Friday, June 30, 2006

A Whole New Mind... expand by Spirit

by Dale Shumaker
According to Daniel Pink, author of A Whole New Mind, we are moving from a left brain society to right brain initiative. Which means we are tuning into our senses... ability to design, create, relate, care.

In the past, theory had it that we are led by the left side of our brain in our thinking and then move to our right. Recent research has indicated we may have been functionally working backwards... dysfunctionally using our mental system.
The left side is dominated by logic, analytical and rationalizing activity; sequential and literal.
While the right is more imaginative, nonlinear and instinctive; metaphorical and contextual. The brain is actually a right to left process. The right shows direction; the left tells how to get there.

With the advance of computer technology which can process data faster than the best of left brains, and low cost production for technical procurement in India, we need to advance the other side of our brain... the right side. The result is we are moving very quickly into a dominating Hi Concept, Hi Touch society… rediscovering our true human distinction.

The right brain activity of the dreamers, visionaries and emotionally aware people will become the demand of the future. Machines/technology are great at moving mass and running data(left brain processes), but the right brain is great at getting ideas, linking seemingly unrelated information, making meaning of experiences, interpreting emotional engagement, and heightening human interaction potential. As Pink develops his point, he identifies 6 new senses of the Conceptual and Relating age.
1. Not just function, but also Design
"The essence can be defined as the human nature to shape and make our environment in ways without precedent in nature, to serve needs, and give meaning to our lives. " We all were born as artists, to create what has not yet been created.
2. Not just argument but also Story
Story is when Hi concept and Hi touch intersect. Story goes beyond giving facts but shares feelings and emotions of those involved. It educates and inspires.
3. Not just focus but also Symphony
Symphony synergies rather than just analyzes. It corrals diversity and puts it into productive, pleasing process, or mutually acceptable resolve. It can sort out the big picture and point out what really matters.
4. Not just logic but also Empathy
Insensitivity to why a person does something is replaced to insight, understanding to why a person does something. It's getting out of yourself and seeing in the perspective of someone else. It emotionally perceives versus intellectually evaluates.
5. Not just seriousness but also Play
The logical brain limits thinking to known data. The right brain sees unlimited potential for anything. It sees potential in the future. When we are having fun, we expand more possibilities into our lives. Imagination thru play produces personal joy and fulfillment... it truly inspires us.
6. Not just accumulation but also Meaning
Man does not exist just to avoid pain or gain pleasure. Our deepest desire is to find meaning in who we are and why we do what we do. Spirituality becomes the number one desire in life, the integral core for happiness.

Note more on Daniel Pink, and A Whole New Mind at:

In Spirit, I see the process as
from Spirit
to Right Brain
to Left Brain.

God made man... male and female. God made male and female to be One, One in Him His Spirit. Spirit is the origin of all things. So the normal flow of things is Spirit to One man. Within man (a person) we have left and right brains... the two intended to be one.

Robert Cooper in Get Out of Your Own Way says we have 4 brains... which include our hearts and gut(i.e., what does your heart think, what does you gut tell you.) The Spirit which is about the heart and provides Spiritual intelligence of origins unexplained in our thinking (we commonly call this intuition).Spirit tells us things we have no way of knowing but only through Supernatural foresight, insight being revealed to us.

The flow of process for insight and thought is
from Spirit (God's inspired direction)
to Right brain(vision, proper emotions, incorruptible values)
to the Left brain(means, methods, structures and actions).

This is a fluid flow of how to do things. It's from "being to doing." To “do” only after "being" has been inspired, sees, values, and motivates "doing" on a right path.

So thoughts of the mind properly going from Right to Left (its natural flow) reflect many of Pink's observations.
To design... absorbing God's created potential
To story... as Jesus used parables to teach, those who manage, guide, lead use Inspired, heart-led stories to be more effective.
To symphonize... bring diverse people, ideas, directions into orchestrated flow with love and harmony intertwined.
To empathize... through Spiritual insight in people's hearts. Jesus knew the heart and motives of men. He responded tenderly to the broken hearted and sternly to the hard hearted.
To play... to interact joyfully, lovingly, caringly for each other. Having fun with each person's own unique person's abilities.
To be meaningful... Jesus was on a mission to restructure a world civilization and invites us to share with Him in the same mission. We are change agents for transformational change; Soul-rebuilders for a great society.

Renew your mind and be transformed by renewing your mind (Romans 12:2)
Geffry Fields has practical steps on how to renew your mind at:

Don't be conformed to the corrupt thinking evident around you. Think differently. Use both sides of the brain, but lead with the Spirit to direct all parts of the brain.

Love God in Spirit with ALL your mind. Love your friends, acquaintances within Jesus... as one mind. Make your mind the slave of Spirit, a slave to Love.

In this Love you will have the creative Power of God, the spell-bound communication skills of Jesus with fascination, intrigue, insight beyond what your brain alone can originate.You will move from living in the natural to living in the Supernatural.

You will have Supernatural perception, love and care for man beyond the surface of what you see. You will see their inner souls as Jesus did… empathizing and symphonizing. Inspired joy and happiness create the moment as the mind directs you to meaningful purpose.

With All your mind let love dominate your thoughts, feelings, expressions. With Love, all rules of life fall into place.

Love heals, Love binds, Love creates.

Let Love Rule;
Build a Whole, renewed, Mind.

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