Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Art of Spirituality in Business

By Dale Shumaker

The Spirit Savvy Business is about Creating Processes and Systems that are powered by Spirit... Integrating Spiritual forces that change the normal to exceptional.

The Spirit Savvy Business will build lives of greater value.
It will move your business from being a great performer
to constantly create Super-Natural results.

It's not an out-there thing.
It's within you.
The Spirit Savvy Business takes
the most current business principles
that are working in today's business world,
and slides beside them
foundational Spiritual principles....

Biz principles with a Spiritual Spin.

The goal is to inform, inspire,
equip you with Spiritual Power.

What does the SpiritSavvyBiz do?

We share great ideas from current
great business books, magazines, blogs.
We search and find relevant business/Spiritual principles for you.
We read them for you and share some of their best ideas
in a summarized, straight-to-the-point form.

We all are busy.
We want the facts, insights as fast as possible.
Rainy-day reading is great when we have the time.

The Spirit Savvy Business gets to the heart-of-the-matter quickly.
It shows you ways to use Spiritual Principles within solid-business principles.
You get tried-and-proven business ideas in a nutshell,
plus we may put you on to a book, magazine, web info

you may want to look at in more detail.

We can also help you on a more personal basis.
Feel free to contact us...

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