Monday, October 19, 2009

You Were Born For This... revival of prayer power

by Dale Shumaker

You Were Born for This by Bruce Wilkinson is a guide on how to be someone's miracle. Miracles should not be a once in a while occurrence, but something to look for every day. It is God saying to us, "I'm here. I care about you. I can do for you what you cannot do for yourself." God uses people to deliver miracles. God may put you in front of an unexpected need that He strongly desires for you to meet... you are His miracle for someone. He will teach you how to be aware when God wants to do His miracle through you, in that it is almost predictable.

The four keys to a life of miracles are that as a delivery agent God will make a specific and urgent request of you, understand and accept His miracle agenda for you, learn how to partner with an unseen power, and take promising and life-changing risks. God is always looking for volunteers to be His miracle to someone. Will you partner with Heaven to be someone's miracle today.

Wilkinson explains the four keys to a life of miracles.
The Master Key is an urgent call to pray for someone needing a miracle. Our prayer opens the doors of Heaven for the miracle to happen in their life.
The People Key is when we make God's heart your own and you are used to be the miracle in someone's life.
The Spirit Key lines you up with the Supernatural power needed for a miracle. You learn to rely on Him with a great, unceasing confidence.
The Risk Key brings you to a place you trust in God despite feelings of discomfort or fear.

The Master Key
Say yes to God to be his delivery person. Prepare yourself by consciously entering His Throne room of Heaven. Volunteer with words, "Here I am, Please send me." Make a commitment to act when nudged by the Holy Spirit. Actively put your faith in God to deliver the miracle through you.

The People Key
We serve people according to Heaven's agenda.Our personal agenda must surrender to His. Our heart in any miracle must be His Heart. Our role in the miracle must be to serve people...anyone, anytime, anywhere He directs. Serving people to God's agenda was Jesus' top priority on earth.

The Spirit Key
Ministry without the Spirit of God is merely our best efforts. Ministry with the Spirit of God is the stuff of miracles. The Spirit does the miracles, we do the leg work, we become a skilled team player with the Spirit.

The Risk Key
Taking actions of faith are risky. It requires complete dependence on God. We must change our way of thinking, get rid of fear, and adhere to what God says in His promises. When we admit our sins of not believing in the past, remember when God did come through for you miraculously, keep our eyes on Christ, and commit to take risks when the Spirit prompts us, we are prime candidates to be a miracles delivery person.

How to deliver a miracle?
First learn the five signals that guide miracle delivery.
Signal 1: The God nudge. It's a feeling or impression to do something for someone.
Signal 2. The Revealing cue. A person may reveal a need by what they say or do. "I am worried...I wish that...I should never have.."
Signal 3. The Clarifying bump. Use a question to clarify a need. You may say something that opens the other person up to share, to gain more insight to their situation. Read the signs in the desert.
Signal 4. The Spiritual prompt. A nudge is directional. A prompt is informational. God drops in your thoughts a nugget of information that better enables you to deliver a miracle.
Signal 5. The Fear alert. You are taken out of your comfort zone and taking a risk to deliver the miracle. "Who me; Do what; What will they think?"

The Five Steps to lead to miracle delivery.
You were born to follow miracle-related delivery steps. For a miracle to take place we must have a person, a need, an open heart, and deliver agent (means to get the miracle where it should be), and God who receives the credit.
Step 1. Identify the Person. Where am I taking this package? Who is it for? What does God have in mind? Who is the person?
Step 2. Isolate the Need. Use bumps to help surface the need (an inquiry question). God uses us to help bring the need to the surface.
Step 3. Open the Heart. Be sincere, intentional so the person knows you are open and caring for them to open up to you. Share from your heart and they will too.
Step 4. Deliver the miracle. It is God at work but it is our responsibility to carry it out. The right question from a tender spot may open them up to share. Speak to the heart. Give God time to act.
Step 5. Transfer the credit. Return the spotlight to God and transfer the appropriate credit to Him. The process then is identify, isolate, open, deliver, transfer.

The Special Delivery of Miracles
There are three keys in the Special Deliver of miracles. As a special delivery agent you are given a package that you personally deliver to someone. You handle it with special care and make sure it gets delivered in tack and mint condition.
The Money Key is delivering a financial provision to a person in need. You are sent by God to delivery the financial resources and connect with the person who has a specific financial need.
The Dream Key unlocks a breakthrough miracle for someone who needs to embrace and achiever a God-given dream. Someone may have discarded their dream and you open them up to the importance of pursing it, with the encouragement that theirs has a God inspired mandate behind it.
The Forgiveness Key unlocks the biblical insights for someone to make a breakthrough to heal their wounds. God works through you to deliver a wonderful miracle of forgiveness and freedom.

