Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dare to Prepare at a Higher Level

by Dale Shumaker

Dare to Prepare by Ronald M. Shapiro...
to make it before you give it.
Preparation gives you a greater sense of control, confidence, and dramatically heightens self-confidence, effectiveness and satisfaction. Shapiro has an eight step process and preparation checklist.

What's your destination. Understand your objectives. What and Why? What do you want to accomplish and why are you doing it? The best work is done with a clear understanding of its purpose, value to you. Clarify, refine and re-define. This brings you to see more clearly your next step, tasks, goals.

Someone, somewhere has probably done this before. Plan with precedents. Be the historian, detective to find who has done something like this. It also provides credibility especially when persuading someone on its importance.This helps you clarify objectives and defining course of action. The force of history behind you gives you power.

What's the forecast? Know the alternatives. Now you look forward to predict outcome options. What alternatives and results could you live with. Consider the positive and negatives of potential outcomes. Multiple outcomes could satisfy your objectives. Know what you could be getting in to and what you will do, with a variety of options.

It's in your best interest to know their interests. Probe and find out their interests. Be interested in them. Link these in your presentation to your objectives.

Look before you leap. Set your strategy. Strategy is simply the steps you take ... one, two, three... to achieve your objectives. You analyze precedents, interests and alternative outcomes. Strategy preparation is a big part of the value of preparation... i.e., don't rush to strategy, prepare. Include the heart, technology, and always relate parts back to the whole. Then after strategy comes your team, timeline, and script.

When the rubber meets the road. Do a timeline. When you create a line (graphs, flow chart) with projected dates lined up alongside key steps or milestones. It catches a sense of importance. Why does a timeline create importance? 1. instills a sense of trajectory into you work. 2. a good source for collaboration. 3. control the course of a project so it isn't controlling you. 4. fleshing out how to accomplish tasks. Timelines help to bring clarity to the preparation process. (The book has several great examples.)

The right parts for the right people. Pick your team. Know your team member's skills and match them to appropriate parts of your game plan. They can help define objectives, ponder precedents, and set strategy. As you move into scripting, the team broadens insight strengthening the script.

What you say and how you say it. Write the script. Write out how events will turn out and its various scenarios. Script questions and potential responses. Note where people may question and prepare response. The Script culminates all the preparation process. Most resist the script and timeline part the most. It is the hardest part, but makes your project concrete. That's why involving the team and making it fun is vital.

Use it to cover "what if's" and how to respond.

Mistakes will be made, preparation develops you in the art of adaptation. Prepare thoroughly and strategically and conquer. Preparation is a craft. "The sheer act of preparing... for a speech, presentation, a negotiation, or team meeting... has brought me amazing satisfaction." Shapiro concludes.

The Preparation Principles Checklist:

Challenges you Face...

Situation Summary Objectives...

Define your goals.
What would you like to accomplish in this transaction or in dealing with this challenge?

Transactions or experiences that can influence a model for guidance. What have you or others done to deal with similar situations? What are some examples of results from those situations?

What are the various outcomes you want to consider? To what degree do they satisfy your objectives? What could happen if things don't work out? What are their options if the other party chooses not to work it out with you?

What objectives or desires does the other side have beyond their stated positions. What do they want... need... that you might be able to address?

Strategy/Next Steps
What is your plan? What steps does it involve? When and how will you probe?

Lay out the time period during which you want to accomplish your objectives. When can you be expected to accomplish what steps in the process outlined in your strategy?

Are you doing this alone or with others? What's everyone's role? What do you know about the other side's participants? Biological? Information? Authority? Their personalities?

Here is a Spiritual process on how God fulfills His purposes through us.

Jesus said that
"Every plant not planted by God will be up rooted."
(Matthew 15:13, NLT)

It is so important our plans and processes are grounded in what God is planting through us. That we receive His seed of Spirit, Nurture His seed in His Spirit and garden His seed until it bears fruit through us.

The process of vision fulfillment has this as its process in Spirit.
1. God Gives us the vision. This comes in prayer and spending time soaking in His Secret Place, the Inner Chamber, The Most Holy Place.
2. Then we pray the vision as God has given to us. We again do this in His Most Secret Place.
3. Going again, and continually, in the inner Chamber of Spirit, God then gives the steps or strategy for moving to the vision.
4. As He paves the way, and shows us the way, His strategy, we know He is going before us. This creates a sense of confidence in us. Our faith is stirred and with faith all things are possible. The vision builds in vibrancy and strength in our minds advancing the faith that works miracles.
5. Walking in this confidence, excitement begins to overwhelm us. An excitement walks with all actions and the steps He has directed us to take. All this is a day by day thing. To find the vision in prayer, bathe the vision in prayer, and be given the steps to take through prayer.

Here's the secret to the whole thing:
First, we develop the skill of entering the Most Holy Place, His Inner Chamber where we rest in Spirit in God in His strength, desires, incomprehensible power. We mold into being One in Spirit in God's Spirit.
Second, when we unite with another who does the same, we then live in the unity of Spirit the Bible announces as the ultimate Power of the universe. His creation as One in Him as One, is world changing power. We learn all this in the Inner Chamber.

It all starts in learning the skill of prayer and letting the Spirit teach us the art of prayer, which happens in prayer. We learn the art of prayer by the Spirit, when in prayer. That's what Jesus was saying when He said, "The Spirit will teach you all things."

This is the ultimate preparation. When we prepare in Spirit, we get the vision of God, collaborate in Spirit in igniting the vision, and get Spirit Intelligence on how to take the steps, He has prepared, to execute the vision.

Just remember: "Every Plant not Planted by God will be uprooted."
Ignore the power of God and His intimate Spirit working in and with you... you may be rolling out a vision that will tumble down the hill as you try to climb the mountains of attainment without God creating the path up the mountain.This is the day of preparation as the Bible Speaks of. A day is a time of preparation.

Jesus' body was prepared before his burial, before it then rose into life.
Preparation comes before life is again given.
"This all happened on Friday, the day of preparation, the day before the Sabbath.
As evening approached, Joseph of Arimathea took a risk and went to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body."
(Mark 15:42, 43, NLT)

Paul, the Apostle, said we are to be prepared and know if the time is right or not. "Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not."
(2 Timothy 4:2, NLT)

Knowing these things comes in prayer preparation. Prayer is our preparation. It gives us our steps and insights on what to do next, when to do it, and building of our faith to know we are walking in His Power.

Preparation is constant. As Jesus said to keep oil in your lamps because you don't know when you will need it, need all of it.
Matthew 25:1-13.

Stay in prayer, go to God's Spirit and lean on this every day, learn from this every day. Keep your Spirit full by staying in His Spirit continually and don't let things around you pollute it. Keep pure oil of Spirit in you. It comes each day fresh, strong, and potent, when you go into prayer and clean your vessel. It needs cleaned each day.

Stay prepared. That is entering His Presence Daily and Hearing His Voice, and letting His Word refresh in you. Our preparation in Spirit is vital to a walk in Spirit. It is inconceivable that we would attempt to walk in Spirit without Daily preparing ourselves for the walk. A day is too intricate, with too many unexpectancies.

We don't know and can't control everything. So we need Spirit daily to guide, empower, and handle the difficulties we face... before we face them. The Spirit protects, changes, and re-maneuvers situations according to His will. We have this dynamic going on in our lives when we walk in Spirit.

We walk in Spirit when we Prepare In Spirit
prior to all we face in a day.
You confidently ask what you will and He will give it,
when His Vision is you,
all Powers of God in the Universe are with you.
They are part of you; they are you.

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