Thursday, January 17, 2008

Meatball Sundae to New Spiritual Biz Process

by Dale Shumaker

Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing out of Sync? by Seth Godin.
Seth Godin is one of my favorite authors on marketing and creative resonance in his style. He literally brings a smile to my face with his combined genius and mentally refreshing expressions. In many cases the obvious is not so obvious to us. We have new marketing opportunities and in some cases we are so excited about new technologies we have become specialists in making meatball sundaes... meatballs with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Not too appetizing. So we too are murdering the tastiness of some delightfully tasty media opportunities.

Seth goes into how to make the marketing work with a new look on how to present and prepare the product. It's a new marketing revolution going on. This revolution is putting the right products, with the right approach through transformational organizations. We are thinking transformation in what we are making and how we are making it.

We want shortcuts and Meatball Sundae gives us the fast path to these
14 new marketing trends.
The simple premise for today is...
make what you can sell.
Organizations need to match the medium.

Trend 1. Direct communication and commerce between producers.
Organizations can create products for their customers, instead of
searching for customers for their products. There's a need for speed.

Trend 2. Amplification of the voice of the consumer and independent authorities.
Everyone's your critic, listen, respond, blogs are the voice of the people.

Trend 3. Need for an authentic story as the number of sources increase.
You got to get their story straight.

Trend 4. Extremely short attention span due to clutter. Complex messages rarely get through.

Trend 5. The long tail. Consumers reward providers who offer the most choices... the big hit products are fading.

Trend 6. Outsourcing. Intellectual property based on talent and efficiency.

Trend 7. Google and the dicing of everything.
Google can get you right to the page you want without going to "home's" door first.

Trend 8. Infinite channels of communication. Even newer forms of publishing, communication, interaction coming in this already cluttered world. If you can figure the chaos out, you can thrive. Find the people who care. It's the niches that matter. Build your market from your product with the niches who care.

Trend 9. Direct communication and commerce between consumers and consumers.
As social networks become more powerful, consumers gravitate to each other.

Trend 10. The shifts in scarcity and abundance.
Create and sell something scarce and you earn a profit. What's scarce? Spare time, attention span, trust, trained workers, open space.

Trend 11. The triumph of Big Ideas.
New marketing in a noisy marketplace demands something bigger. It demands ideas that force people to sit up and take notice. It can even be the little things made big like service.

Trend 12. The shift from "how many" to "who."
You can now tell who is hearing (or talking) about your message.

Trend 13. The wealthy are like us.

Trend 14. New gatekeepers, no gatekeepers.
Everyone's approachable...You Tube is for you too.

"Ideas that spread through groups of people are far more powerful than ideas delivered at people."

It's a movement--ideas spreading through a community lead to change.The net makes it easier for a movement to take place.

George Barna, famous pollster for religious trends, has recently published findings of a survey that has interesting implications on trends in the Spiritual area and business. What has been called the Charismatic movement in our culture appears to be on a significant up swing.

What this apparently indicates is that Supernatural giftings of Spirit are prevalent in everyday life. There is an acceptance and belief that these can be a functional part of our lives. Gifts such as prophecy... where a person hears from God which gives Divine insight into future direction, based on Spiritual insight and not any real-world known knowledge. Gifts of healing... that someone can pray for someone and they can be miraculously healed, beyond what medical science says is possible. Gifts of miracles...that people can pray with faith to a level that events can take place without humanly possible explanations. Gifts of knowledge... some know things without being told, such as a person's true motives or information about others. The gifts of living naturally Supernaturally are becoming more and more into acceptance.

Those who "believe Charismatically" have grown in the last few years from 30% to nearly 40% among religious groups...and still showing momentum in this area.


This trend is also overlapping in the business function. That is, if we can hear directly from God, what would this do for our businesses. What if we sought Divine intelligence, Divine assistance that creates Supernatural results... beyond our abilities on a regular basis.

The following is a business operating process that would induce this into reality...using Spiritual Powered process. It is a dramatic shift of the way we think and do business. It also fits the market shift trends being observed by those on the marketing watch today. The Body of Christ model for business (based on Jesus' and Apostle's teachings).

The Spirit-Powered Inner core.
Two or three need to be in close Spiritual harmony. As Jesus had his inner circle, a business core needs established that can have the same close kindred Spirit as Jesus had with His inner core...note when Jesus took Peter, James, and John up to the mount of transfiguration. We too, when in close Spirit to each other, create a transfiguring core.

Each of the inner core, need to hold close relationship with the Holy Spirit,
spending personal time in the Inner Chamber of God. This is essential and cannot be bypassed. The depth of this is then reflected in the power when we come together.

