Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Spirituality in Business Getting Serious Attention!

by Dale Shumaker

Spirituality in Business
"... the next major business trend"

Patricia Aburdene, Megatrends 2010

As an entrepreneur with a visionary spirit, I look for what is missing that could make a superb difference in the way we do business.

Here is what I have observed. Stephen Covey (The 8th Habit) has expressed it as well. He says we have four intelligences:
Mental intelligence... ability to analyze;
physical intelligence... our body's operational wellness;
emotional intelligence... ability to adjust psychological response;
and Spiritual intelligence... ability to know and create from nothing.

The one intelligence that is extremely underdeveloped is Spiritual Intelligence states Covey. One Spiritual visionary told me we as a society have a Spiritual intelligence at a moronic level... basically not developed at all compared to its intended potential in society by our Creator. It is the most important for the other intelligences to function exceptionally.

Megatrends 2010, says the next major mega-trend will be Spirituality in Business.
According to Megatrends 2010, the benefits are numerous.
--Predictive Intelligence
--Emotional and Physical Healing Power
--Inspired Creative Ideas
--Supernatural Problem Solving
--Powerful, Productive teams
--Expanded Gifts and Abilities
--Heightened Satisfaction and Inner-Peace
Total abilities, well-being and productivity are expanded to advanced levels

(Megatrends 2010 lists case studies which support this).

God created everything from nothing. Jesus showed us how to use what is created Super-Naturally. Spirit is made available as an exceptional intelligent, proactive resource we all can use.

Very few, says Covey, use the Spiritual Intelligence we all possess and it remains relatively under-used, and undeveloped in business process. Following the 90's technology boom, Spirituality is predicted to have the greatest impact on our abilities used for growing businesses.

How do we activate this dormant potential in our lives?

It has to start with you.
Each person must take it upon himself to cultivate interactive Spiritual communication. The Spirit of God Lives in you.

When you give time to develop this Spiritual relationship, within your soul and tie it to your intellect and psychological makeup, you will begin to develop the above qualities. These will become a natural part of you daily. They will be more evident in your daily life.

Take just 15-30 minutes a day and focus on this reality...
The Spirit of God is in you... the same Spirit that created the world and worked the miracles through Jesus' life. This Spirit is part of you.

As you increase awareness of this One Quality, In You, part of you, you begin opening the door for All of God's Potential, which is infinite, to be part of you.

Read the Psalms in the Bible... This will help. Make them a part of your daily reality. David and the other Psalm writers did this. David was a powerful King, a superior warrior, a sensational songwriter and captivating romantic. He took time to reflect, think, meditate on who He was with God. This gave Him great power, wisdom and stamina through all things.

Life can become a place where you see "beyond the natural" experiences part of all you do. You will carry the Supernatural power of God in Spirit in you, through all you do.

Think on this... and integrate it into your self image and encourage others around you to do the same.

Remember.... The Spirit of God actively lives in you.

Recognize what this means.
"His mighty power, Spirit, works in us, and accomplishes even more than we can imagine." (Eph. 3:20)

1 comment:

Jodee Bock said...

Thank you for this insight and for the reference to the 8th Habit. I have the book, but haven't read it yet. I know there's lot of good stuff there and will get getting to it after reading what you've written here.

There was also an article in a recent Worthwhile Magazine issue that talked about SQ - you can check out Worthwhile online at I found that to be extremely interesting and hopeful.

Thanks again for your insight!