Saturday, June 10, 2006

Never Eat Alone... the power of connection

by Dale Shumaker

Never Eat Alone :
And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi
is about the importance of constantly networking in all we do.

The new economy is becoming more and more relationship based and
to build anything people need a variety of interactive relationships.

Keith Ferrazzi does a great job in bringing in this point.

We should be continually taking names. It is remarkable how powerful it is to just meet someone and what they will do. Especially when you get back in touch with them in areas where they could possible help or "connect" you to an important network link.

But to be effective it is imperative to know your mission and where you want to go.

The way you do everything is based on this.

Recently, I was working on what is called my "elevator speech." Which is... if you were on an elevator with someone and in just a minute conversation could you make a connection. I read many business books in a year and can pull out essential information quickly and then through "teaching the book" help entrepreneurs put the information to work. This is a tremendous asset for a business owner to get current cutting edge info and have a biz savvy person help them implement it quickly.

It is like "how would you like to have a great book you have been wanting to read, walking around with you and constantly talking to you. And then the book even talks back and answers your questions." That is what I, in essence, do for business people. Without your mission and direction simply and clearly defined, it is hard to explain to others what you do, let alone have them be able to tell someone else why what you do is so significant.

So make a list of everyone you know in some way, even the most insignificant way, and they can become excited about telling others about you and helping you meet others. Keith Ferrazzi gives some great guidelines for meeting those you don't know at all but want to.

He has a four steps to follow:
Draft off a reference. Someone you know probably knows a person you need to meet. Get them to help you.
State your value. People will talk to you if they see value for them to talk to you.
Talk little, say a lot. That's why drafting "elevator speeches" are important. I revised mine numerous times after trying it out on all kinds of people. Work to get this down.
Offer a compromise. Start off big, try for a lot and leave room to settle for less.

Never Eat Alone.... always be creating, nurturing and networking relationships. Lunches, coffees, snacks are great times to keep propelling the process. Add the new, develop the potential, and build on the established ones.

The people who love you the most will be there for you, and always be grateful and never neglect the privileges good relationships bring you.

Ferrazzi goes on to say "the more connections you establish, the more opportunities you'll have to make even more connections.

"The art of small talk, being open and risking vulnerability, opens a door for sincere, connecting communications." Our world or self esteem teaches us to be guarded. But genuineness speeds up the potential for trustworthiness.

Honesty, trusting create connection. First though adjust to the other person’s style. If you are with a “closed” person, don’t start out too “open.” If you are with an “open” person, watch being too “closed.”

Note Ferrazzi's website;

The Bible says to confess your sins one to another. It may also be saying to be willing to honest with where you are right now. When with trusted people, this opens the door for healing and improvement.

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.”
James 5:16

Why do this? So others may pray for you and, when they do, you will have more power to overcome what you are dealing with.

We are all connected and the power of that connection is manifested when we are open with each other and ask for each other's help.

When we pray for those we meet. When we are open and honest(accepting and forgiving), we open up the Channels of Spirit drenched with power.

So our prayers unite us into Spirit Power cells that becomes transformational power.

Geffry Fields writes:
(from Connecting Circuits... they all must flow)
We are designed as a community of power points where Spirit is in constant flow. When this flow breaks down, the whole thing doesn't work.This is critical to Supernatural functional power in our lives. Jesus Spirit engineered it that way.

In physics, technology everything is interconnected... our bodies are interconnected. When one part does not connect with the other part the whole configuration is bogged down. In cars, computers are designed so when one part malfunctions, the others pick up the slack. It still runs, but not as well.

For us to see the best of what is possible for us we must have our relationships fine tuned and connecting with great precision.This is so critical as the best of everything depends our relationships to others.

Where harmony prevails, power increases.

Great power is demonstrated when great harmony is functioning. This holds true for our Spiritual lives. When we combine in belief, hope and faith alongside others... share, pray, believe as a unit... great Spiritual Power ignites!...

"whatever you (two or three)bind on earth is bound in heaven."

Heaven and earth are linked. All the power of Heaven is prepared to launch. All circuits are opened and all the power of the universe flows freely.

(Note: when “bind” is used above it is a very strong word…it’s a cemented, emotional, mental, spiritual agreement of Heavenly authority.)

This cannot be emphasized too much. These kinds of team efforts, when talents and skills are combined in complementary ways, create supernatural power potential.

"Our relationships to others ON EARTH release Jesus Spirit Power in Us from Heaven."

Small mission teams networking with other small mission teams(with each team strong in their relationships among themselves and strong relationships connecting the teams) they can saturate the cracks and crevices of any social mass. It will be a well connected Power Circuit.

It will form a massive “mother” board, an invincible Spiritually-based platform.

Jesus is among us... literally… in Spirit,
connecting with THE Super Power.

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