To hear the voice of God, each part must be shared with each other...
the spark of God's voice is ignited then. It's here we fall short in living in God's Power in business.The inner relationship core strength is not established and each person falls short in their own responsibility and diligence in entering the Holy Chamber of God.

Joint worship does this. When the core group enters into prophetic worship, that is worship to exalt and to hear from God, when this is employed it brings the group together. The Inner Chamber surrounds the group, the Most Holy Place of His Presence is entered. This is not practiced by very many in business. This is the core, the nuclei of power.

We must first create harmony in our relationships within God's presence
and then wait to hear from God. Unhindered harmony must also exist among each other. If not, it won't work. Silent differences hid in the heart, or not dealt with or remedied, will kill Spirit power. Lack of love, understanding, acceptance, feeling superior, lack of respect, differences kept to each one's self ties Spirit's hands. This is a case for why corporate or group worship is important to do first. Spirit heals, causes differences to be aired and healed. Relationship differences are the biggest culprit of hindering Spirit to move in power. This can't be stressed enough.

This is the key to everything. We must love each other unconditionally. Only Spirit can made this possible. We are incapable of loving... we are superficial. Only Spirit can Love and We are compelled to let Spirit control our whole being and love through us.

Next, note taking of what the Holy Spirit is saying to each person is vital to record what you hear from God. Spoken thoughts should be recorded for all to review what the essence is of God's Spirit speaking to them. In this stage mission and vision is provided to the core group. Vision and mission needs to be recorded and then pondered by the group. Again, this should go back to each to reflect on in the Inner Chamber when they personally enter the most Holy Place.

Then these questions need answered.
What is to be done, and how, and who should do it?
This is what we would call the action steps with the strategy of Spirit as part of it. The Holy Spirit provides a strategic process. In this Strategic process, the specifics come to light (Divinely Inspired) on how to go about it, and why it is important to do it a certain way.

Next is having in place the prayer intercessors, the worshipers inside and the prayer (or faith) warriors to see the battle through. Key gifts to put to work are the prophetic to guide on the process... to give Spiritual insight and Spiritual Intelligence for the mission processes, the task development and task assignments.

We move now to Gift identification, assignment, and mobilization.
Gift training, skill training and process training are essential. One gift is the Healing Gift to be part of the prophetic, intercessory, warriors in prayer. These form a ring around the core group and function in tandem with the core.The gifts for relationship healings and physical, emotional healings are vital. People have many physical and emotional ills that need Divine renovation. Everyone is affected by this limitation "of the flesh" as the Bible calls it... which is the physical body's operation, the mind's neurosis, and personality quirks we all have.

Skill development (in both the naturally needed skills and Spiritual Gifts, along with process) to ignite the Spiritual Gifts in each to perform tasks Supernaturally comes into play. Going back to the core worship and prayer, this is where the gifts are implanted, and then developed for visible manifestation in doing the tasks determined to fulfill the mission, vision coming out of the inner circle meetings.

Then each part (department, area) follows the same pattern....
As the business organization grows each section needs to follow the same process,
of an inner core,
outer ring,
combined worship
and task reviewed and fulfillment.

Along the process, pastors who ministry to people's needs keep a watch and guide the ongoing part of the process. It's management in ministry to occurrences which inevitably arise as the processes are put in motion. As the evangelists proclaim the mission, servers get it done, and task engineers (gifts of administration) keep systems of fulfillment running smoothly, we have completed the Body of Christ system in full operation.

To Review,
the process in a nut shell then is...
core group (two or three one in Spirit... totally)
personal entering the Most Holy Place
Corporate, as a group, enter the Most Holy Place
mission revelation.
Support of Prophetic, intercessory, warrior, healers in an atmosphere of worship...
group inner chamber involvement.

Note: Andrew Murray, The Spirit of Christ

Task and people assignment.
Identify the talents and Gifts available to fulfill or what God will implant on someone so they can fulfill assigned tasks.
Task skill training and Spirit skill training.
Identify and mobilize the tasks congruent to talent, skill, Spiritual Gifts.
Organize to the strategy given while in the Inner Chamber, The Most Holy Place.

Each segment, department, area, do the same process to complete their tasks within their gift and talent sets.

It is a constant inside-to-out process.
After each action is put in motion, go back to the "inside to out" formation.The repetition of this keeps it alive, fresh, it limits being blind sided and getting stuck in a pattern, when constant innovation is constantly necessary.

Always back to the Inner Chamber personally and as a group daily.
"The Disciples were in prayer constantly; pray without ceasing."

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