Make these five personal decisions today to see your miracle delivery life flourish. Commit, act, grow, multiply and declare. Commit, act and grow so you can liberate millions and reclaim our reputation as a generation that exists now with a miracle working God... declaring His miracles still happen today.

This is reported to be one of the most dramatic action of miracles of God Sovereignly stirring heart's of mankind... (excerpted from Revival Fire by Wesley Duewall)

A quiet, zealous forty-six-year-old businessman in New York was appointed on
July 1,1857 , as a missionary in downtown New York at the Dutch Church. Lamphier felt led by God to start a noon-time weekly prayer meeting in which business people could meet for prayer. Anyone could attend, for a few minutes or for the entire hour. Lamphier printed some handbills announcing the prayer meetings with the title, "How Often Should I Pray?" He left these in some offices and warehouses. He also put one on the door of the church on the street side.

The first day, September 23, 1857, Lamphier prayed alone for half an hour. But by the end of the hour, six men from at least four denominational backgrounds joined him. The next Wednesday there were twenty. On October 7 there were nearly forty. The meeting was so blessed that they decided to meet daily. One week later there were over one hundred present, including many unsaved who were convicted by the Holy Spirit of their sin.

By March 19 a theater opened for prayer, and half an hour before it was time to begin, people were turned away. Hundreds stood outside in the streets because they could not get inside. By the end of March over six thousand people met daily in prayer gatherings in New York City. Many churches added evening services for prayer. Soon there were 150 united prayer meetings each day across Manhattan and Brooklyn. Meetings began in February in Philadelphia. Soon Jayne's Hall was overfilled, and meetings were held at noon each day in public halls, concert halls, fire stations, houses, and tents. The whole city exuded a spirit of prayer.

Almost simultaneously noon prayer meetings sprang up all across America in Boston, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans, Vicksburg, Memphis, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, and in a multitude of other cities, towns, and in rural areas. By the end of the fourth month, prayer fervor burned intensely across the nation. It was an awesome but glorious demonstration of the sovereign working of the Holy Spirit and the eager obedience of God's people.

America had entered a new period of faith and prayer. Educated and uneducated, rich and poor, business leaders and common workmen all prayed, believed, and received answers to prayer. Even the president of the United States, Franklin Pierce, attended many of the noon prayer meetings. This was not a revival of powerful preaching. This was a movement of earnest, powerful, prevailing prayer. All people wanted was a place to pray.

Six months previous to Lamphier's prayer meeting boom, few would have gathered for a prayer service. But now a spirit of prayer occupied the land, as though the church had suddenly discovered its real power. The majority of the churches in most denominations experienced a new dimension of prayer.

The accounts of the prayer meetings during those revival years describe how the people would quietly gather at the place of prayer promptly at the appointed hour. Whoever was leader for the meeting—a layman or a minister— arose and announced a hymn. They sang one or two verses with great joy, the leader prayed briefly, and then turned the service over to the members. Any person was free to speak or pray for no longer than five minutes. If the person took more than that time, a small bell was rung and it was someone else's turn.

A canopy of holy and awesome revival influence—in reality the presence of the Holy Spirit—seemed to hang like an invisible cloud over many parts of the United States, especially over the eastern seaboard. At times this cloud of God's presence even seemed to extend out to sea. Those on ships approaching the east coast at times felt a solemn, holy influence, even one hundred miles away, without even knowing what was happening in America. Revival began aboard one ship before it reached the coast. People on board began to feel the presence of God and a sense of their own sinfulness. The Holy Spirit convicted them, and they began to pray. As the ship neared the harbor, the captain signaled, "Send a minister."

Reports came in of hundreds being converted in prayer meetings, private homes, places of work, and fields. Often the doors of businesses held signs reading, " Closed, will reopen at the close of the prayer meeting." Five prayer meetings took place daily in Washington, D.C. Five thousand or so attended daily services in the Academy of Music Hall. In Philadelphia, Jayne's Hall removed partitions and added space for six thousand people to attend daily meetings. At this time George Duffield wrote the hymn "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus." For months multitudes of churches opened every evening for prayer, and some of them had from three to five services of prayer each day. All were filled.

The services consisted of simple prayer, confession, exhortation, and singing.
But it was " so earnest, so solemn, the silence. awesome, the singing. over-powering" that the meetings were unforgettable.

It was estimated that about 2 million people experienced radical Spiritual conversion from 1857 through the Civil War. One battleground left out of history books was the Spiritual Revival during the Civil War... the true victor of this War was not the North, but the Spirit of God capturing men and women's hearts.

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