Thursday, November 26, 2009

Recession Buster Series breaks through the Recession

by Dale Shumaker 

What can we apply today from the Great Biz Book Classics which got us out of the Great Depression? The biz classics... Think and Grow Rich, Success through a Positive Mental Attitude, The Greatest Miracle in the World, How to Win Friends and Influence People, and the Secret of the Ages.

The principles from these books, if applied today, will absolutely jettison us out of the Great Recession of 2009, like they did in the Great Depression which began 1929.The Recession Buster series is the Best of the Biz Book Classics which initiated the boom decades the rest of the 1900's... when the computer, internet, wireless technologies were founded.Their impact on business today will surpass what happened about a century ago.The industrial and technological worlds emerged then, now we will see a new technology... human relationship and a Spiritual expansion.

I saw a formula emerging that will advance us to the next phase, that supersedes the past, and empower us to a new greatness today. How can we learn from these Business Classics. Here's a few overriding themes. (Note the November 21, 2009 Recession Buster blog.)

1. Faith: Seeing new potential in problems.
All potential is based on God's Power. They all had unwavering faith in God.They all believed in God's Divine participation with us. So we share in a Supernatural partnership that can do all things. What God conceived He made and His Spirit continues to make. Believing that God conceives through His Creation, Mankind, as we live in His will and methods, He creates through us.

The result is we have earth creating Power available in our lives within this partnership. W. Clement Stone felt we should follow the will of God and all things are possible with this Faith, or what he called a positive mental attitude.

Faith is our creative vision of new potential.

2. Transform your mind.
A new mind is needed consistent with transformational ability. Our minds are naturally cynical, whereas this needs to be reversed to work in line with God's Mind (Faith, Hope, Love) that accomplishes all He sets to do, the Spirit of God is unlimited in what it can do. We must live like this too. So positive mental renewal programming is required. This has to be done daily to counteract what we get from the world around us daily.

It takes deliberate mental rehearsal to accomplish this.
Move the mind from negative to Positive,
from critical to the Possible,
from what's wrong to "How I can fix it!" way of thinking.
We do this by inundating our mind with Spiritual Thought, continually; by listening, thinking, speaking, reading, interacting... thinking in a positive, solution potential frame of mind. To do this the mind must be transformed, so it is natural in how it functions. And it requires a disciplined, constant renewal program.

Walk in the Image of Life God has for you, as Og Mandino expressed in the God Memorandum.
Transform your Mind.

3. Form Dreaming Teams.
A Dreaming Team is those who dream with you for positive solutions. Those who collaborate to find ways to carry them out to create new results. Napoleon Hill called them mastermind groups, Jesus said where two or three agree it will be done.

These Action, Dreaming Teams, formed among people we click with, requires a Spirit of Harmony. The Spirit of Love is the overriding quality that is continually expressed. This includes respect for each other, love and care for those on our team, practical help and constant encouragement, cheer leading and consoling, belief and proactive help, with a high level of cooperation and synergy among members of the team. Carnegie's relationship dynamics figured in heavily to instigate the power that surfaced.

The Dreaming Team is a creative opportunity group, who dissects problems and finds potential and opportunity in problems. They are problem solvers whose solutions become the new opportunity. They are opportunity inventors and creators.

It's a talent flow which creates economic flow.
Dreaming Teaming, or teaming to dream, is the new Power Cell that will Create Miracles.

4. Strategic Action
Hill, Stone, Collier all had Strategic Action in their plans. Although the strategic action included Divine Guidance as part of it. In other words, they relied on God-Inspired ideas and sought God orchestrated direction. They believed you could hear from God and have His High level of intelligence at work with you.

They combined knowledge with Divine Strategy and added cooperative action. The Other People factor played into all they did... other people's ideas, skills, resources and resourcefulness. Talent combined with an ability to get things done-well gets superior results.

It's important to improve personal skills and especially Spiritual skills; and where skills are lacking to solicit skills of others who do excel where you don't.

Today we see a move toward appreciating the value of Intellectual Capital.
A new move, or the new wave is toward Spiritual Capital... this will transform everything.
Spirit Creates Matter!

The lineage of faith, reprogramming, master dream teaming with Divinely Inspired strategies (which they produce) is the facilitating factor for recovery from anything. It's well executed, strategic, cooperative systems that matter.

5. Making Noble contributions to a society is what motivated them.
They become cause based and labored in a strong sense of purpose. All problems that they solved had a Higher purpose. The Opportunities which become evident were an important contribution to society and the needs people were struggling with. Living a life of contribution has the character of unselfish ambition, with a noble desire to make the world a much better place. Find that magnificent obsession, the cause you can live and breath that you would want to create millions of dollars to solve and activate.

Miracle Faith evolves. Take your problem... and make a cause out of it.

Jesus outlined, in Matthew 25, the Spiritual process.
Keep your lamp full... stay Filled with the Spirit, and let that rule you.
Use your talents to their highest level and make the most of your gifts... don't accept mediocrity, develop your talents to be exceptional in using them.
Help those who need help in ways that bring transformation into people's lives, especially those less fortunate than you.

Study the Power Principles of the Scriptures...
Learn from the Classic Christian writers...

Our commission then is not to build business but use business to build the Kingdom of God... this creates commerce.

Make the Kingdom of God be your Primary aim.
Rebuild a new society that is run by a Spiritual Drive Train.

In Summary, these Classic Authors recognized God as part of their lives and active in fulfilling their heart's desires.
--They believed the very Power of God was at work through them.
--To be highly effective we must transform and discipline our thinking. This requires transformation to Spiritual Thought.
--What's crucial is to unite in forming dreaming teams with others. This creates an Infinite Power, or as Jesus said, what you agree on will be done.
--All effort takes Divinely Guided Action. it requires following the principles of the Body of Christ or the joint venture of Believers in Jesus, to morph to being One and be united in love and purpose.
--This includes exercises of Faith for the impossible and diligence in the practical, things we know to do.
--The major difference is being involved in Noble causes and seeking wealth for Great Causes. Motivation is centered around Contribution, not personal gain or recognition, reflected in the teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul in the Bible.

A Transformed Business is about establishing a Spiritual economy.
When this is done, all other things are accomplished around the Spiritual economy. So the core of any highly effective business is a Spiritually-Driven, and Empowered Business or Economic stimulating system.

This brings us to a new awakening of the importance of investment in Relationship Power.
Relationship Power will convert the intangible, ideas, into tangible results.

Spiritual Power creates intelligently and Supernaturally. What Spirit creates works in extraordinary precision.

The bottom line is being a living sacrifice, transforming our minds to Spirit thought, exploiting our gifts to fulfill noble purposes, working in harmony and cooperative effort, establishing disciples of other businesses to the same method.

Become a Spiritual dynamic force in the community in which you serve, and re-create the Kingdom of God in the marketplace. 

This is a Recession Buster!


Ettore Grillo said...
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RONIN said...

Good stuff to apply amd work towards in all aspects of our lives