it is at work and you must just stand. In Luke 11, we were asked to be persistent in our requests. Stand strong in His might. When faith requires you to stand, fear and worry may try to creep in. Stand in hope, the power and truth of his love and promises. Your faith, persistence, will win. Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid. You will be victorious... for the Lord who loves you and is powerful is with you (Joshua 1).

7. When you pray, then praise. Praise with Thanksgiving sees faith through. As you stand, give thanks to God for the answer. With your mouth praise Him and thank Him for what he is doing... in your faith know He is doing great things, even when things still look bleak on the surface. Praise brings the miracle, it is an immensely powerful weapon, so praise God at all times. Praise is a decision, not an emotion. Give thanks to God for all things (note the Psalms) and be a person who voices "thanks" from your lips constantly. A thankful and grateful heart, stimulates faith as you stand. Miracles are formed and put in motion as you Praise Him. Love Him and stand on His Love for you and His promises, and His undefinable power to make miracles happen.

8. The last rung of the Victory Ladder is to give the ladder away. What you have, give to others. Give love, give money, give time. Give freely and it will be given to you even more. Faith is expressed through us in tangible ways. When we give, we show faith in even bigger things coming into our lives. Freely give what you have so freely received. You have received Christ's love, promises that are solid, with a power that's unmatchable, so you have a lot to give to others. Above all, as you build mountain moving faith, give the blessing of faith to others. When you live in great faith, the faith of others is raised to higher levels. Be humble and share your stories of how faith moved on your behalf in your life. "God doesn't want to keep everything to Himself. He wants you to have it all... the power to heal, to love, and to move mountains he desires to give you." He desires to share everything with you, so you give freely as he has given you and mountain-moving faith will spread everywhere.

Jamie spent many years in developing the Victory Ladder, and has been through many battles in life. She is a disciplined servant of our Lord who carries an anointing with her. I have read her book carefully, and repeatedly for building my own faith. She is worth taking a look at what God has taught her and you will find as she shares the gift of faith will envelope you.

For more from Jamie Cantrell and information about her book note her website at:

Andrew Murray in How to Strengthen Your Faith says that Jesus is speaking to our hearts and saying, "'Believe in Me as Your Savior.' He speaks to you in order to rescue you from it. 'Believe in Me that I am given by God to be your Savior. Stretch out your hand to lay hold of Me and to take Me for yourself.' Listen to Him, be willing to obey Him. Remember that with the command He also gives the strength. Although you do not yet feel the power, begin, although you can still do nothing, say, as Martha said, 'I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God.'"

Live in a righteous, stubborn faith. Your mountains will move. Your inspirations will be fulfilled. You will not be denied the miracles God has for you to make the way for your mission to be completed. As Paul the Apostle said, "Jesus, Spirit will bring to completion the gifts and works started in you."

Believe in the Power of the Spirit that works with great force in you.

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